  • 斯特干酪类似于切达干酪的一种干奶酪,通常为黄色
    A hard cheese similar to Cheddar and usually orange.
  • 加尼特,康斯坦茨·布克1861-1946英国的一位俄国文学翻译家,把托尔斯泰、陀思妥耶夫斯基和契诃夫介绍给了讲英语的国家
    British translator of Russian literature who introduced the works of Tolstoy, Dostoevsky, and Chekhov to the English-speaking world.
  • “那么多人关注着切尔西——而切尔西则把目光投向了杰米。”
    “Lots of people paid attention to Chelsea but Chelsea paid attention to Jeremy.
  • 朋友们说,20岁的切尔西和21岁的杰米·凯因已经在斯坦福大学相爱一年多了——两人一起出去吃饭,看电影,手拉手漫步艺术画廊。
    Friends say Chelsea, 20, and Jeremy Kane, 21, have been sweethearts at Stanford University for over a year??dining out, going to movies and strolling hand in hand through art galleries.
  • 卡罗瑟斯,华士·休谟1896-1937美国化学家,发明了合成材料尼龙,1937年被授予专利权
    American chemist who developed the synthetic material nylon, which was patented in1937.
  • 尤里,哈罗德·克顿1893-1981美国化学家,因发现氘(重氢)获得1934年诺贝尔奖
    American chemist. He won a1934 Nobel Prize for his discovery of heavy hydrogen.
  • 选举结束时,科斯特洛已经结识了一个71岁的新朋友李正富。他对这位曾在抗日战争中驾驶美制雪佛大卡车的村民说:“我的父辈也参加了第二次世界大战,与您并肩抗击日本、德国法西斯,我们是同一战壕的。”
    Upon the conclusion of the election, Charles made friends with 71-year-old Li Zhengfu who participated in the war against Japanese aggression, driving an US-made Chevrolet truck. Charles told Li, "My father also took part in World War II and fought shoulder to shoulder with you against Japanese and German fascists. We were in the same trench.''
  • 蒙大拿州大瀑布大学从事科学技术人文研究的克里斯·哈布斯·格雷教授说:"事实上,这种芯片可以具有信用卡或者类似的功能。
    "Down the line, it could be used [as] credit cards and such," says Chris Hables Gray, a professor of cultural studies of science and technology at the University of Great Falls in Montana.
  • 克里斯蒂娜·阿吉拉于1980年12月18日生于纽约。
    Christina Aguilera was born December 18,1980,New York.
  • 父母们说,像布特妮-斯皮尔斯和克莉丝汀-阿奎拉这样的年轻性感明星的出现对孩子们产生了很大的影响,孩子们在开学之初相互攀比,竟相购买新衣服。
    Some parents say sexy young stars like Britney Spears and Christina Aguilera have made back-to-school shopping a battle.
  • 克里斯蒂娜在新年一开始就在"超级碗"比赛中场休息时同恩里克·伊格西亚斯表演精彩的二重唱,菲尔·柯林斯和托尼·布拉克斯顿也参加了演出。
    Christina's new year started with a great duet performance with Enrique Iglesias at the Super Bowl Half Time Show which also featured Phil Collins and Toni Braxton.
  • 与克里斯蒂娜·阿吉拉的夏秋季巡回演出在进行中,尽管富兰克林在仅加盟"命运之子"5个月后便宣布退出从而使这些计划复杂起来。
    A summer and fall tour with Christina Aguilera is in the works,although those plans have now been complicated by Franklin's announcement that she has left Destiny's Child,a mere five months after joining the group.
  • 人…不应该将自己的行为限制在由僵化的条文构成的不可变通的范围之内(约翰·斯图尔特·布基)
    A man... should not circumscribe his activity by any inflexible fence of rigid rules(John Stuart Blackie).
  • 檬一种带刺的灌木或热带乔木(来檬柑桔属),源于亚洲,有强韧的叶子、芳香的白色花朵和可食果实
    A spiny evergreen shrub or tree(Citrus aurantifolia), native to Asia and having leathery leaves, fragrant white flowers, and edible fruit.
  • 彬格小姐冷淡而有礼貌地说:“你放心好啦,老太太,班纳特小姐待在我们这儿,我们一定尽心尽意地照顾她。”
    "You may depend upon it, Madam," said Miss Bingley, with cold civility, "that Miss Bennet shall receive every possible attention while she remains with us."
