Chinese English Sentence:
  • 英联在第一次世界大战前曾是一个强大的帝国。
    The United Kingdom was a mighty empire before World War I.
  • 通信委员会(fcc)为各种通信应用分配频率,以达到合理的频谱分割并使用户间的干扰减至最小。
    The assignments of frequencies by the FCC for various communications uses to achieve a fair division of the available spectrum and to minimize interference among users.
  • 格兰特的维克伯格战役为联挽救了整个密西西比
    Grant's Vicksburg campaign secured the entire Mississippi for the Union.
  • 我已经祝福了他,使他多子多孙,使他的后代繁衍兴旺。他会成为十二个王子之父,我要使他身后形成一个大
    I will multiply his descendants; he shall be father of twelve princes, and I will raise a great nation from him.
  •  近日美国美国哥伦比亚巡回地区上诉法院作出判决:联监狱中的囚犯不得在狱中弹奏电吉他,因为宪法没有赋予他们这样的权利。尽管宪法规定囚犯有权在狱中用音乐表达自己,但该法院认为这一禁令并不与之冲突。
    Inmates do not have a constitutional right to play electric guitar in federal prison, a U.S. appeals court ruled. The U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit upheld a ban on guitars, keyboards or other electronic instruments for federal prisoners, ruling it does not violate their constitutional right to express themselves musically.
  • 英联农业局国际真菌学研究所
    International Mycological Institute , C. A. B.
  • 位于东北印度的阿萨姆的土著或者居民。
    native or inhabitant of the state of Assam in NE India.
  • 印度的一个住在奥里萨及其邻近地区的民族的人。
    a member of a people in India living in Orissa and neighboring areas.
  • 卡诺尼日利亚中北部一城市,位于拉哥斯东北部。17和18世纪,该市为势力强大的豪萨人的城,1903年被英国人占领。现在,该市为尼日利亚北部主要的工业城市。人口475,000
    A city of north-central Nigeria northeast of Lagos. A powerful Hausa city-state, particularly in the17th and18th centuries, it was taken by the British in1903. It is now the chief industrial city of northern Nigeria. Population,475, 000.
  • 伊巴丹尼日利亚西南一城市,位于拉各斯西北偏北。19世纪30年代作为一个军事营地而建立;后发展成为一个强大的约鲁巴城。现在是一个重要的工商业中心。人口1,009,400
    A city of southwest Nigeria north-northwest of Lagos. Founded in the1830's as a military camp, it developed into a powerful Yoruba city-state and is now a major commercial and industrial center. Population,1, 009, 400.
  • 她刚到达异的那几天简直像是一场噩梦
    Her first few days in that foreign land was a total nightmare
  • 她刚到达异的那几天简直像是一场噩梦。
    Her first few days in that foreign land were a total nightmare.
  • 会议以肖的夜曲结束。
    The concert closed with a nocturne by Chopin.
  • 在宾西法尼亚大街1600号,有一座引人注目的建筑,它由国家园林机构命名为联地产中的“一号专用地”。
    The imposing structure at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue is known as Reservation One in the National Park Service's nomenclature of federal properties.
  • 主张美国各州可以拒绝联法律者相信把州对国会法令的拒绝执行作为美国各州拒抗联法律的方法的人
    One who believes in nullification as a means by which U.S. states may resist federal laws.
  • 我们美利坚合众国的人民,为了组织一个更完善的联,树立正义,保障国内的安宁,建立共同的国防,增进全民福利和确保我们自己及我们後代能安享自由带来的幸福,乃为美利坚合众国制定和确立这一部宪法。
    We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.
  • 麦勒迪斯,詹姆斯·霍华德生于1933美国民权倡导者,在1963年进入历来实行种族隔离的密西西比大学,并引发了一场骚乱,那些不顾联政府和平解决种族平等待遇的呼吁的州府官员们对这场骚乱起了推动作用
    British writer of novels, such as The Ordeal of Richard Feverel(1859), and poetic works, including Modern Love(1862).
  • 无论何时,当渥太华的联政府试图行使它的权力时,加拿大的10个省都坚定地寸步不让。
    Canada's 10 provinces dig in their heels any time the Federal Government in Ottawa tries to exercise its power.
  • 1997年,监管联统计行为的管理与预算办公室批准一项指令,即人们可以填上自己所有的种族归属。
    In 1997, the Office of Management and Budget, which oversees federal statistical practices, approved a directive allowing people to check as many racial boxes as they believe apply to them.
