  • 天才就是更好、更有效的动。
    Genius is the power to labor better and more availably.
  • 动人民几千年来上了反动统治阶级的欺骗和恐吓的老当,很不容易觉悟到自己掌握枪杆子的重要性。
    It is very difficult for the labouring people, who have been deceived and intimidated by the reactionary ruling classes for thousands of years, to awaken to the importance of having guns in their own hands.
  • 千百万动人民正在觉醒。
    The working people in their tens of millions are awakening.
  • 资本家还在拍动者的肩膀——用一把斧头。
    Capital still pat labour on the back- with an axe.
  • 父母们要找小保姆不太容易,也不便宜,因为当地的十几岁的青少年可能会在麦当工作。
    It is difficult and expensive for parents to get a babysitter because local teenagers are probably work-ing at McDonald's.
  • 施特斯的乐曲同巴赫的乐曲是截然不同的。
    The music of Strauss is as different from Bach's as chalk from cheese.
  • 血液循环不良会引起像人体疲这样的种种症状。
    Bad circulation can cause various symptoms such as tiredness.
  • 劳:我牙痛得厉害。
    I have bad toothache.
  • 如果攻击事件确实依照布莱小姐所指控发生了,那么达奇斯县必有恶人逍遥。至少其中一人穿戴了执法人员的制服与徽章。
    If the attack happened as Miss Brawley alleges, then some evil me are on the loose in Dutchess County. At least one of them may be wearing the uniform and badge of a law officer.
  • 戈德比先生开玩笑说,1965年以来,女士们已经从家务动中尽快地"被保释出来"。
    Mr. Godbey jokes that women have been “ bailing out” of housework as quickly as possible since 1965.
  • ibm新的艺术级生产设备上玩的把戏是在raleigh,加利弗尼亚南部,以及其先进的自动实施功能的大肆吹捧,已经减少在零件总量上花费的时间,减少了20%的动力需求,减少了50%的生产缺陷。
    New tricks in IBM's state-of-the-art manufacturing facility in Raleigh, North Carolina, with its ballyhooed advanced fulfillment initiative, have reduced the time parts spend in inventory, reduced labor requirements 20 percent, and cut manufacturing defects by 50 percent.
  • 欧洲某个非政府组织的一名代表向我们汇报,该组织成功地在孟加拉关闭一家雇用孩童工的工厂。
    A representativeof an European non-governmental organisation told us that it had succeeded in closing down a factory in Bangladesh which employed child labour.
  • 欧洲某个非政府组织的一名代表向我们汇报,该组织成功地在孟加拉关闭一家雇用孩童工的工厂。
    A representative of an European non-governmental organisation told us that it had succeeded in closing down a factory in Bangladesh which employed child labour.
  • 银行游说团;工游说团
    The banking lobby; the labor lobby.
  • 拉心中的另一位榜样,她的婆婆芭芭拉·布什说;
    " She's been working so hard," says her mother-in-law and another of her model First Ladies, Barbara Bush.
  • 现存的手稿;在现存的野蛮风俗中发现的绘画艺术的标本——爱德华·克蒂。
    extant manuscripts; specimens of graphic art found among extant barbaric folk- Edward Clodd.
  • 因为历史告诉我们,曾有许多国家,它们的国民尽管克勤克俭,还是不能免于贫困,有些国家由贫穷落后的地位进入富强,有些则由富裕与幸福的状况沦入贫困,凡是对这样的演变想试究一下原因的,当他听到了动造成富强、怠惰造成贫困的道理以后(其实所罗门王在亚当·斯密之前早就提出了这一点),总是不禁要再问一下,动的起因是什么,怠惰的起因又是什么呢?
    for history teaches that whole nations have, in spite of the exertions and of the thrift of their citizens, fallen into poverty and misery. Whoever desires to know and investigate how one nation from a state of poverty and barbarism has attained to one of wealth and prosperity, and how another has fallen from a condition of wealth and well-being into one of poverty and misery, has always, after receiving the information that labour is the cause of wealth and idleness the cause of poverty (a remark which King Solomon made long before Adam Smith), to put the further question,what are the causes of labour, and what the causes of idleness?
  • 许多动者的勉强的生活。
    of a bare living gained by great labor.
  • 资集体谈判制度下,工人作为一个团体同公司经理进行谈判。
    In a system of collective bargaining, the workers as a group negotiate with the managers of the company.
  • 清除大麦中的麸皮是一项艰苦的动。
    It is a hard labor to purge the barley from the bran.
  • 务杂役分派给士兵的一年一次或两次的杂役(如打扫军营)
    Manual or menial labor, such as barracks cleaning, assigned to soldiers.
  • 他们努力的徒无益归咎於管理不善。
    The barrenness of their effort is due to poor management.
  • 切莉是一位月薪高达六位数的首席律师,而性格腼腆的美国总统夫人拉则曾是一位喜爱厨艺的图书管理员。
    While Cherie is a leading barrister with a six-figure salary, the president's wife was a shy former librarian who loves cooking.
  • 巴瑞-伦斯来自这家总部设在弗吉尼亚莱斯顿的careerbuilder公司,这家公司5月份对3,200多名随机受访者做了一项休假中是否继续工作的调查。伦斯总结调查结果说:"公司往往承诺每周七天,每天二十四小时全天候为顾客提供服务,否则他们的公司将会缺乏竞争力。
    "People now have to respond to customers 24-7 or you're not being competitive," explains Barry Lawrence of the Reston, Va. -based Career Builder, which queried more than 3,200 respondents in May for the survey.
  • 这部影片是根据D.H.伦斯的小说改编的。
    This film is based on a novel by D.H.Lawrence.
  • 第三,就业问题解决了,城镇基本上没有待业动者了;
    3. There was basically full employment in cities and towns;
  • 比如钢铁工人动那样重,而蔬菜少、肉类缺,基本条件都保证不了,这样的问题就必须具体地去研究解决。
    For instance, steel workers do heavy labour, yet they don't get enough meat and vegetables to eat. This means that even the basics are not guaranteed. Such problems must be concretely studied and solved.
  • 有人提醒他们,要提防那些专靠他人的动以自肥的公司。
    They were warned against the companies who batten on the efforts of others.
  • 无蜂难酿蜜;不不得食。
    No bee, no honey; No work, no money.
  • 我们一生应该这样地生活和动,使给予我们的种子能在下一代开花,使给予我们的花朵能在下一代结果,这就是我们所说的进步的意义。(比彻)
    We should so live and labor in our time that what came to us as seed may go to the next generation as blossom, and what came to us as blossom may go to them as fruit. This is what we mean by progress.( H. W. Beecher)
  • 这种动所创造的是资本,即剥削雇佣动的财产,只有在不断产生出新的雇佣动来重新加以剥削的条件下才能增加起来的财产。
    It creates capital, i.e., that kind of property which exploits wage-labour, and which cannot increase except upon condition of begetting a new supply of wage-labour for fresh exploitation.
  • 他们的朋友都恳求他们不要太累了。
    Their friends begged them to spare themselves.