  • 在工人们把飞机跑道上的灰烬清理干净之后,机场昨天重新对外开放。不过火山发出的隆隆巨响和火山喷出的浓烟极有可能迫使机场第三次关闭。
    It reopened yesterday after workers had cleared debris from the runway, but explosive booms and smoke from the crater could yet force it to close for a third time.
  • 从1992年初到1999年8月,中国政府先后在中越边境中国一侧进行了两次大规模扫雷行动,共排除各种地雷和爆炸物220多万枚,销毁废弃弹药700余吨,完成扫雷面积300多平方公里,打通边贸通道和岸290多个,恢复弃耕地、弃荒牧场和山林6万公顷,消除了边境冲突遗留地雷对当地平民的威胁。
    From early 1992 to August 1999, the Chinese government launched two large-scale demining operations on Chinese territory along the Sino-Vietnamese border. Over 2.2 million landmines and explosive devices of various kinds were removed, and more than 700 tons of abandoned ammunition were destroyed. An area of over 300 square kilometers was cleared. Some 290 border trade paths and ports of entry and exit were reopened, and 60,000 hectares of deserted farmland, pastures and forests were restored to their original state. Thus, the threat posed to the local people by the landmines left over from the border conflict has been eliminated.
  • 从1992年初到1999年8月,中国政府先后在中越边境中国一侧进行了两次大规模扫雷行动,共排除各种地雷和爆炸物220多万枚,销毁废弃弹药700余吨,完成扫雷面积300多平方公里,打通边贸通道和岸290多个,恢复弃耕地、弃荒牧场和山林6万公顷,消除了边境冲突遗留地雷对当地平民的威胁。
    From early 1992 to August 1999, the Chinese government launched two large-scale demining operations on Chinese territory along the Sino-Vietnamese border. Over 2.2 million landmines and explosive devices of various kinds were removed, and more than 700 tons of abandoned ammunition and explosive devices were destroyed. An area of over 300 square kilometers was cleared. Some 290 border trade paths and ports of entry and exit were reopened, and 60,000 hectares of deserted farmland, pastures and forests were restored to their original state. Thus, the threat posed to the local people by the landmines left over from the border conflict has been eliminated.
  • 科技不断在进步,也老早就让许多机器能够“开说话”了。
    Machines that "talk" are now commonplace, thanks to advances in technology.
  • 修复损伤关节的小的切开式手术;医生用关节内窥镜在切处检察关节情况。
    a minimally invasive operation to repair a damaged joint; the surgeon examines the joint with an arthroscope while making repairs through a small incision.
  • 谷物法(英国法令,旨在限制谷物进以维持高价,於1846)
    Set of British laws, repealed in 1846, which restricted import of corn to keep prices high
  • 请愿书说,废除征收遗产税"将使美国百万富翁和亿万富翁的继承人更富有,而那些生活拮据、勉强糊的家庭则受到了损害。
    Repealing the levy “ would enrich the heirs of America's millionaires and billionaires,while hurting families who struggle to make ends meet,” the petition says.
  • 他的话别人实在说不出(如因粗俗、下流等).
    His comments are not repeatable,eg because they were rude, obscene, etc.
  • 他的话别人实在说不出
    His comment is not repeatable, because they are rude, obscene, etc.
  • 同时,快速以太网也受距离的限制:铜线接只支持终端站与中继器之间100米、中继器之间10米。
    Also, fast Ethernet is hampered by distance limitations: Its copper interfaces only support distances of 100 meters between an end-station and a repeater, and 10 meters between repeaters.
  • 他的话别人实在说不出(如因太下流)。
    His language won't bear repeating, eg because it's too obscene.
  • 排斥,嫌弃不和某种味,或违反道德观念;拒斥
    To offend the taste or moral sense of; repel.
  • 有韵律具有简单的、重复的四韵诗或打油诗那样朗朗上的音韵
    To have the catchy sound of a simple, repetitious rhyme or doggerel.
  • 粉末状或粒状碳,通过吸附起净化作用,服(作为浆)可作一些毒药的解毒剂。
    powdered or granular carbon used for purifying by adsorption; given orally (as a slurry) it is an antidote for some kinds of poisons.
  • 他是个工程师的儿子……一个学法律的学生……但“极其迷恋音乐”,…师事于鲁宾斯坦…·,现在,36岁了,还“在声之海洋中漂泊,望不到一个安全的港”。
    He was the son of an engineer… had been a student of law but had succumbed to the madness of music... had studied under Rubinstein... and now, at thirty-six, was adrift on the sea of sound with no harbor of security in sight.
  • 其实,我当然了解人替代不足在一段时日之后将为我国带来多大的麻烦;
    I am well aware of the dire consequences of fertility falling below the replacement rate in the long run.
  • 我们不得不额外进四百万吨小麦以补充我们的储备。
    We have to import an extra4 million ton of wheat to replenish our reserve.
