  • 广告登出后,我们收到雪片涌来的大批信件。
    (fig 比喻) We received an avalanche of letters in reply to our advertisement.
  • 销售额高低不同的月份按全年统算达到一水平。
    Months of high and low sales average out over the year.
  • 不,一般。
    No. just an average player.
  • 他们的语言能力的发展低于一水平。
    Their language development is below average.
  • 为什么一女演员挣的钱比一男演员要少?
    Why does the average actress get less than the average actor?
  • 哈利的功课在中等以下,吉姆的功课刚到达一水平。
    Harry is below average in his lessons and Jim is about up to the average.
  • 的医生:5.5万美元。
    $ 55, 000 for the average doctor
  • 的科学家:2.4万美元。
    $ 24,000 for the average scientist
  • 空运保险一要比海运保险便宜。
    Generally speaking, aviation insurance is much cheaper than marine insurance.
  • 美国人的食谱和安全考虑相结合产生了一种低度啤酒,这种啤酒所含热量低,酒精浓度也低,而且(真正恐怖的成就)甚至比一的美国啤酒味道还要淡。
    American dietary and safety concerns have married one another in the form of light beer, which is lower in calories,lower in alcohol, and (a truly awesome achievement)even lower in flavour than the usual American beer.
  • 概念普遍的或抽象的概念或术语,认为是绝对的或自明的
    A general or abstract concept or term considered absolute or axiomatic.
  • 中心销连接马车或其它车辆的车身和它的前轴的垂直栓销,一起枢轴作用
    A vertical bolt that joins the body of a wagon or other vehicle to its front axle and usually acts as a pivot.
  • 反语法,词语反用法为表达出讽刺或幽默效果,使用的单词或短语意义与一意义相反,如不过是40岁的婴儿
    The use of a word or phrase in a sense contrary to its normal meaning for ironic or humorous effect, as in a mere babe of40 years.
  • —有时是一队队的穿白色制服的兵士,穿灰色制服的兵士,和佩着金黄色的肩章的军官,踏步前进,发生战斗,最后又退却了,那些穿白色制服的兵士突然换上了橙黄色的制服,那些穿灰色制服的兵士似乎换上了紫色制服,而背景却满布着火焰的金黄的虹色。
    now showing armies of white-clad and gray-uniformed armies and officers with golden epaulets, marching and counter-marching and united in combat and retreating again. As the battle and the chase were going on, the stage-lights changed, and the soldiers in white uniform burst out in orange and the soldiers in gray uniforms seemed to don purple, while the backdrop was a flaming iridescent gold.
  • 他们的言行意义非同一……人们信任他们的警徽和警徽代表的含义。”
    “Their word means a lot ... and people believe in that badge and what it represents.
  • 话虽说得不好,他眼前却浮现出萨莱纳克鲁兹那个炎热的星夜的丰富景象。狭长的海滩的白影,港口运糖船的灯光,远处喝醉了酒的水手们的哈喝,熙熙攘攘的码头苦力,墨西哥人那满脸的怒气,他的眼睛在星光下闪出野兽一的凶光,钢铁在自己脖于上的刺痛和热血的流淌。人群,惊呼,他和墨西哥人躯体扭结,滚来滚去,踢起了沙尘。而在辽远的某个地点却有柔美的吉他声珍珍珠综传来。
    Baldly as he had stated it, in his eyes was a rich vision of that hot, starry night at Salina Cruz, the white strip of beach, the lights of the sugar steamers in the harbor, the voices of the drunken sailors in the distance, the jostling stevedores, the flaming passion in the Mexican's face, the glint of the beast-eyes in the starlight, the sting of the steel in his neck, and the rush of blood, the crowd and the cries, the two bodies, his and the Mexican's, locked together, rolling over and over and tearing up the sand, and from away off somewhere the mellow tinkling of a guitar.
  • 我和雅克住的房间虽大,但是一张巨大的、铺羽毛褥垫的床却使它显得窄小起来。那床巨大无比,简直和网球场一样大,像用一捆捆干草垫起来似地那厚实。
    The room Jacques and I occupied, though large, was dwarfed by an immense feather bed. It was a bed to end all beds, almost as big as a tennis court and as thick as a bale of hay.
  • 我们滑冰的身姿构成一幅优美的画面,犹如芭蕾一
    We made a very elegant sight. Like a ballet.
  • 传单从汽球上像雨点落到人群中。
    Leaflets were raining on the crowd from the balloon.
  • 投票结束后,一都是即日当众开箱、检票、唱票、计票、公布选举结果,并颁布当选证书。
    After balloting, the general practice is to open the ballot boxes, inspect the ballot-slips, call out the names of those voted for, count votes and declare the election results in public on the same day, and then confer certificates to those elected.
  • 新的建筑物如雨后春笋大批出现。
    New buildings sprang up like bamboo shoots after a spring rain.
  • 黑曜岩火山玻璃,一为黑色,带状,摔碎时色泽光亮,表面变曲,由火山熔岩迅速凝而成
    A usually black or banded, hard volcanic glass that displays shiny, curved surfaces when fractured and is formed by rapid cooling of lava.
  • 对于禁牌、赌、鸦片和清匪,农民协会是博得一人的同情的。
    In prohibiting gaming, gambling and opium-smoking, and in eliminating banditry, the peasant associations have won general approval.
  • 卡尔曾经在那些地狱的大都市流浪街头。
    Carl has carried the banner in infernal metropolises.
  • 婚事连续3个星期在教堂公布。
    Usually the banns are put up in church for three weeks.
  • 我想巴巴拉一定是掌握了斯蒂芬的某些秘密,他对她百行迁就。
    I think Barbara must have something on Stephen the way he tolerates her insubordination.
  • 杰夫:可不是,顾拜旦亲自起草了运动员宣誓誓词,一由主办国著名运动员宣读誓词。
    Jeff: Of course. Mr. Baron de Coubertin wrote the oath for the athletes, and a famous athlete from the host country will read that out.
  • 不说“sir福特”,或“madam史密斯”。只有在英国才把“sir”用于称呼“骑士”或“爵士”,比如“约翰爵士”(sir约翰),而他的妻子则称为“史密斯贵妇”(lady史密斯)。
    Don't say "Sir Ford", "Madam Smith" except when "sir" is used as the title of a knight or baronet in England, e.g. Sir John. His wife is addressed as Dame of Lady Smith.
  • 继续往深处挖掘,我想起了训练小狗保持卫生习惯的事儿。就在埃德下班回家前小狗已在沙发椅里撒了尿,于是待他一回家,我便给了他一顿连珠炮地责骂,说我是如何如何地讨厌那条该死的狗。
    Digging deeper, I recalled when we were housebreaking a puppy, and just before Ed got home from work, the pup relieved herself on the couch. As Ed walked in, he got a barrage from me about how I hated his darn dog.
  • 说来,除了法国5万新教徒被大屠杀外,圣巴肖罗缪已不被记起了,因为那次大屠杀是在1572年圣巴肖罗缪节那天开始的。
    Generally speaking, St. Bartholomew isn't remembered today except for the massacre of nearly 50, 000 Protestants in France. For the massacre began on his feast day in 1572.
  • 因为这些曲曲折折的行为可说是蛇走路的方法,蛇是不用脚而是很卑贱地用肚子走路的。没有一件恶德能和被人发现是虚伪欺诈一使人蒙羞的。
    which goeth basely upon the belly, and not upon the feet There is no vice, that doth so cover a man with shame, as to be found false, and perfidious.
  • 来说,只要有克鲁斯出演的电影都能成为票房热门。
    Basically, any movie that featured Cruise was a box-office hit.