  • 他力上游(想出人头地)。
    He fought for room at the top.
  • 政府现在急欲削减该项逆差,乃以经济制裁威胁日本。最后令(美国)再也不能容忍的事件就是:摩托罗拉公司未能取到较大的日本手提电话市场。
    The Administration is now threatening economic sanctions against Japan in a desperate attempt to reduce that deficit. The [last] straw that broke the camel's back was the failure of the Motorola Co. to win a large share of the Japanese cellular phone market.
  • 天晓得这场战何时会结束。
    There is no saying when this war will end.
  • 他一来就要另有一场论了。
    His arrival set the scene for another argument.
  • 你跟她争吵了吗?
    Did you make a scene with her?
  • 跟某人打架[争吵]
    have scrap with sb.
  • 后卫防守在并列球线后面的队员
    The players stationed behind the line of scrimmage.
  • 火热的革命斗争
    a seething revolutionary struggle
  • 两家公司在法院外了结了端。
    The two companies settled out of court.
  • 他们自己把这个论解决了。
    They settled the dispute among themselves.
  • 期间开小差的士兵要受到严惩.
    A soldier who deserts (his post) in time of war is punished severely.
  • 他的那番话引起了这场论。
    What he said was the signal for the argument.
  • 自那次战以来,我曾去该地多次。
    I have been there many times since the war.
  • 想到战他的情绪显得十分低沉。
    His heart sank at the thought of war.
  • 姐妹们, 为捍卫你们的权利而不懈斗!
    Keep fighting for your rights, sisters!
  • 可怜的汤姆把濒于死亡的儿子带去看另一位医生只不过是想取最后一线希望。
    Poor Tom was snatching at straws when he took his dying son to another doctor.
  • 鹬蚌相,渔人得利"
    When the snip and the calm grapple, it is the fisherman who stands to benefit; two dogs strive for a bone, and a third runs away with it"
  • 这些阴谋家,在西班牙问题上,在中国问题上,在奥地利和捷克的问题上,不但并无丝毫制止侵略的意思,而且相反,纵容侵略,挑拨战,使人为鹬蚌,己为渔人,美其名曰“不干涉”,实则是“坐山观虎斗”。
    These crafty politicians were not the least bit interested in checking aggression against Spain, against China, or against Austria and Czechoslovakia; on the contrary, they connived at aggression and instigated war, playing the proverbial role of the fisherman who set the snipe and clam at each other and then took advantage of both. They euphemistically described their actions as "non-intervention", but what they actually did was to "sit on top of the mountain to watch the tigers fight".
  • 简·爱感到她永远无法同这些高雅却势利的人们竞
    Jane feels she can never compete with these snobbish, elegant people.
  • 他们决定以武力解决斗。
    They decided to snoot it out with each other.
  • 我们也清楚知道,香港经济目前正进入一个调整期,这个调整期本来是早晚都要来到,因为我们过去多年长期受到高地价、高通胀和负利率的影响,竞力逐渐落后对手。
    It is also clear that Hong Kong has now entered on period of economic readjustment. This readjustment would have come sooner or later anyhow, because for years we have been troubled by high land prices, soaring inflation and negative interest rates, with the result that our competitiveness has gradually lagged behind that of our competitors.
  • 她极其冷静地回顾了她所经历的那场吵。
    She has the most soberly looked back that field that she goes through to quarrel.
  • 社会主义的资产者愿意要现代社会的生存条件,但是不要由这些条件必然产生的斗和危险。
    The Socialistic bourgeois want all the advantages of modern social conditions without the struggles and dangers necessarily resulting therefrom.
  • 他们在各地都有秘密组织,如闽粤的“三合会”,湘鄂黔蜀的“哥老会”,皖豫鲁等省的“大刀会”,直隶及东三省的“在理会”,上海等处的“青帮”,都曾经是他们的政治和经济斗的互助团体。
    In every part of the country they have their secret societies, which were originally their mutual-aid organizations for political and economic struggle, for instance, the "Triad Society "in Fukien and Kwangtung, the "Society of Brothers "in Hunan, Hupeh, Kweichow and Szechuan, the" Big Sword Society" in Anhwei, Honan and Shantung, the "Rational Life Society" in Chihli and the three northeastern provinces, and "the Green Band" in Shanghai and elsewhere.
  • 损失完全是因为战状态所造成的。
    The loss is due simply and solely to the existence of a state of war.
  • 取获得选票的定单或意见
    To solicit voters, orders, or opinions.
  • 推动以奥林匹克为主题的文学、音乐、美术、摄影、邮品、舞蹈、影视创作,搞好奥运会主题歌的创作、征集、评选和推广活动,力产生一批高水准、特色浓郁的奥运文艺作品。
    Literature, music, art, photography, postal materials, dances, movies and TV dramas with themes focusing on the Olympics will be promoted. Activities will be organized to encourage the writing, solicitation, selection and promotion of the Olympic theme song. These efforts shall help to create a whole range of high-quality and distinct Olympic literature and art works.
  • 在发生关于费用的论后,他解雇了初级律师。
    He sack his solicitor after an argument over cost.
  • 对在这场斗中负伤的几千名解放军指战员、武警指战员和公安干警的同志们表示亲切的慰问!
    I also want to express my sincere solicitude for the thousands of PLA, PAPF and PSP officers and men who have been wounded.
  • "也许有一天,如果他能取到更多些顾客,他会获得优秀报童奖。"
    "Someday, if he gets many more customers, Billy might win a prize for being an outstanding newspaper boy."
  • 学校还应提供许多不同领域的竞机会,这样每个女孩都能从自己喜欢的竞中得到乐趣。
    Schools also need to provide lots of different arenas of competition so that every girl can find someplace where she enjoys competing
  • 勃朗宁,约翰·摩西1855-1926美国武器发明家,他设计了来福枪、自动手枪和被称为“维护和平者”的机枪。后者在美西战中使用,被改制后在第一次世界大战的空战中使用
    British poet. Overcoming ill health and the jealous objections of her tyrannical father, she eloped to Italy with Robert Browning and married him in1846. Her greatest work, Sonnets from the Portuguese(1850), is a sequence of love poems written to her husband.