  • 如果联储备局过度热衷寻求强势美元……那么我们可能导致像去年夏末一样再一次短期利率升高,那将使我们再度失败。
    If the Fed becomes overzealous in the pursuit of a stronger dollar…then we cold wind up with another uptick in short-term interest rate like we had late last summer, and it would pull the rug out from under us again.
  • 当时项羽接连攻下荥阳、成皋,刘几乎溃不成军。
    At first Hsiang Yu captured Hsingyang and Chengkao and Liu Pang's troops were almost routed.
  • 公元前二○三年,汉王刘和楚王项羽曾相持于此。
    It was the scene of battles fought in 203 B.C. between Liu Pang, King of Han, and Hsiang Yu, King of Chu.
  • 从秦朝的陈胜、吴广、项羽、刘起,中经汉朝的新市、平林、赤眉、铜马和黄巾,隋朝的李密、窦建德,唐朝的王仙芝、黄巢,宋朝的宋江、方腊,元朝的朱元璋,明朝的李自成,直至清朝的太平天国,总计大小数百次的起义,都是农民的反抗运动,都是农民的革命战争。
    There were hundreds of uprisings, great and small, all of them peasant revolts or peasant revolutionary wars -- from the uprisings of Chen Sheng, Wu Kuang, Hsiang Yu and Liu Pang in the Chin Dynasty, those of Hsinshih, Pinglin, the Red Eyebrows, the Bronze Horses and the Yellow Turbans in the Han Dynasty, those of Li Mi and Tou Chien-teh in the Sui Dynasty, those of Wang Hsien chih and Huang Chaol in the Tang Dynasty, those of Sung Chiang and Fang La in the Sung Dynasty, that of Chu Yuan-chang in the Yuan Dynasty, and that of Li Tzu-cheng in the Ming Dynasty, down to the uprising known as the War of the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom in the Ching Dynasty.
  • 后虽被保释,但直到1955年离开美国前始终受到美国移民局的限制和联调查局的监视。
    Although he was later released on parole, he was subject to restriction by the US Immigration Service and supervision by the Federal Bureau of Investigation until he left the United States in 1955.
  • 2001年,五国--中国、法国、俄罗斯联、联合王国和美国--共分摊了维持和平费用的47%左右(与1998年的49%和1992年的57%相比有所下降)。
    In 2001, the five – China, France, the Russian Federation, the United Kingdom and the United States – were assessed some 47 per cent of peacekeeping costs (down from 49 per cent in 1998 and 57 per cent in 1992).
  • 联合国维持和平行动由安全理事会确立。安理会的五个常任理事国--中国、法国、俄罗斯联、联合王国和美国--中的任何一个国家可以否决安理会的决定。
    UN peacekeeping operations are established by the Security Council, where decisions are subject to veto by any of the Council's five permanent members — China, France, the Russian Federation, the United Kingdom and the United States.
  • 中国各少数民族年节习俗丰富多彩。如:藏族的藏历新年、“雪顿节”,回、维吾尔等民族的“开斋节”、“古尔节”,蒙古族的“那达慕”,傣族的“泼水节”,彝族的“火把节”,等等。
    Ethnic minorities have rich traditions of festivals, including the New Year and Shoton (Yogurt) Festival of the Tibetan people, the Fast-breaking and Corban festivals of the Hui and Uygur peoples, the Nadam Fair of the Mongolian people, the Water Sprinkling Festival of the Dai people and the Torch Festival of the Yi people.
  • 此外,联政府或州政府定期派人检查以保证没人非法地擅自挪用这些基金。
    In addition, the Federal or state government sends inspectors around periodically to make certain that no one is illegally helping himself to the funds.
  • 就那些已经在政治上联合起来的各省、各州、备来说,持久和平的状态是存在的;
    Among the provinces and states which are already politically united, there exists a state of perpetual peace;
  • 关于或类似于乌托的。
    pertaining to or resembling Utopia.
  • 彼得斯说,“虽然就经济而言,联储备银行最好不闻不问,可是从政治观点来说,却又不能置之不理。”
    "Politically, the Fed cannot afford to sit on its hands, even though economically that might be the best thing for them to do," said Phillip E.Peters, …
  • 200年前,来自北美的13个殖民地的人相聚费城,制订出了一部联宪法。
    Tow centuries ago, men from 13 colonies in North America met in Philadelphia and hammered out a federal constitution.