Chinese English Sentence:
  • 经核查,这位在1988年2月24日入院的病童由福利院取名叫简训,入院前患有严重的精神发育迟滞等病状,入院后在护理人员的精心救治照护下,一度体重有所增加,后因病情发展,病及呕吐中枢,喂食后即频繁呕吐,人逐渐瘦,医生对其进行救治,喂食牛奶、静脉补液,但终因其吸收功能出现严重障碍,救治无效而于1992年7月17日病死。
    It was learned, after investigation, that the child, given the name of Jianxun by the welfare home, suffered a serious illness caused by mental retardation; after he entered the welfare home, on February 24, 1988, he put on weight under meticulous care and medical treatment.Later, his illness deteriorated and affected the vomiting center, which caused frequent vomiting after feeding. As a result, the patient grew thinner and thinner, but the doctors still persevered in their efforts, feeding him milk and giving intravenous injections. However, because of the serious handicap in his assimilating function, the treatment ended in failure and he died on July 17, 1992.
  • 经核查,这位在1988年2月24日入院的病童由福利院取名叫简训,入院前患有严重的精神发育迟滞等病状,入院后在护理人员的精心救治照护下,一度体重有所增加,后因病情发展,病及呕吐中枢,喂食后即频繁呕吐,人逐渐瘦,医生对其进行救治,喂食牛奶、静脉补液,但终因其吸收功能出现严重障碍,救治无效而于1992年7月17日病死。
    It was learned, after investigation, that the child, given the name of Jianxun by the welfare home, suffered a serious illness caused by mental retardation; after he entered the welfare home, on February 24, 1988, he put on weight under meticulous care and medical treatment. Later, his illness deteriorated and affected the vomiting center, which caused frequent vomiting after feeding. As a result, the patient grew thinner and thinner, but the doctors still persevered in their efforts, feeding him milk and giving intravenous injections. However, because of the serious handicap in his assimilating function, the treatment ended in failure and he died on July 17, 1992.
  • 电路模板用以控制另一系列字符、字位或字节的除或保留的一列字符、字位或字节
    A pattern of characters, bits, or bytes used to control the elimination or retention of another pattern of characters, bits, or bytes.
  • 每一家处在产品生产商和最终费者之间的企业都必须重新思考他们的价值,因为网络使得生产商和费者的直接交易成为可能,尤其是当产品和服务浓缩成“字节”单位时。
    Any institution that stands between the creator of a product and the consumer of the product is going to have to rethink its value because the Net is going to make direct connections between those parties possible, especially in cases where the product or service can be reduced to bits and bytes.
  • 变动电话费;费者物价指数的调整
    Made an adjustment on the telephone bill; an adjustment in the consumer price index.
  • 税收对消费调节
    adjustment of tax to consumption
  • 被迫退休,指防员从现役中离开。
    force to retire, remove from active duty, as of firemen.
  • 音乐促使你费商店常常通过调整播放的音乐节奏来提高销售额,研究明确表明当人们听着慢节奏歌谣的时候,会购买更多的东西。
    Music makes you buy moreStores boost sales by adjusting the tempo of the music they play. Research has determined that people buy more when listening to slow ballads.
  • 当国会改正错误时,没有勇气取已经给予1912年至1916年出生的退休人员的意外好处。
    When Congress corrected the mistake, it didn't have the nerve to eliminate the windfall already granted to retirees born in 1912 through 1916.
  • 通过深化改革,调整政策,除各种限制费的障碍。
    We need to eliminate all barriers to consumption by deepening reform and adjusting policies.
  • 我听到可靠的息说,他就要退休了。
    I have it straight from the horse's mouth that he is retiring.
  • 这个老太太在晚饭后到就寝前,编织毛线以磨时光。
    The old lady filled up the time between supper and retiring with knitting.
  • 那孤独的老妇人晚饭后至睡觉前以玩单人纸牌磨时间。
    The lonely old lady filled up the time between supper and retiring with solitaire.
  • 前誓撤回(一个誓言),经常是通过发另外一个誓
    To retract(an oath), often by swearing another oath.