  • 阿尔巴尼亚欧洲东南部的一个国家,位于亚得里亚海。曾长期是各国统治者和民族(从罗马人、土耳其人到塞族人和巴尔干人)争战的场地,阿尔巴尼亚于1925年成为一个共和国。地拉那是首都及最大城市。人2,841,300
    A country of southeast Europe on the Adriatic Sea. Long a warring ground for rulers and peoples ranging from the Romans and Turks to the Serbs and Bulgarians, Albania became a republic in1925. Tiran is the capital and the largest city. Population,2, 841, 300.
  • 威尼托区首府;建在亚得里亚海的海湾威尼斯湾里的一泻湖内的个小岛上;运河代替了街道;意大利主要港之一,是一旅游胜地。
    the provincial capital of Veneto; built on 118 islands within a lagoon in the Gulf of Venice which is an arm of the Adriatic; has canals instead of streets; one of Italy's major ports and a famous tourist attraction.
  • 布林迪西意大利南部一城市,位于巴里东南的亚得里亚海岸。是古代贸易中心,与地中海东部地区有贸易往来,中世纪时是十字军登陆的地方。人88,947
    A city of southern Italy on the Adriatic Sea southeast of Bari. It was an ancient center of trade with the eastern Mediterranean and an embarkation point for the Crusaders during the Middle Ages. Population,88, 947.
  • 斯普里特南斯拉夫西部城市,位于爱琴海的德莫森海岸。罗马殖民者建立,后在公元后4世纪早期戴克里先(罗马皇帝)在其周围建成宫殿。人193,600
    A city of western Yugoslavia on the Dalmatian coast of the Adriatic Sea. Founded as a Roman colony, it later grew around a palace built by Diocletian in the early fourth century a.d. Population,193, 600.
  • 巴里意大利东南部、亚得里亚海沿岸的城市。相继被希腊人、罗马人、哥特人、伦巴第人、拜占庭人、诺曼人和威尼斯人统治,1557年成为那不勒斯王国的一部分。人370,781
    A city of southeast Italy on the Adriatic Sea. Controlled successively by the Greeks, Romans, Goths, Lombards, Byzantines, Normans, and Venetians, it became part of the kingdom of Naples in1557. Population,370, 781.
  • 至少dce安全服务器及拷贝应该能ping通两个接
    At least the DCE security server and replica shall be able to ping both interface.
  • 至少dce安全服务器及拷贝应该能ping通两个接
    At least the dce security server and replica shall is able to ping both interface.
  • 人们可以从港搭乘仿造的北欧海盗式大船,还可以乘着习习凉风,划着船返回码头,真是一项令人愉快的户外锻炼。
    From the port one can ride on a replica of a Viking longboat and even help row it back to the dock, a delightful workout in the cool breeze.
  • 杜勃罗文克,拉古萨南斯拉夫西南部城市,座落在伸入亚得里亚海的—个海角上,是著名的旅游胜地,中世纪时是塞尔维克—克罗地亚文化与文学的中心。人31,106
    A city of southwest Yugoslavia on a promontory jutting into the Adriatic Sea. A popular tourist resort, it was a center of Serbo-Croatian culture and literature in medieval times. Population,31, 106.
  • 安科纳意大利中部一城市,邻亚得里亚海。是重要的港和工商业中心。人106,421
    A city of central Italy on the Adriatic Sea. It is a leading port and an industrial and commercial center. Population,106, 421.
  • 须申领进出许可证的货品包括战略物品、食米、冷藏或冷冻肉类及家禽、药用制品及药物、除害剂、放射性物质及辐照仪器、左?车辆、耗蚀臭氧层物质、光碟母版及光碟复制品的制作设备。
    Products that require import or export licences include strategic commodities, rice, chilled or frozen meat and poultry, pharmaceutical products and medicines, pesticides, radioactive substances and irradiating apparatus, left-hand-drive vehicles, ozone-depleting substances, and optical disc mastering and replication equipment.
  • 佩斯卡拉意大利中部一个城市,位于亚得里亚海沿岸、罗马东北偏东。是一个工商业中心。人131,345
    A city of central Italy on the Adriatic Sea east-northeast of Rome. It is an industrial and commercial center. Population,131, 345.
  • 他断断续续地同评论家们诛笔伐,使得肝火旺盛。
    He kept the adrenalin flowing with off-and-on feuds with his critics.
  • 中国煤炭进出公司想从德国进采煤机。为了节省外汇,中国方面考虑最好用补偿贸易方式进行购置。中国方面的代表徐先生和德国科隆公司的彼得·斯科特赛克先生进行了商谈。
    The China Coal Import and Export Corporation intends to import coal cutters from Germany. To save foreign exchange, compensation trade is considered preferable by the Chinese side. Negotiations are conducted between Mr Xu who represents the Chinese side and Mr peter Scholtissek who represent the Cologne Company of Germany.
  • 我父亲跟我说话时,他总是这样开:"我今天告没告诉你我是多么爱你?"他这种爱的表达得到了回报;
    When my father spoke to me,he always began the conversation with“ Have I told you yet today how much I adore you?