Chinese English Sentence:
  • 他的散文杂着浮夸的修饰措辞。
    His prose is larded with pompous expressions.
  • 形似虾的甲壳动物,其母虾把卵和幼子放在两腿间的袋里。
    shrimp-like crustaceans whose females carry eggs and young in a pouch between the legs.
  • 他竭力想窃取那位女士的钱
    He practised to steal the purse from the lady.
  • 李脯和梅干的潮湿蛋糕。
    moist cake containing prunes that have been made into a puree.
  • 有开胃调料的酥皮饼。
    puff paste shell filled with a savory meat mixture usually with a sauce.
  • 近来,一种包装上印有阿拉法特形象的奶油心小食品成为了埃及首都开罗大街小巷的畅销商品。
    Yasser Arafat cheese puffs are the new hit snack on the streets of Egypt's capital.
  • 为帮助置业人士,房协代政府推行心阶层住屋贷款计划及首次置业贷款计划。
    To assist home purchasers, the HKHS administers the Sandwich Class Housing Loan Scheme and Home Starter Loan Scheme on behalf of the Government.
  • 她从容地掏出钱付了一千镑现金, 多麽豪爽!
    She just took out her purse and paid a thousand in cash: what a cool customer!
  • 太太,把您的克衫穿上好吗?
    How about putting on your jacket, madam?
  • 镶进夹衬板。
    Let in sheathing
  • 非常柔软的点心,酪乳和苏打发酵。
    very tender biscuit partially leavened with buttermilk and soda.
  • "请把这些文件整理一下,用在一起。"
    "Sort out these papers and fasten them together with a clip, please."
  • 用弹簧住鼻子的眼镜。
    spectacles clipped to the nose by a spring.
  • (腿上用的)金属板或
    Metal splint or support worn on the leg
  • 固定用板或模子固定(联结的或骨折的四肢)的位置
    To fix the position of(a joint or fractured limb), as with a splint or cast.
  • 在人群中的一小撮小流氓
    A sprinkling of hooligans in the crowd
  • 两级楼梯间住楼梯地毯的角的条状物。
    a rod that holds a stair-carpet in the angle between two steps.
  • 78.为了鼓励市民自置居所,我们会继续推行「首次置业贷款计划」、「自置居所贷款计划」和「心阶层住屋贷款计划」,这些计划普遍受到市民欢迎。
    78. To promote home ownership we will continue to provide financial assistance to home buyers. Currently, we do this through the Home Starter Loan Scheme, the Home Purchase Loan Scheme and the Sandwich Class Housing Loan Scheme. These schemes have proved to be very popular.
  • 他的皮夹子被偷了。
    He had his wallet stolen.
  • 暴风雨夹着雨的风暴
    A storm accompanied by rain.
  • 他的头发中着一些白发。
    He has streaks of gray in his hair.
  • 物业价格于一九九八年大幅下调,现时很多私人楼宇单位的售价已处于心阶层能够负担的水平。
    As property prices dropped substantially in 1998, many flats in the private sector are now within the reach of the sandwich class.
  • 厄普代克,约翰·霍伊尔生于1932美国作家,尤以其悲喜杂的小说而闻名,这类小说包括兔子,快跑(1960年)和兔子在休息(1990年),它们讲述的是居住在郊区的美国中产阶级的苦恼和磨难
    American writer particularly known for his tragicomic novels, such as Rabbit, Run(1960) and Rabbit at Rest(1990), which concern the trials of middle-class American suburbanites.
  • 柴可夫斯基的《胡桃子组曲》也许是这一类乐曲中最受人们欢迎的一部了。
    Tschaikovsky's ballet is probably the most popular suite of its kind in music.
  • 小男孩和他妈妈很像,都长着一头红色的头发。小男孩里面穿的是一件汗衫,外面套了身棒球克。
    They looked alike, mother and son. Red-haired, both of them. He wore a baseball jacket over a sweatshirt;
  • 敌军起尾巴逃跑了。
    The enemy troops ran away with their tails between their legs.
  • (英)19世纪60年代穿着皮克,骑摩托车的英国青少年。
    (British) a British teenager in the 1960s who wore leather jackets and rode motorcycles.
  • 平滑织纹的碎牛肉或碎猪肉香肠;经常在面包卷里。
    a smooth-textured sausage of minced beef or pork usually smoked; often served on a bread roll.
  • 小偷扒走了我的钱夹
    A thief lifted my wallet.
  • 他的黑发中杂着银发。
    His black hair was threaded with silver.
  • 他的拇指让门夹了.
    He caught his thumb in the door.
  • 那人猛地跌倒,膝盖和胳膊肘都重重地砸在大厅的地板砖上,但他的手里仍紧紧地攥着那个不属于他的皮
    He falls hard, banging knee and elbow on the tile floor of the terminal, but manages to hang on to the wallet which is not his.