  • 尔·乔伊斯和凯特·杰尔这对总统候选人,有个简单的使命就是:像慈母般照管这个国家,让每个人吃派并在夜里给他们掖好被子让他们安睡。
    Clair Joyce and Kate Legere, the presidential hopefuls, have a simple mission: to mother the nation by feeding everyone pie and tucking them into bed at night.
  • 每年有数百人死于高速[警匪]追逐,情况越来越令人警惕。全国各地警察单位,各州以及联邦立法机关,正在限制疯狂的好坞式的追逐……。
    Increasingly alarmed by high-speed pursuits that are killing hundreds of people every year, police departments around the country, as well as state and Federal lawmakers, are clamping down on the wild, Hollywood-style chases??
  • 安吉尔・克使他的父亲十分失望,先是他不信奉国教的观点,后来又顾虑重重,不愿意当牧师。
    Angel Clare had sadly disappointed his father, first by nonconformist views and then by sincere scruples against taking orders.
  • 奥金莱克,c.j.e.
    Claude John Eyre Auchinleck (1884~1981)
  • 首任农业部长是诺曼考尔曼,他是被科夫兰德任命的。
    the first Secretary of Agriculture was Norman J. Colman, who was appointed by Cleveland.
  • 佩奇,罗伊·罗伯特1906-1982美国棒球运动员,当他加入克里夫兰印第安队时(1948年)他成为美国联盟中第一个黑人投球手
    American baseball player who became the first Black pitcher in the American League when he joined the Cleveland Indians(1948).
  • 《一分钟经理》的作者之一肯尼恩·布恩查德赞同上述观点,他说要善于发现下属做对的事情,然后把它告诉每个人。
    Kenneth Blanchard, coauthor of The One?Minute Manager, agrees. "Catch people doing something right!" he says. Then tell everone about it.
  • 文农说公司专营的这种化学混合物是绝对保密的,他称之为“可口可乐配方”,它所调制出的电池内含物就像打印机的油墨一样。
    Levanon says the company's proprietary chemical combination -- so secretive that he calls them the " Coca? Cola formulas" -- results in battery materials that are like printer's ink.
  • 多尔带领的顾问团有一名叫科林·布克默的教授说:“证据显示,住在高压电线附近的人,得癌症的危险系数稍微增大了。
    Professor Colin Blakemore, a member of Doll's group, said:"The evidence is that there is a slightly elevated risk of cancer near to power lines.
  • 耶鲁,伊休1649-1721生于殖民地的英国商人和慈善家,曾向康涅狄格的学院做过一系列捐献,为纪念他更名为耶鲁(1718年)。
    Colonial-born English merchant and philanthropist who made a series of contributions to the Collegiate School in Connecticut, which was renamed in Yale's honor(1718).
  • 马尼萨斯哥伦比亚中西部一城市,位于波哥大西部,是重要的咖啡产区的商业中心。人口275,220人
    A city of west-central Colombia west of Bogot? It is a commercial center in an important coffee-producing region. Population,275, 220.
  • 《海峡时报》专栏作者朱达·依布拉欣曾经正确地指出,如果作为"中庸回教徒"意味着其他回教徒会认为他们不够虔诚,回教徒将很不愿意接受这个标签。
    Zuraidah Ibrahim, Straits Times' columnist, correctly said that Muslims are reluctant to be labelled as "moderate Muslims" if it means that they are defined as being less religious.
  • 怀特公司开始同布克公司竞争。
    The White Company started against the Black Company.
  • 对于很多非科技人员来说,德克斯勒的设计介于科学和想像之间而给人以强烈的印象。
    To many nonscientists, Drexier's projections for nanotechnology straddled the border between science and fiction in a compelling way.
  • 她的拒绝并没有使达西觉得难过。达西正在相当高兴地想念着她,恰巧彬格小姐走过来招呼他:
    Her resistance had not injured her with the gentleman, and he was thinking of her with some complacency, when thus accosted by Miss Bingley.
  • 另一个难题是弗德拒绝乘飞机旅行。
    A further complication is Fred's refusal to travel by air.
  • 另一个难题是弗德拒绝乘飞机旅行。
    A further complication is Fred 's refusal to travel by air.