  • 一九九七年适逢艺术中心二十周年纪念,中心举办了一连串庆祝节目及活动,包括"今日.九七──新生活运动"、"现代艺术经典──wurth珍藏"、"香港三世书"、"另类空间──台艺术聚焦"等。
    To celebrate its 20th anniversary in 1997, the centre launched a series of programmes and activities, including NOW '97-New Life Movement, Modern Classics and Contemporary Art from the Wurth Collection, Hong Kong Incarnated and The Other Space - Taiwan Focus.
  • 桑达斯基美国俄亥俄州北部一城市,位于克利夫兰西部桑达斯基沿岸,该是伊利湖的一个入口。桑达斯基河,流程约241公里(150英里),向西北注入该。桑达斯基建于19世纪初叶,是一个输入港和制造业中心。人口29,764
    A city of northern Ohio west of Cleveland on Sandusky Bay, an inlet of Lake Erie. The Sandusky River, about241 km(150 mi) long, flows west and north into the bay. Sandusky was founded in the early1800's and is a port of entry and manufacturing center. Population,29, 764.
  • 拉布拉多加拿大纽芬兰的陆地部分,位于拉布拉多半岛的东北部。早在10世纪,古代的斯堪的纳维亚的海员就曾到过这里的海岸。这一地区后来成为哈得逊公司的所有财产,并于1927年最终判给纽芬兰省
    The mainland territory of Newfoundland, Canada, on the northeast portion of the Labrador Peninsula. Its coastline was visited by Norse seamen as early as the tenth century. The area later became a possession of the Hudson's Bay Company and was eventually awarded to Newfoundland in1927.
  • 海恩尼斯美国马萨诸塞州东南城镇,临近鳕鱼角中南部的楠塔基特。为一夏季旅游胜地。约翰·f·肯尼迪任总统时曾在附近修建夏季白宫。人口8,000
    A town of southeast Massachusetts on Nantucket Sound in south-central Cape Cod. It is a popular summer resort. The summer White House was located nearby while John F. Kennedy was President. Population,8, 000.
  • 正是在这种情况下,我们才提出用“一个国家,两种制度”的办法来解决香港和台问题。
    It is against this background that we have proposed to solve the Hong Kong and Taiwan problems by allowing two systems to coexist in one country.
  • 在一个中国的前提下,大陆的社会主义制度和台的资本主义制度,实行长期共存,共同发展,谁也不吃掉谁。
    On the premise of one China, socialism on the mainland and capitalism on Taiwan can coexist and develop side by side for a long time without one swallowing up the other.
  • 一旦通过和平共处办法解决了台问题,这个热点也就消失了,这些人不也就死心了吗?
    Once the Taiwan question was solved through peaceful coexistence, the issue would be defused, and these people would shed their illusions accordingly.
  • 第三,这些人开始结成各种秘密的或者半公开的组织,一面在全国范围内互相串联,一面同台以及国外的政治力量相勾结。
    Third, the trouble-makers have begun to form all kinds of secret or semi-secret organizations which seek to establish contact with each other on a nationwide scale and at the same time to collaborate with political forces in Taiwan and abroad.
  • 清华大学与台的风险资本家联手创办了这家美国公司,这种协作是非同寻常的。
    In an extraordinary collaboration, Tsinghua joined forces with venture capitalists from Taiwan to start the U.S.company.
  • 尽管经历了这次大浩劫,有不少历史悠久的宗谱还安全地保存在中国、日本、韩国、台和美国的图书馆内,以及中国和各地海外华人的私人收藏中。
    Despite this outrage, a significant number of ancient genealogical records have been safely preserved in librariesin China, Japan, South Korea, Taiwan, United States and in private collections in China and among overseas Chinese communities.
  • 尽管经历了这次大浩劫,有不少历史悠久的宗谱还安全地保存在中国、日本、韩国、台和美国的图书馆内,以及中国和各地海外华人的私人收藏中。
    Despite this outrage, a significant number of ancient genealogical records have been safely preserved in libraries in China, Japan, South Korea, Taiwan, United States and in private collections in China and among overseas Chinese communities.
  • 宽敞的港;适合大会的宽敞大楼;(convenient在这个意义上是古旧用法)。
    a commodious harbor; a commodious building suitable for conventions; (`convenient' is archaic in this sense).
  • 2.各项统计数据均未包括香港特别行政区、澳门特别行政区和台省。
    2) Statistics in the Communique do not include figures for Hong Kong SAR, Macao SAR and Taiwan Province.
  • 一九七八年十二月,中美发表建交公报,美国“承认中华人民共和国政府是中国的唯一合法政府”;“承认中国的立场,即只有一个中国,台是中国的一部分”。
    In December 1978, China and the U.S. issued the Joint Communique on the establishment of diplomatic relations, in which the U.S. "recognizes the government of the People's Republic of China as the sole legal government of China" and "acknowledges the Chinese position that there is but one China and Taiwan is a part of China.
  • 从北到南可以领略到挪威自然的概貌。穿越茂密的松树林和沿海的湖泊和峡后,出现在面前的将是雷鸣的瀑布、奔流的山溪和冰川旁边的坦途。
    The itinerary from north to south is a compendium of Norwegian nature: thundering waterfalls, rushing mountain streams and roads that run along glaciers, after having gone through dense pine forests and coastal lakes and fjords.
  • 编制宗谱虽然已经不再盛行,但在台还是有人在做。
    The compilation of Chinese genealogy, though long past its heyday, is still being carried on in Taiwan.
  • 海峡局势复杂、严峻。
    The Taiwan Straits situation is complicated and grim.