  • 造成错误倍增的补救作法不愿承认,也不愿撤
    and, that which doubleth all errors, will not acknowledge or retract them;
  • 破釜沉舟除返回或撤退的可能性
    To eliminate the possibility of return or retreat.
  • 它允许用户的投递或回收息,这些息不是针对某一个具体的用户发送的,它就像在办公室的公告牌上发布通知一样。
    It allows users to post and retrieve messages that are not directed to a specific user, much like announcements are posted on an office bulletin board.
  • 各商业银行先前批评印制这样高额面值纸币的决定有悖于逐渐除现金的经济目标。
    Commercial banks previously criticised the decision to print such high?denomination notes as a retrograde step in an economy that is aiming to move away from cash.
  • authtoken:这个元素是由可选的getauthtoken息返回的认证信息。
    authToken: This element is returned by the optional get_authToken message to return authentication information.
  • 当产生了这样一个错误后,uddi注册中心将拒绝这个待决的更新,同时将这个由校验web服务所返回的soap错误息原样返回给初始的调用者。
    When an error is signaled in this fashion, UDDI will reject the pending change and return to the original caller the same SOAP fault data returned by the validation Web Service.
  • 当社会有紧急需要或财源有限而要求迅速回收资金时,为了在遥远的未来获得收益而投入劳动,不但会使国家在当时陷于贫困,即所雇用的劳动者费多少,国家就损失多少,而且即使是到最后,国家也不如采取另一种作法富裕,所谓另一种作法,就是从一开始便寻求眼前的收益,而推迟远期获利的事业。
    Labour sunk in expectation of a distant return, when the great exigencies or limited resources of the community require that the return be rapid, may leave the country not only poorer in the meanwhile, by all which those labourers consume, but less rich even ultimately than if immediate returns had been sought in the first instance, and enterprises for distant profit postponed.
  • 主席先生,我提议在获得进一步的息以前暂休会。
    I suggest ( that ) the meeting adjourn until we have further information, Mr. chairman.
  • 主席先生,我提议在获得进一步的息以前暂休会。
    I move (that) the meeting adjourn until we have further information, Mr. chairman.
  • 主席先生,我提议在获得进一步的息以前暂时休会。
    I move(that) the meeting adjourn until we have further information, Mr Chairman.
  • 各单位应当采用节约用水的先进技术,降低水的耗量,提高水的重复利用率。
    All units shall adopt advanced technology in water conservation, reduce water consumption and raise the ratio of water reuse.
  • 指示她不许泄露息来源
    Charged her not to reveal the source of information.
  • 得知港口具备一般设施,这样就打了我们以前的疑虑。
    Port revealed have average facilities our earlier doubtdispelled.
  • 我本想透露财务处长下个月的计划使他难堪的,但息泄漏一事追查到我时,我便搬起石头砸了自己的脚。
    I thought I would embarrass the financial director by revealing his next month's projection but I was hoist with my own petard when the leak was traced back to me.
  • 令人神伤的息;尽管烦恼、孤独,还是生活在英雄的光环之下;令人烦恼的大量犯罪行为;被揭发出来的、最令人不安的黑幕;陌生、麻烦的思想;处在特别令人不安的困境中;令人不安的局势;烦恼的时刻。
    distressing (or disturbing) news; lived in heroic if something distressful isolation; a disturbing amount of crime; a revelation that was most perturbing; a new and troubling thought; in a particularly worrisome predicament; a worrying situation; a worrying time.
  •  (一)建筑工程的防设计未经公安防机构审核或者经审核不合格,擅自施工的;
    Those who start construction when the fire control design of the construction projects have not be reviewed and approved or be considered disqualified after the review and examination by relevant public security fire control institutions.
  • 在计算机安全学中,经处理操作后,磁或重写数据前剩留在存储器中的数据。
    In computer security, data left in storage after processing operations and before degaussing or rewriting has taken place.
  • (一○一)但是在事实上,十个月的经验是,许多甚至多数的运动战战役,打成了耗战;游击战之应有的歼灭作用,在某些地区,也还未提到应有的程度。
    101. But as a matter of fact, it was our experience in the last ten months that many or even most of the mobile warfare campaigns became campaigns of attrition, and guerrilla warfare did not adequately fulfil its proper function of annihilation in certain areas.