| - 这条路是为缓解交通拥挤而开辟的。
The route was designed to relieve traffic congestion. - 委员会亦根据《基本法》第七十九条第(六)及(七)款,订定解除议员职务的程序。
The committee also drew up procedures for relieving a member of his/her duties under Article 79(6) and (7) of the Basic Law. - 第二十九条 各级人民政府应当采取措施,提高农业防御自然灾害的能力,做好防灾、抗灾和救灾工作,帮助灾民恢复生产,开展社会互助互济;
Article 29 People's governments at various levels shall take measures to improve the abilities of battling against natural calamities in agriculture, do a good job in preventing and fighting disasters and relieving the victims thereof, assist the victims to resume their production and carry out mutual assistances and mutual relieves in the society; - 他们的教条主义压倒了他们的宗教。
their ecclesiasticism overwhelmed their religion. - 历代的宗教家老是训斥挣扎的人们,要对这、对那、对其他的教条训令“有信心”。但是宗教家一直没有告诉我们“该怎么”拥有信心。
All down the ages, the religionists have admonished struggling humanity to "have faith" in this, that, and the other dogma or creed, but they have failed to tell people HOW to have faith. - 第二十三条 国家兴建水工程需要移民的,由地方人民政府负责妥善安排移民的生活和生产。
Article 23: When there is a need for relocation of inhabitants for a water project by the State, the local people's government shall be responsible for the proper arrangement of the livelihood and production of relocatees. - 三是异地开发、移民到户,即本着自愿的原则,将贫困农户从生产生活条件极其恶劣的地区搬迁到条件较好的地区,实现异地脱贫。
Third, development through relocation, whereby poor households are persuaded to move from their native places, where production and living conditions are exceptionally bad, to places with better conditions, so as to help lift them out of poverty. - 第四十九条 盗窃或者抢夺防汛物资、水工程器材的,贪污或者挪用国家救灾、抢险、防汛、移民安置款物的,依照刑法规定追究刑事责任。
Article 49: Whoever steals or forcibly seizes the supplies for flood prevention or materials and equipments for water projects, and whoever embezzles or misappropriates state funds and supplies alocated for disaster relief, emergency fighting, flood prevention and relocation settlement, shall be investigated for criminal responsibilities in accordance with Criminal Law. - 同时,中国政府也清楚地看到,由于历史和自然地理等因素的制约和影响,中国中西部少数民族较为集中的地区与东部沿海地区相比,在发展上还存在着较大差距,有部分少数民族地区人民还未解决温饱问题,有些地区因生产条件较差严重影响持续发展。
China has blazed a correct way for handling ethnic problems and realizing the common prosperity of the various ethnic groups in conformity with China's reality. In the meantime, however, the Chinese government is well aware of the fact that, due to the restrictions and influences of history, physical geography and other factors, central and western China, where most ethnic minority people live, lag far behind the eastern coastal areas in development. In some ethnic minority areas, the people are inadequately fed and clothed, and while in some other areas sustained development has been adversely affected by poor production conditions. - 一般上说,各成员国不太热衷于设立制度,或依赖法律和条规。
There is a general reluctance to build institutions, or to rely on laws and rules. - 同时,中国政府也清楚地看到,由于历史和自然地理等因素的制约和影响,中国中西部少数民族较为集中的地区与东部沿海地区相比,在发展上还存在着较大差距,有部分少数民族地区人民还未解决温饱问题,有些地区因生产条件较差严重影响持续发展。
In the meantime, however, the Chinese government is well aware of the fact that, due to the restrictions and influences of history, physical geography and other factors, central and western China, where most ethnic minority people live, lag far behind the eastern coastal areas in development. In some ethnic minority areas, the people are inadequately fed and clothed, and while in some other areas sustained development has been adversely affected by poor production conditions. - 我们的那条狗生了个脑瘤发疯了,所以,我们不得不把它杀了。
