  • 伊丽莎感激不尽地答应了,接下来就是差人上浪博恩去,把她在这儿暂住的事情告诉她家里一声,同时叫她家里给她带些衣服来。
    Elizabeth most thankfully consented, and a servant was dispatched to Longbourn to acquaint the family with her stay, and bring back a supply of clothes.
  • 为便于贵方熟悉我方交易条件,随附我方空订货确认书一份,供贵方参考。
    To acquaint you with our purchase terms, we enclose a blank form of our confirmation of order for your reference.
  • 用直尺画或者做标记;用于页边空
    mark or draw with a ruler; of margins.
  • 把兰姆酒和兰地加到蛋酒中
    Laced the eggnog with rum and brandy.
  • 威士忌、兰地、杜松子酒、朗姆酒都是烈酒.
    Whisky, brandy, gin and rum are all spirits.
  • 与葡萄酒和啤酒相比,威士忌、兰地和朗姆酒属于烈性酒。
    Whiskey, brandy, and rum are strong drinks compared with wine or beer.
  • 鸡尾酒、兰地、葡萄酒、饭后酒、苏格兰威士忌、爱尔兰威士忌、兰姆酒、杜松子酒、伏特加酒、进口啤酒。
    Cocktail, Brandies, Wines, Liqueur, Scotch, Irish, Rum, Gin, Vodka, Imported Beer.
  • 有,先生,您看“椰树甘露”如何?是朗姆酒、椰味奶油和菠萝汁调成的,是我们酒吧的特色酒。
    Yes, sir. How about Dina Colada made with white rum, coconut cream and pineapple juice? It's one of our bar favorites.
  • 蛋奶酒用牛奶或奶油、糖和蛋搅拌而成,通常混有朗姆酒或兰地等酒的饮料
    A drink consisting of milk or cream, sugar, and eggs beaten together and often mixed with an alcoholic liquor such as rum or brandy.
  • 屈莱弗甜食涂了果酱、果冻、牛奶蛋糊和掼奶油并在雪莉酒、朗姆酒或兰地中浸渍的蛋糕甜食
    A dessert typically consisting of plain or sponge cake soaked in sherry, rum, or brandy and topped with layers of jam or jelly, custard, and whipped cream.
  • 用浪姆酒和兰地或含有糖浆的甜茶混合而成的鸡尾酒。
    make of rums and brandy and water or tea sweetened with sugar syrup.
  • 密苏拉湖泄人低地,轰隆隆、泛着沫的洪水上到处是冰堰的碎片。
    Lake Missoula spilled out onto the lowlands in a rumbling, frothy flood peppered by chunks of the shattered ice dam.
  • 霍加x非洲刚果河盆地的一种反刍类森林哺乳动物(霍加x),与长颈鹿为同一科属,但更小一些,颈短,有红褐色躯体,奶色的面颊,腿部有略带色的条危f
    A ruminant forest mammal(Okapia johnstoni) of the Congo River basin in Africa, related to the giraffe but smaller and having a short neck, reddish-brown body, creamy white cheeks, and whitish stripes and bands on the legs.
  • 我在厨房里翻箱倒柜找了20分钟,才拖出一个色大搪瓷罐。
    I rummaged for 20 minutes in the kitchen cabinet and pulled out a huge white enamel pot.
  • 北美洲和欧亚大陆有特别的色尾部的小歌鸟。
    small songbird of northern America and Eurasia having a distinctive white rump.
  • 穗?一种小歌?鸟(穗?)有灰色的背,胸部呈暗黄色,腰部色,在大多数北部地区空旷开阔地带可以找到
    A small thrush(Oenanthe oenanthe) having a gray back, buff breast, and white rump, found in open areas of most northern regions.
  • 扑动鴷北美洲多种大的扑动鴷属啄木鸟中的一种,尤指扑动鴷,通常长着褐色的背部、带斑点的胸部和色的尾部
    Any of various large North American woodpeckers of the genus Colaptes, especially C. auratus, the common flicker, having a brown back, spotted breast, and white rump.
  • 乌头一种毛茛属通常有毒的多年生草本植物,有管状的根,掌状裂叶,蓝色或色的冠状萼片的花,和骨突的集合
    Any of various, usually poisonous perennial herbs of the genus Aconitum, having tuberous roots, palmately lobed leaves, blue or white flowers with large hoodlike upper sepals, and an aggregate of follicles.
  • 乌头属的众多通常是有毒的植物中的任何一种,具有块根,掌状分裂的叶子和蓝色或色的花。
    any of various usually poisonous plants of the genus Aconitum having tuberous roots and palmately lobed leaves and blue or white flowers.
  • 自白自愿坦白真相
    A voluntary acknowledgment of truth.
  • 坦白承认直率地承认
    A frank admission or acknowledgment.
  • 侵袭玉米的一种常见的黑穗病,导致灰色的膨胀,破裂并暴露出黑色的孢子块。
    a common smut attacking Indian corn causing grayish white swellings that rupture to expose a black spore mass.
  • 网坛美少女库尔尼科娃,她快速奔向网前的身姿,多么像《天鹅湖》中的天鹅兴高采烈地扑向王子的舞姿。
    Kournikova is a beautiful girl of the tennis world. Her posture rushing to the net resembles the white swan's posture in "Swan Sake" rushing to the prince happily.
  • 安妮:网坛美少女库尔尼科娃,她快速奔向网前的身姿,多么像《天鹅湖》中的天鹅兴高采烈地扑向王子的舞姿。
    Annie: Koumikova is a beautiful girl of the tennis world. Her posture rushing to the net resembles the white swan's posture in "Swan Lake" rushing to the prince happily.
  • 大型健壮的长毛黑色瑞士狗,腿部有深褐色或黄褐色的斑点,脚和胸部有斑;以前用于驮重物。
    large powerful long-haired black-coated Swiss dog with deep tan or russet markings on legs and white blaze and feet and chest marking; formerly used for draft.
  • 现在是“阳春雪”和“下里巴人”⑼统一的问题,是提高和普及统一的问题。
    The question now is to bring about a unity between "The Spring Snow" and the "Song of the Rustic Poor", between higher standards and popularization.
  • 就算你的是“阳春雪”吧,这暂时既然是少数人享用的东西,群众还是在那里唱“下里巴人”,那末,你不去提高它,只顾骂人,那就怎样骂也是空的。
    Your work may be as good as "The Spring Snow", but if for the time being it caters only to the few and the masses are still singing the "Song of the Rustic poor",[8] you will get nowhere by simply scolding them instead of trying to raise their level.
  • 原发性的蛋质中胺酸排列的或与蛋质中胺酸排列有关的
    Of, relating to, or being the sequence of amino acids in a protein.
  • 一种主要含碱性氨基酸的简单蛋质,与核酸一起存在于细胞核内。
    a simple protein containing mainly basic amino acids; present in cell nuclei in association with nucleic acids.
  • 北美洲砖红或铁锈红色的蝙蝠,毛发的尖部为色。
    North American brick or rusty red bat with hairs tipped with white.
  • 水解时只产生氨基酸的蛋质。
    a protein that yields only amino acids when hydrolyzed.
  • 一种由氨基酸和其他物质合成的蛋质。
    a protein complex combining amino acids with other substances.