  • 中國實行社會主義制度,消了剝削制度和剝削階級,各項公民權利不受金錢和財産狀況以及民族、種族、性別、職業、家庭、出身、宗教信仰、教育程度、居住期限的限製,為全社會的公民平等地享有。
    China has adopted the socialist system after abolishing the system of exploitation and eliminating the exploiting classes. The Chinese citizenry enjoys all civic rights equally irrespective of the money and property status as well as of nationality, race, sex, occupation, family background, religion, level of education and duration of residence.
  • 粉蚧,水臘蟲粉蚧科同翅類昆蟲中的一種,其中有些對柑橘屬果樹和其他植物有毀性危害
    Any of various homopterous insects, especially of the family Pseudococcidae, some of which are destructive to citrus trees and other plants.
  • 種族絶違反文明人的道德規範的罪行
    Genocide is an offense to all civilized human beings.
  • 他們因此大叫“西藏傳統文化遭到了絶”也就不足為奇了。
    Therefore, it is not surprising at all that they clamor about the "extinction of traditional Tibetan culture."
  • 三、他們轉移、散布和隱蔽在全國許多地方,秘密的派性聯繫還沒有完全消
    Third, they have moved to different parts of the country and hidden out there, still maintaining their clandestine factional ties.
  • 從封建社會的亡中産生出來的現代資産階級社會並沒有消階級對立。
    The modern bourgeois society that has sprouted from the ruins of feudal society has not done away with clash antagonisms.
  • 在某種適合於日本的時機,日本將發起東方慕尼黑,以某種較大的讓步為釣餌,誘脅中國訂立城下之盟,用以達其亡中國的目的。
    At a favourable moment it will propose an Eastern Munich and, with some relatively big concessions as bait, will try to coax and bully China into accepting its terms for surrender, so as to attain its aim of subjugating China.
  • 房客們接到通知說消蟑螂的人兩天後來。
    The tenants are informed that the exterminator of cockroach will be here in two days.
  • 房客們接到通知說消蟑螂的人兩天後來。
    The tenant is inform that the exterminator of cockroach will is here in two day.
  • 因為鐵路工程技術人員,而非城市交通工程技術人員發明的紅、黃、緑三色編碼預警係統輓救了在瞬間可能發生事故的許多人的生命,他們的功勞是不可磨的。
    Railroad engineers, not traffic engineers, should be credited for the lives saved in the interim, by their system of coding warning signals red, yellow, and green.
  • 除腔棘魚以外都已絶。
    extinct except for the coelacanth.
  • 總鰭魚內鼻孔亞綱的各種大多已絶了的硬骨魚,腔棘魚為其現存種類代表
    Any of various mostly extinct bony fishes of the subclass Crossopterygii, of which the coelacanth is a living representative.
  • 用於某些分類係統中;一個絶的裸子植物化石群,與蘇鐵蕨目同域。
    used in some classification systems: a group of extinct fossil gymnosperms coextensive with the order Cycadofilicales.
  • 約翰希望上大學,將來當醫生,但父親去世後,他衹得工作,希望破了。
    John hoped to go to college and become a doctor some day, but when his father died he had to get a job, and John's dreams coma crashing around his ears.
  • 是什麽導致了慧星的亡?
    Why else might the comet have come undone?
  • 六國,統一中原。其後漢朝更擴大領土,延長中國的統一。自此以後,中國人對中國在政治上、社會上及文化上統一的事實和理想的渴望從未間斷。
    Ever since the Qin (221 - 206 BC) defeated the six hegemonic states and brought all of China under one rule, and the Han Dynasty (206 BC - AD220) grandly expanded it both in scope and duration, the fact and ideal of an imperial state commensurate with society and culture had never lost its grip on the Chinese imagination.
