  • 在广播上传播声音的告者。
    an announcer whose voice is broadcast on radio.
  • 体育新闻或描述体育事件的告者。
    an announcer who reads sports news or describes sporting events.
  • 她先去请教顾问然後再来布决定.
    She withdrew to confer with her advisers before announcing a decision.
  • 这个候选人抢在他的对手之前布参加竞选。
    The candidate got a drop on his opponent by announcing first.
  • 宣布宣布的行为
    The act of announcing.
  • 到处贴满了广告传这一新节目.
    Advertisementshave been posted up everywhere announcing the new show.
  • 向国会布年预算报告
    Submitted the annual budget to Congress.
  • 一些从事人道主义和人权工作的非政府组织走到一起,从1991年底至1992年初,国际残疾人联合会、人权观察组织、医疗国际、矿产咨询机构、人权医生组织和美国越战退伍老兵协会发表了《禁止使用杀伤性地雷的联合言》。
    It was a handful of NGOs, with their roots in hu manitarian and human rights work, which began to come to- gether, in late 1991 and early 1992, in an organized effort to ban antipersonnel landmines. In October of 1992, Handicap International, Human Rights Watch, Medico International, Mines Advisory Group, Physicians for Human Rights and Viet nam Veterans of America Foundation came together to issue a "Joint Call to Ban Antipersonnel Landmines.
  • 基督派基督十二使徒之一传他的教义。
    Apostles were sent out by Christ to spread his teachings.
  • 除了他自己大量(而且还在增长)的个人财富外,假如把乔丹影响下的实业加在一起,那就包括运动鞋和服装的销售;较高的电视收视率;比赛观众的增多;他支持传的商品给公司带来的效益;录像带;古龙香水还有其他的东西。人们要问,乔丹对经济总的影响是什么?
    Beyond his own vast (and growing) personal fortune, if you add up all the Jordan -- influenced business -- the sneaker and apparel sales, the higher television ratings, the increased game attendance, the endorsement value, the videos, the cologne, and the rest of it -- what is his overall economic impact?
  • 正式布某事物;颁布某事物。
    Letters of application must be handwritten.
  • 总统布了他的内阁任命。
    The President announced his cabinet appointment.
  • 同时将布2008年奥运会申办评估委员会正式成立。
    Meanwhile, an appraisal committee will be set up.
  • 不久前,在《联合早报》新闻版,看到了同事韩咏红报道,具有174年历史的新荣和兴潮剧团在义顺上演最后一场潮剧《万古流芳》就告落幕了。
    Not long ago, my colleague Han Yong Hong wrote a news report that the curtains would fall for the last time for Sin Yong Hua Heng - a Teochew opera troupe with 174 years of history - after its aptly-chosen swansong "wan gu liu fang" (An Everlasting Legacy) in Yishun.
  • 若用过大的力量生硬地勉强地从事这些东西的破坏,那就必被土豪劣绅借为口实,提出“农民协会不孝祖宗”、“农民协会欺神灭道”、“农民协会主张共妻”等反革命传口号,来破坏农民运动。
    If too much of an effort is made, arbitrarily and prematurely, to abolish these things, the local tyrants and evil gentry will seize the pretext to put about such counter-revolutionary propaganda as "the peasant association has no piety towards ancestors", "the peasant association is blasphemous and is destroying religion" and "the peasant association stands for the communization of wives", all for the purpose of undermining the peasant movement.
  • 要解决这“少数不良分子”的问题,也只能在农会整顿纪律的口号之下,对群众做传,对他们本人进行训练,把农会的纪律整好,决不能随便派兵捉人,损害贫农阶级的威信,助长土豪劣绅的气势。
    This problem of the "unhealthy minority" can be tackled only under the peasant associations' own slogan of "strengthen discipline", by carrying on propaganda among the masses, by educating the "unhealthy minority", and by tightening the associations' discipline;in no circumstances should soldiers be arbitrarily sent to make such arrests as would damage the prestige of the poor peasants and feed the arrogance of the local tyrants and evil gentry.