  • 但更值得注意的是,陈水扁在这项演说中的前半部,三次高呼:“台站起来……”,以及最后结语时说:“所有的恩典都要归于台--我们永远的母亲”、“台人民万岁”,让人不禁联想起毛泽东50年前在中华人民共和国成立前夕发表题为“中国人民站起来了”的口号。
    Even more noteworthy, in the opening of his inaugural speech, Chen gave three cheers to "Taiwan has stood up". Also, concluding the speech, he claimed that "all gratitude goes to Taiwan, our eternal mother", and shouted, "Long live the Taiwanese people!"This cannot help but remind people of the very words by Mao Zedong when he declared the founding of the People's Republic of China 50 years ago: "The Chinese people have stood up!"
  • 该署于一九九七年成立了专责小组,负责拆除旧工业区内所有危险或弃置空调机冷却水塔。专责小组已先后巡查观塘、葵青和荃区内的工业大厦。
    The task force set up in 1997 to remove all dangerous or abandoned air-conditioning water cooling towers in old industrial areas completed a comprehensive survey of all industrial buildings in Kwun Tong, Kwai Tsing and Tsuen Wan.
  • 中国政府严重关注这一事态的发展,对任何制造“台独立”的行径绝不会坐视不理。
    The Chinese Government is closely following the course of events and will never condone any manoeuvre for "Taiwan independence".
  • 佩诺布斯科特人居住在美国缅因州的佩诺布斯科特和佩诺布斯科特河河谷一带的北美印第安人,18世纪中叶加入阿贝那基联盟,是缅因州立法委中一个无投票表决权的代表
    A Native American people inhabiting Penobscot Bay and the Penobscot River valley in Maine. The Penobscot, who joined the Abenaki confederacy in the mid-18th century, are represented in the Maine legislature by a nonvoting delegate.
  • 美国南部墨西哥的一个州;在美国内战时期属于南部联邦。
    a state in S United States on the Gulf of Mexico; one of the Confederate states during the American Civil War.
  • 南方腹地的一个州,位于墨西哥;在美国内战时期属于南部联邦。
    a state in the Deep South on the gulf of Mexico; one of the Confederate States during the American Civil War.
  • 美国东南部一个州,位于墨西哥;在美国内战时期属于南部联邦。
    a state in the southeastern United States on the Gulf of Mexico; one of the Confederate states during the American Civil War.
  • 美国东南部一州,濒临大西洋和墨西哥;在美国内战时期属于南部联邦。
    a state in southeastern United States between the Atlantic and the Gulf of Mexico; one of the Confederate states during the American Civil War.
  • 有的,亚洲排联1993年沙滩排球巡回赛在中国海南省三亚市亚龙举行(中国亚龙杯)
    Yes, there is. The Asian Volleyball Confederation Beach Volleyball Circuit 1993 (China Along Cup) was held in Along Bay, Sanya, Hainan Province.
  • 它被秒为“一切游行之母”。主办间单位承诺将投掷1200万磅彩色碎纸,100万条黄丝带,还有6000吨白色纸条[欢迎]自波斯战争归来的战士……。
    It was billed as"the mother of all parades." And the organizers had promised that12 million pounds of confetti, a million yellow ribbons and6, 000 tons of ticker tape would be dropped on the veterans returning from the Persian Gulf war??.
  • 它被秒为“一切游行之母”。主办间单位承诺将投掷1200万磅彩色碎纸,100万条黄丝带,还有6000吨白色纸条[欢迎]自波斯战争归来的战士……。
    It was billed as "the mother of all parades." And the organizers had promised that 12 million pounds of confetti, a million yellow ribbons and 6,000 tons of ticker tape would be dropped on the veterans returning from the Persian Gulf war….
  • 根据考克斯报告,中国“间谍”案的一个主要佐证是使用了鼹鼠,他们已经“渗透”到lawrencelivemore和losalamoslabs中。该人名叫彼得-李(peterlee),是位美籍台人,受雇于losalamos。他于1985年访问过中国(在允许的区域内)。
    According to the Cox Report (as "redacted" by the Clinton Administration), the principal "evidence" for one of the PRC "spying" incidents involving Moles that had "penetrated" Lawrence Livermore and Los Alamos Labs, is that: Peter Lee, a Taiwan-born, US naturalized citizen--while employed at Los Alamos, visited the PRC in 1985 (during the Reagan Administration) to make a presentation and freely admitted in 1995 that he described in that presentation in some detail his work on an inertial confinement fusion (ICF) project at Lawrence Livermore during the period 1973-1984.
  • 特别值得警惕的是,台分裂势力一贯图谋破坏中美关系,挑起中美冲突和对抗,以便实现他们的分裂图谋。
    " Special vigilance should be maintained to the fact that the Taiwan separatists are continually scheming to disrupt Sino-US relations and provoke conflicts and confrontation between the two nations to achieve their aim of dividing China.
  • 国民党统治集团退踞中国的台省,在外国势力的支持下,与中央政府对峙,由此产生了台问题。
    The Kuomintang (KMT) ruling clique retreated from the mainland to entrench in China's Taiwan Province in confrontation with the Central Government with the support of foreign forces. This is the origin of the Taiwan issue.
  • 特别值得警惕的是,台分裂势力一贯图谋破坏中美关系,挑起中美冲突和对抗,以便实现他们的分裂图谋。
    Special vigilance should be maintained to the fact that the Taiwan separatists are continually scheming to disrupt the Sino-U.S. relations and provoke conflicts and confrontation between the two nations to achieve their aim of dividing China.