  • 一种高的、具有柔且直立的茎或呈拱形茎的灯心草属植物,在北美属于一种常见植物,在欧亚大陆、澳大利亚和新西兰也可以见到。
    tall rush with soft erect or arching stems found in Eurasia, Australia, New Zealand, and common in North America.
  • 一般而言,信息定制件具以有下结构特性:
    In general, information customization software has the following sorts of architectural properties:
  • 联合体的成员可以是任何一样东西,如文件服务器、台式pc机,大哥大(移动电话)、磁盘阵列、打印机或者件对象。
    Members of a federation can be just about anything, such as file servers, desktop PCs, cell phones, disk arrays, printers, or software objects.
  • 他们有些人遭到了禁。
    Some of them were placed under house arrest.
  • 一种稀有的、质地柔的橙色矿物,由硫化砷组成,是重要的砷矿石。
    a rare soft orange mineral consisting of arsenic sulphide; an important ore of arsenic.
  • 甲状物与甲状腺或甲状骨相联系的动脉、静脉、神经或其它部分
    An artery, a vein, a nerve, or another part associated with the thyroid gland or thyroid cartilage.
  • 医生要她每天数次用几分钟时间弯曲和舒展手指,以尽量使发炎的关节保持柔
    The doctor told her to spend a few minutes crooking and uncrooking her fingers, several times a day, in order to keep the arthritic joints as supple as possible.
  • 骨关节炎一种症状为关节处骨产生慢性退化的关节炎,多见于老年人
    A form of arthritis, occurring mainly in older persons, that is characterized by chronic degeneration of the cartilage of the joints.
  • (其他动物的)齿非脊椎动物的类似器官,例如节肢动物的外骨骼或体动物的外壳上的尖锐小齿或小突起
    A similar structure in invertebrates, such as one of the pointed denticles or ridges on the exoskeleton of an arthropod or the shell of a mollusk.
  • 微动关节允许轻微运动的位于多骨表皮之间的关节,如脊椎骨之间的关节,由肌键或弹性骨联接
    A type of articulation between bony surfaces that permits limited motion and is connected by ligaments or elastic cartilage, such as that between the vertebrae.
  • 天门冬属一种欧亚大陆植物的柔的嫩芽(药用芦笋天门冬属)可作蔬菜食用
    The tender young shoots of a Eurasian plant(Asparagus officinalis), eaten as a vegetable.
  • 木如针枞木、白杨或松木等用于造纸的
    Soft wood, such as spruce, aspen, or pine, used in making paper.
  • 这是假设他们能像过去的微公司那样工作。
    That is assuming that they can react like the Microsoft of old.
  • 对绿色、蓝色和紫色光线敏感的照相片。
    a photographic film sensitive to green and blue and violet light.
  • 这个橘子很软。
    This orange is soft.
  • 这些特殊设备将支持的从声音识别到虚拟现实的系列应用件,也将会非常令人震惊。
    And the range of applications these extraordinary devices will support, from voice recognition to virtual reality, will very likely be astounding
  • eai件是通过把接口附加到应用程序上而获得对各种不同应用程序的访问。
    EAI software gains access to various applications by attaching interfaces to them.
  • 在反垄断诉讼案中败诉,盖茨的竞争对手把他说成是野蛮的匈奴,对此盖茨感到既痛苦又愤怒。
    Defeated in court and depicted by rivals as a corportate Attila the Hun, he seemed bitter and angry.
  • 澳洲东部一种广泛分布的乔木,生产一种耐用纤维,木材轻而,纹理美丽;其叶为牲畜的一种重要救急饲料。
    widely distributed tree of eastern Australia yielding a tough durable fiber and soft light attractively grained wood; foliage is an important emergency food for cattle.
  • 我有两年多会计工作经验,包括去年在微公司北京办事处做实习计员。
    I have more than two years of accounting experience, including interning as an Auditor last year with the Beijing office of Microsoft.
  • 由于经济疲,同时在伊拉克八月入侵科威特引发了战争的威胁,因而汽油及取暖燃油涨价以后,消费者乃减少开支。
    Consumers cut spending as the economy weakened and after the Iraqi invasion of Kuwait on Aug.2 raised the specter of war, inflating prices of gasoline and heating oil.
  • 设计ip电话件交换机是用来替代和/或增强那些基于电路技术的电信设备。
    An IP telephony software switch is designed to replace and/or augment any telecommunications device that uses circuit-based technology.
  • 在计算机保安技术中,自动化信息系统发现硬、件故障或错误时,为使系统不致于瘫痪而自动终止程序或处理系统的运行,以便保护它们。
    In computer security, automatic termination and protection of programs and/or processing systems when a hardware or software failure is detected in an automated information system.
  • 为了推动把更多的应用程序放在现行台式系统上,微公司正在编写放入office和其它应用程序的activex部件,并把activex部件自动生成作visualbasic(vb)的一部分。
    In order to push more applications onto the active desktop, Microsoft is writing ActiveX components into Office and other applications and making automated ActiveX component creation a part of Visual Basic.
  • 如今的机构已经配置了各种各样的办公室自动化硬件和件,包括电话及计算机系统、电子邮件、字处理、桌面印刷系统数据库管理系统、双向电缆电视、办公室对办公室的卫星广播。
    Today's organizations have a variety of office automation hardware and software components at their disposal.
  • web网页面出版件的易得性,将对新的internet的增长继续做出贡献。
    The wide availability of Web-page publishing software will continue to contribute to the growth of the new Internet.
  • 高可用性系统基本上是件解决方案,附带支持硬件,但容错解决方案正好相反:以硬件方案为主,附带支持件。
    Although high-availability systems are primarily software solutions with supporting hardware, fault-tolerant solutions are the opposite: hardware solutions with supporting software.
  • 水草一种生在水中的东半球植物(黑藻黑藻属),叶片呈螺纹形、矛状,雌雄异株,花为单生、腋生
    A submersed Old World Plant(Hydrilla verticillata) having whorled, lance-shaped leaves and unisexual, solitary, axillary flowers.
  • 非洲西部的大乔木,叶大,掌状,有裂片,腋生聚伞花序,小白花形成圆锥花序,单翅种子;木材白色至淡黄色,柔
    large west African tree having large palmately lobed leaves and axillary cymose panicles of small white flowers and one-winged seeds; yields soft white to pale yellow wood.
  • 下疳一种而具高度传染性的生殖器官区的非梅毒性病溃疡,由细菌杜雷克嗜血杆菌引起
    A soft, highly infectious, nonsyphilitic venereal ulcer of the genital region, caused by the bacillus Hemophilus ducreyi.
  • 枯草杆菌素一种从菌系(枯草芽孢杆菌属)中获得的多肽抗菌素,在对某种细菌传染病,尤指那些由球菌引起的传染病的治疗中用作局部
    A polypeptide antibiotic obtained from a strain of a bacterium(Bacillus subtilis) and used as a topical ointment in the treatment of certain bacterial infections, especially those caused by cocci.
  • 无脊椎动物缺少脊骨或脊柱的动物,例如昆虫或体动物
    An animal, such as an insect or a mollusk, that lacks a backbone or spinal column.