  • 老鼠说,“我继续讲,这两个地方的伯爵埃德温和莫卡都告支持威廉,甚至坎特伯雷的爱国大主教斯蒂坎德也发现这是可行的……
    said the Mouse,`--I proceed. "Edwin and Morcar, the earls of Mercia and Northumbria, declared for him: and even Stigand, the patriotic archbishop of Canterbury, found it advisable--"'
  • 一九四三年十二月,中美英三国政府发表的《开罗言》规定,日本应将所窃取于中国的包括东北、台湾、澎湖列岛等在内的土地,归还中国。
    In December 1943, the Cairo Declaration was issued by the Chinese, U.S. and British governments, stipulating that Japan should return to China all the territories it had stolen from the Chinese, including Northeast China, Taiwan and the Penghu Archipelago.
  • 十月二十五日,同盟国中国战区台湾省受降仪式於台北举行,受降主官代表中国政府告:自即日起,台湾及澎湖列岛已正式重入中国版图,所有一切土地、人民、政事皆已置於中国主权之下。
    On 25 October the ceremony for accepting Japan's surrender in Taiwan Province of the China war theater of the Allied powers was held in Taibei. On the occasion the chief officer for accepting the surrender proclaimed on behalf of the Chinese government that from that day forward Taiwan and the Penghu Archipelago had again been incorporated formally into the territory of China and that the territory, people, and administration had now been placed under the sovereignty of China.
  • (音乐)有旋律的但不是独奏的短的叙调。
    (music) a short recitative that is melodic but is not an aria.
  • 抽刀断水水更流,举杯销愁愁更愁.------李白<<州谢眺楼饯别校书叔云>>
    Cut running water with a sword, it will faster flow; Drink wine to drown your sorrow, it will heavier grow. -----------Li Bai <<Farewell To Uncle Yun, The Imperial Libr arian, At The Xie Tiao Pavilion In Xuanzhou>>
  • 警察通过誓控告从而领取了对这个嫌疑犯的逮捕证。
    The policeman swore out a warrant for the suspect's arrest.
  • 查尔斯被指控超速行驶,但后来又被布无罪,因为他钻了法律的空子,法律明文规定:执行任务的警察应该穿上警服。
    Charles was charged with speeding but was acquitted because of a loophole in the law witch states that the arresting officer should have been in uniform.
  • 布小组到来的欢呼声
    Cheers that heralded the team's arrival.
  • 突然地并且未经布地到达。
    arrive suddenly and unannounced.
  • 发号施令肯定且通常是傲慢地
    To assert positively and often arrogantly.
  • 傲慢地称唯有其知晓真理
    Arrogantly claims to have a monopoly on the truth.
  • 在5月1日攻击总统府暴动发生后,阿罗约布马尼拉进入“叛乱状态”,并下令逮捕被指策划夺权阴谋的反对派人士。
    When the siege of Malacanang Palace took place on May 1, President Arroyo declared a “state of rebellion” for Manila and ordered the arrest of opposition members out to seize power.
  • 正当受通缉的反对派参议员候选人霍纳山和前国家警察首长拉克森四处逃窜之际,阿罗约为争取民心,竟然在选举数天前,布给予两人通行证,准许他们公开参加竞选活动。
    Suspected coup-plotters Senator Gregorio Honasan and former National Police Chief Panfilo Lacson were forced to go into hiding - but not for long. In a move to win voter support, President Arroyo granted the two fugitives safe-conduct passes to take part in the Senate race just a few days before the election.
  • 他竟狂妄地称他能流利地讲十种外语。
    He had the assurance to claim that he could speak ten foreign languages perfectly.
  • 他们队竟狂妄地称他们将打败所有对手。
    Their team had the assurance to claim that they would beat all their opponents.
  • 发誓保证某人将做某事或将不会做某事的告;誓言
    A declaration assuring that one will or will not do something; a vow.