Our dog developed a brain tumour and went out of his mind, so reluctantly we had to have him put down. - 在现实面前他们只能明智的选择随遇而安,有一份稳定的收入和一个优越的生活条件,仅此而已,夫复何求。
They have no choice but to bow reluctantly to reality and be content with a regular income and comfortable living conditions. - 但一条巨头鲸在一个单独的夜里被记录有6分钟的眼的迅速跳动。
But a pilot whale was noted as having six minutes of REM in a single night. - 他把线擦掉,又划了几条。
He rubbed out the lines and remade them. - 第二十七条伪造、变造商检单证、印章、标志、封识、质量认证标志,构成犯罪的,对直接责任人员比照刑法第一百六十七条的规定追究刑事责任;
Article 27 If the falsifying or remaking of the certificates or documents, seals or stamps, marks, sealings or quality certification marks for commodity inspection constitutes a crime, the criminal responsibility of the personnel directly responsible shall be investigated by applying mutatis mutandis the provisions of Article 167 of the Criminal Law; - 就像有些人不愿意离开埋葬着亲人的地方一样,公爵在女儿去世后仍旧留在巴涅尔。一天早上,公爵在一条小路的拐角处遇见了玛格丽特。
One morning the Duke, who had remained at Bagneres just as people will remain on ground where a piece of their heart lies buried, caught sight of Marguerite as she turned a corner of a gravel walk. - 那就一定要在不妨碍安定团结的条件下实现生动活泼。
We should try to achieve liveliness on condition that stability and unity are not adversely affected. - 她把余下来的布缝成一条围裙。
She made up the remaining cloth into an apron. - 不利的环境;他们在最为不利的条件下打下了一块天地。
adverse circumstances; made a place for themselves under the most untoward conditions. - 恶劣环境条件一种极端不利的环境条件,如空气污染
An extremely adverse environmental condition, such as air pollution. - 生产生活条件明显改善。
Production and living conditions have remarkably improved. - 这条船抢风调向特别快。
The boat was remarkably quick in stays. - 第三十条夫妻一方死亡后另一方再婚的,有权处分所继承的财产,任何人不得干涉。
Article 30 A surviving spouse who remarries is entitled to dispose of the property he or she has inherited, subject to no interference by any other person. - 时间[地点, 原因, 比较, 比例, 条件, 让步, 目的, 结果]状语
an adverbial of time [place, cause, comparison, proportion, condition, concession, purpose, result] - 在词典的一个条目末尾加入一个副词作为内词条
Run on an adverb to a dictionary entry - 备忘便条作为提醒之物的短笺
A short note written as a reminder. - 第二十五条 合格投资者应当自中国证监会颁发证券投资业务许可证三个月内汇入本金,全额结汇后直接转入人民币特殊账户。
Article 25. Within three months after receiving Securities Investment Licence from CSRC, QFII should remit principals from outside into China and directly transfer them into RMB special accounts after full settlement of foreign exchange. - 对符合国际惯例、确需保留的少量规费,继续予以保留,实行财政“收支两条线”管理。
A small number of fees that are consistent with international practice and need to be retained will continue to exist, but the collecting authorities shall remit the revenues to the government and their expenditures will be financed by the budget separately. - 第六十一条专利复审委员会应当将受理的复审请求书转交国务院专利行政部门原审查部门进行审查。
Rule 61 The Patent Reexamination Board shall remit the request for reexamination which the Board has received to the examination department of the Patent Administration Department under the State Council which has made the examination of the application concerned to make an examination. - 于:另外,还允许你们将所得的净利付清税款之后汇回国内。为这部分净利上缴给中国政府的所得税如符合有关条件,在汇回国内以后就可以免缴所得税了。
Furthermore, you are allowed to remit your net profit, after having paid taxes, to your home countries and the part of the income tax on your net profit you paid already to the Chinese government will be exempted from taxation at home as long as you have met the relative requirements. - 寄款如基于其他条件将被寄还以供修正。
Remittance send on any other basis will is returned for correction.