  • —有时是一队队的穿白色制服的士,穿灰色制服的士,和佩着金黄色的肩章的军官,踏步前进,发生战斗,最后又退却了,那些穿白色制服的士突然换上了橙黄色的制服,那些穿灰色制服的士似乎换上了紫色制服,而背景却满布着火焰般的金黄的虹色。
    now showing armies of white-clad and gray-uniformed armies and officers with golden epaulets, marching and counter-marching and united in combat and retreating again. As the battle and the chase were going on, the stage-lights changed, and the soldiers in white uniform burst out in orange and the soldiers in gray uniforms seemed to don purple, while the backdrop was a flaming iridescent gold.
  • 们挺直了腰站着,一笑不笑。
    the guards stood stiff-backed and unsmiling.
  • 排长让士排成一行,并命令他们一至四报数。
    The platoon leader drew the soldiers up into line and bade them number off in fours.
  • 就象歌中的老一样,我结束我的军旅生涯,只是淡出了人生舞台。
    And like the old soldier of that ballad, I now close my military career.
  • “他是谁?”“唔,他什么事情都干过—当过,做过民谣歌手,干过流浪补锅匠,而现在却是个乞丐。”
    "Who is he?" "Why, he has gone the vole—has been soldier, ballad-singer, traveling tinker and is now a beggar."
  • 在这次对国会的演讲中,他以一句古老歌词“一个老永不死亡,他只是淡出舞台”来宣告自己军旅生涯的结束。
    In the speech before Congress he announced his retirement from active military service with the now famous Line from an old ballad, "Old soldiers never die--they just fade away".
  • ?三层的作战服,外层是防弹层,中间层给各种设备传送电能,而内层则负责监控士的健康状况。
    The combat uniform,a triple- layered suit with an outer layer of ballistic protection,a middle layer for conducting power to various devices,and an inner layer that monitors the soldier's health.
  • 在民们的追击下,匪徒们逃进了深山。
    The bandits flee into the mountain, pursued by the militiamen.
  • 成群的士洗劫了村庄。
    Bands of soldiers ravaged the village.
  • 郊野到处都有散游勇,四出打劫.
    The countryside was overrun by marauding bands.
  • 们还在断断续续地或不断地打枪。
    The soldiers were still banging away.
  • 们噼噼啪啪地不断向土匪射击。
    The militiamen were banging away at the hand its.
  • 元朝建立后,在发展西域各地社会经济的同时,在吐鲁番地区设立提刑按察司,以后,又在吐鲁番等地建立交钞提举司(印钞机构)和交钞库等机构,设置“别失八里元帅府”以总管派往该地的“新附”(元朝以俘降的南宋士卒组成的军队)屯垦事务,派到和阗、且末等地屯田,在别失八里设立冶场“鼓铸农具”。在畏兀儿(元朝称回鹘为“畏兀儿”)地区实行“计亩输税”。
    After the Yuan Dynasty was proclaimed, while giving attention to socio-economic development in the Western Regions, it appointed a judicial commissioner in the Turpan region. Later, a treasury and printing house for banknotes were established there, together with a Bexibalik Command to administer the Turpan area, which was garrisoned by soldiers of the vanquished Southern Song Dynasty army, who were also there to open up wasteland. At the same time, the Yuan court sent soldiers to Hotan and Qiemo for garrison and reclamation duties, set up a foundry in Bexibalik to make farm tools, and instituted a land tax system in the Uighur areas.
  • 创立于1708年的德美施洗者圣会团体;反对役和接受法律誓言;三次沉浸习惯。
    German-American Baptist denomination founded in 1708; opposed to military service and taking legal oaths; practiced trine immersion.
  • 德美浸社会教派成员德国浸礼会教派成员,该教派是反对役和宣誓的德美浸信会教派团体
    A member of the German Baptist Brethren, a group of German-American Baptists opposed to military service and the taking of legal oaths.
  • 那群野蛮的士杀了很多人。
    The group of barbaric soldiers killed many people.
  • 犬牙交错的战争形态,就是颇为特殊的一点,这是由于日本的野蛮和力不足,中国的进步和土地广大这些矛盾因素产生出来的。
    One of the special features of this war is the interlocking "jig-saw" pattern which arises from such contradictory factors as the barbarity of Japan and her shortage of troops on the one hand, and the progressiveness of China and the extensiveness of her territory on the other.
  • 这样,力不足(包括小国、寡民、资源不足和他是封建的帝国主义等等),异国作战(包括战争的帝国主义性和野蛮性等等),指挥笨拙,使得日本军阀虽然处在进攻战和外线作战的有利地位,但其主动权却日益减弱下去。
    Thus, despite the advantage of being on the offensive and operating on exterior lines, the Japanese militarists are gradually losing the initiative, because of their shortage of troops (their small territory, small population, inadequate resources, feudalistic imperialism, etc.), because of the fact that they are fighting on foreign soil (their war is imperialist and barbarous) and because of their stupidities in command.
  • 如果日本没有许多不可克服的矛盾,例如它能一下出几百万至一千万大,财源比现在多过几倍,又没有民众和外国的敌对,又不实行野蛮政策招致中国人民拚死命反抗,那它便能保持一种绝对的优势,它便有一种贯彻始终和普及各地的绝对的主动权。
    If Japan were not riddled with insoluble contradictions, if, for instance, she could throw in a huge force of several million or ten million men all at once, if her financial resources were several times what they are, if she had no opposition from her own people or from other countries, and if she did not pursue the barbarous policies which arouse the desperate resistance of the Chinese people, then she would be able to maintain absolute superiority and have the absolute initiative always and every where.
  • 用带刺的铁丝网和长钉做成的可移动的木架防御系统;它是用来阻止骑进攻的。
    a movable obstacle composed of barbed wire or spikes attached to a wooden frame; used to obstruct cavalry.
  • 们在谷仓里打铺过夜。
    The soldiers bedded down in a barn.
  • 检查之前士们把营房打扫干净。
    The soldiers had to swab out the barrack– room before inspection.
  • 但我依然记得当年那首流行的军歌中骄傲的迭句:一个老永不死亡,他只是淡出舞台。
    But I still remember the refrain of one of the most popular barrack ballads of that day which proclaimed most proudly that old soldiers never die, they just fade away.
  • 检阅官方对营或部队的检查或考察
    Official examination or review, as of barracks or troops.
  • 离开营房时得登记签字。
    Soldiers sign out when they leave the barracks.
  • 兵营军事营地或要塞
    A military barracks or garrison.
  • 营生活像是生活玻璃鱼缸中。
    Barracks life is like living in a fishbowl.
  • 营里供士居住的简陋的房舍。
    a room in a barracks where soldiers are billeted.
  • 们走出营房以待检阅。
    The soldiers fell out of the barracks for inspection.
  • 劳务杂役分派给士的一年一次或两次的杂役(如打扫军营)
    Manual or menial labor, such as barracks cleaning, assigned to soldiers.
  • 作为惩罚,这些战士在营里禁闭了一个星期。
    As a punishment, the soldiers were confined to barracks for a week.
  • 存放个人物品的箱子;通常放在床底(例如营)。
    a trunk for storing personal possessions; usually kept at the foot of a bed (as in a barracks).