  • 依附于传统(尤其是在文化和宗教内上)。
    adherence to tradition (especially in cultural or religious matters).
  • xml将使内部网数据更易管理,因为它具有更为丰富、更多的自我描述。
    XML will make intranet data much easier to manage, because it will be much richer and more self-describing.
  • 器、铃和坑的边缘
    A rim, as of a vessel, bell, or crater.
  • 边沿,边缘浅底器或自然盆地的边缘或最上边
    The rim or uppermost edge of a hollow container or natural basin.
  • 数据、字符、词或其它保存在某个存储单元中可专门寻址的元素,均可称为是存储单元的内
    Data, characters, words, or other units which are held specifically addressable in some storage unit are said to be its content.
  • 我们怎么能够忍那些一直紧跟林彪、“四人帮”的“造反派”以及继承他们那一套的少数坏头头,再来搞第二次“文化大革命”呢?
    How can we allow those "rebels" who so closely followed Lin Biao and the Gang of Four, or the handful of ringleaders who have persisted in following their evil course, to launch a second "Cultural Revolution"?
  • 族群认同是不是也能具有包性,为超越族群的新加坡认同做出贡献,成为国家认同中的一部分?
    Or, can the strengthening of ethnic identity be at the same time inclusive, integrative, and additive to the larger national supra-ethnic Singapore identity?
  • 其次,无线平台必须能支持任意internet内,不管该应用程序是用java、visualbasic、perl、pl/sql、php、服务器端脚本还是其它任意网站的开发语言所构建。
    Additionally, the wireless platform must also be able to support any Internet content whether the application has been built using Java, Visual Basic, PERL, PL/SQL, PHP, server-side scripting, or any other web site development language.
  • 此外,他们还说,相比之下在阴天里,他们更易见到别人出现或者亲历"驾驶综合症",或者变得更加愤怒和充满敌意。
    Additionally, students were more likely to report observing aggressive driving, engaging in aggressive driving themselves, or having more feelings of anger and hostility on cloudy days than on sunny days.
  • 布朗斯维尔德克萨斯州南部一城市,位于格兰德河流入墨西哥湾的入海口。是主要的货物进口港,有可纳海船的深水道。人口98,962
    A city of southern Texas on the Rio Grande near its mouth on the Gulf of Mexico. It is a major port of entry served by a deepwater channel that accommodates oceangoing ships. Population,98, 962.
  • 熟苹果容易摘下来。
    Ripe apples pick easily.
  • 美沙酮一种有效的合成麻醉药,c21h27no不象吗啡或海洛因那样易让人上瘾,在戒毒治疗中被用作这些毒药的替代品
    A potent synthetic narcotic drug, C21H27NO, that is less addictive than morphine or heroin and is used as a substitute for these drugs in addiction treatment programs.
  • [25]在所有和吸烟有关的疾病中,也许人们最易忽略的就是吸烟上瘾。
    [25] Of all the diseases associated with smoking, addiction is perhaps the one that receives the least attention.
  • 审查后把书中内黄色下流的段落删去
    Censor out risque passages in the book
  • 吸烟的人易对尼古丁上瘾。
    Smoker who inhale is likely to become addicted to nicotine.
  • 在实践中,课程内是进行一系列仪式化的训练,它强调日本传统的销售方式,认为付出的努力与效率是同等的重要。
    In practice, the program is a series of ritualized drills that reinforce the traditional way of selling in Japan, where effort is as important as efficiency.
  • 吸烟的人易对尼古丁上瘾。
    Smokers who inhale are likely to become addicted to nicotine.
  • 两雄不能并立(一山难二虎)。
    A great man cannot brook a rival.
  • 比方说,一名加州的少数民族学生按原先的照顾少数民族学生的政策可能被加州大学的伯克利分校录取,而现在却只能进入里弗赛得分校,而后者是一所较易考进的差一些的大学。
    For instance, a minority student in California who would have been admitted to Berkeley under the old system may now end up at Riverside, a less selective college.
  • 年内,该局在各公园、游乐场及路旁市地带所栽种的植物逾40万株。
    In 1997, more than 400000 plants were planted in parks, playgrounds and roadside amenities.
  • 超过30个路旁美化市地带也进行了园景改善工程,以美化环境。
    Landscape improvements were also carried out at over 30 roadside amenity plots to beautify the environment.
  • adsl自适应速率调制解调器,通过使数据传输速率适应电话线的量,能提供从每个住处或业务电话线上得到最好的性能。
    By fitting the data rate to the phone line's capacity, an ADSL adaptive rate modem can provide the best performance possible from every residential or business telephone line.
  • 要在这节课里学习那节课的内是挖东墙补西墙。
    Trying to study a lesson for one class during another class it like robbing Peter to pay Paul.
  • (棒球、篮球或足球)用于形一个很擅长偷垒或阻截球的运动员的。
    (baseball or basketball or football) used of a player skilled in stealing the ball or robbing a batter of a hit.
  • 自适应过程从本质上讲就是以xml格式合并来自被访问应用程序的内
    Content adaptation essentially involves aggregating the content from the application being accessed in an XML format.
  • web内改写服务允许迅速将现有遗留的web应用程序扩展到无线设备。
    The web content adaptation service allows quickly extending existing legacy web application to wireless devices.
  • oracle9iaswireless支持内自适应服务和转换服务。
    Oracle9iAS Wireless supports a content adaptation service and a translator service.
  • 有些小说很易改编成剧本。
    Some novels quite readily lend themselves to adaptation as plays.
  • 一些小说很易地被改编成剧本;而其它则不行。
    Some novels quite readily lend themselves to adaptation as plays; others do not.
  • 自从[社会福利]支票停止以后,鲁宾逊小姐从公寓被迫迁出来,找到一个男友,跟他闹翻了,最后到了无家可归者的收所里。
    Since the [welfare] checks stopped, Ms. Robinson has been evicted from an apartment, found a boy-friend and fallen out with him, and wound up in a shelter for the homeless.
  • (2)重大成果转化项目:基因工程多肽药物、两系法杂交水稻的示种示范、曙光计算机、大功率激光器及其应用、企业的cims推广计划、机器人自动化示范工程、高性能低温烧结多层陶瓷电器、氢镍电池及其相关材料。
    Major achievements transfer projects: genetic engineering polypeptide drugs, two-line hybrid rice demonstration, new era computers, high-powered laser and its applications, enterprises' CIMS application demonstration, robotic automation demonstration engineering, high-performance low-sintering temperature multi-layer ceramics capacitor, nickel-metal hydride batteries and related materials.
  • 此外,理想的主干网能提供综合的管理能力和有力的错功能。
    Beyond that, an ideal network backbone would provide comprehensive manageability and robust fault tolerance.