  • 采取環境衛生措施消傳染病
    Stamp out communicable diseases by taking environmental health measures
  • 關於自由買賣的言論,也象我們的資産階級的其他一切關於自由的大話一樣,僅僅對於不自由的買賣來說,對於中世紀被奴役的市民來說,纔是有意義的,而對於共産主義要消買賣、消資産階級生産關係和資産階級本身這一點來說,卻是毫無意義的。
    This talk about free selling and buying, and all the other "brave words" of our bourgeoisie about freedom in general, have a meaning, if any, only in contrast with restricted selling and buying, with the fettered traders of the Middle Ages, but have no meaning when opposed to the Communistic abolition of buying and selling, of the bourgeois conditions of production, and of the bourgeoisie itself.
  • 任何的人民革命力量如果要避免為蔣介石所消,並迫使他承認這種力量的存在,除了對於他的反革命政策作針鋒相對的鬥爭,便無他路可循。
    If a people's revolutionary force is to avoid extermination by Chiang Kai-shek and to compel him to acknowledge its existence, it has no alternative but to wage a tit-for-tat struggle against his counter-revolutionary policies.
  • 它迫使一切民族----如果它們不想亡的話----采用資産階級的生産方式;
    It compels all nations, on pain of extinction, to adopt the bourgeois mode of production;
  •  禁止使用不符合國傢標準或者行業標準的配件或者火劑維修消防設施和器材。
    It is prohibited to use complementary fire control parts, extinguishant, maintenance and fire control facilities and devices not conforming to the state standards or industrial standards.
  • 他配備齊全,若是郵車的燈被風或風暴颳(那是常有的事),他衹須鑽進車廂,不讓燧石砸出的火星落到鋪草上,便能在五分鐘之內輕輕鬆鬆點燃車燈,而且相當安全。
    For he was furnished with that completeness that if the coach-lamps had been blown and stormed out, which did occasionally happen, he had only to shut himself up inside, keep the flint and steel sparks well off the straw, and get a light with tolerable safety and ease (if he were lucky) in five minutes.
  • 大風使消防隊員的火工作更加睏難
    High winds compounded the difficulties of the firefighters.
  • 我更贊賞新加坡市政設施的配套完備,因而才能在人口高度密集、全年皆夏、氣溫較高、雨水充沛的國度消了蚊蠅。這些都不能不說是一個奇跡。
    I admire the comprehensiveness of Singapore's municipal facilities even more. In a densely-populated country with high temperatures all year round and heavy rainfall, it is indeed a miracle that the problem of mosquitoes and houseflies has been taken care of.
  • 經過大傢多年來的共同努力,我們在罪方面已取得豐碩的成果。
    Years of concerted efforts in crime fighting have borne fruit.
  • 成為……毀地原因;是最後結束的部分。
    be the end of; be the last of concluding part of.
  • ,定罪永久懲罰的判决;判罪
    Condemnation to everlasting punishment; doom.
  • 北美禿鷲;主要是暗黑色;幾乎絶。
    North American condor; chiefly dull black; almost extinct.
  • 有把的錐形工具;用於熄蠟燭。
    a cone-shaped implement with a handle; for extinguishing candles.
  • 關於恐竜絶的理論現在仍然是高度推測的;他缺席的假設性原因;對已經死亡的語言的假設性重建;假設。
    theories about the extinction of dinosaurs are still highly conjectural; the supposed reason for his absence; suppositious reconstructions of dead languages; supposititious hypotheses.
  • 在公元前480年的一次著名的戰鬥;一利奧尼達斯帶領的希臘軍隊被試圖攻剋希臘的波斯人殲
    a famous battle in 480 BC; a Greek army under Leonidas was annihilated by the Persians who were trying to conquer Greece.
  •  即將成為中國首位皇帝的"他"要統一這片飽經戰爭的土地。而他的三個敵人(分別由張曼玉、梁朝偉、章子怡扮演)則企圖消他。於是這位皇帝雇專人(李連傑扮演)來阻止他們。
    China's soon-to-be first emperor is about to conquer the war-torn land and three of his enemies (played by Maggie Cheung, Tony Leung) and Zhang Ziyi to stop them.