  • 卡片一种寄给情人、朋友或家庭成员的一种满感情的或幽默的问候卡片,如在圣瓦伦丁节日时所寄
    A sentimental or humorous greeting card sent to a sweetheart, friend, or family member, for example, on Saint Valentine's Day.
  • 在虚拟扩存储系统(vse)中,系统控制程序和系统服务程序使用的一种索引,用于对存储在直接存取存储器上的一个或多个顺序的程序信息块进行定位。
    In VSE, an index that is used by the system control and service programs to locate one or more sequential blocks of program information that are stored on direct access storage.
  • 在西方模式里,调解人所受的训练,是如何当调解过程的管理者:他们的主要职责是促成双方的合作,其工作包括引导两造遵循基本规则,按部就班逐项磋谈,并专注于达成协议。
    In the Western model, mediators are trained in the role of a process manager. Their main responsibility is to facilitate a collaborative process.Their training includes guiding the parties sequentially through their tasks, keeping parties attuned to the ground rules and focused on reaching an agreement.
  • 制干酪过程中从凝结物分离出来的水状部分的牛奶浆液。
    the serum or watery part of milk that is separated from the curd in making cheese.
  • 不管奥斯卡金像奖评委们怎么看《卧虎藏龙》,美国公众可是投了它的票,而且毫无疑问,我们被这部饶有兴味的史诗大片迷得神魂颠倒了。这部影片情感深切、浪漫传奇、活力沛而又宁静平和,它还主张男女平等。
    Regardless of what the Academy members have in mind for Crouching Tiger,Hidden Dragon,the votes have come in from the American public and there is no question that we are head over heels in love with this soulful and romantic,energetic yet serene,feminist and gusty master epic.
  • 我有种感觉,他在等待,非常宁静、满耐心。
    I had the feeling that he was waiting, too--serenely patient.
  • 分发挥奥运会对全国经济发展的促进作用,推动我国现代化建设事业加快发展。
    we aim at maximizing the positive impacts of the Olympic Games on national economic development and accelerating the modernization drive of the country.
  • 一部满了紧张感的电视系列剧
    A thrill-packed television series.
  • 他在这件事上的小题大作,分表现出他心胸狭窄。
    they didn't take his hairsplitting seriously.
  • 大夫不愿意使她紧张,没有分给她说明病情的严重性。
    The doctor, not wishing to make her nervous, did not fully explain the seriousness of the condition.
  • 他说:我希望,美国政府要分看到这个事件的严重性,它已经损害了中美关系。
    He said, "I hope the US Government fully realizes the seriousness of the incident, which has damaged Sino-US relations.
  • 心包囊状膜层,其间满了包围着绕心脏、大血管的根部和其它大血管的浆状液体
    The membranous sac filled with serous fluid that encloses the heart and the roots of the aorta and other large blood vessels.
  • 羊膜一层薄的、坚韧的膜囊,可包住哺乳动物、鸟类或爬行动物的胚胎或婴儿,膜囊被羊水满,胚胎悬浮其中
    A thin, tough, membranous sac that encloses the embryo or fetus of a mammal, bird, or reptile. It is filled with a serous fluid in which the embryo is suspended.
  • 国家是否有足够强大的力量,可以保障它的国民在财富和教育方面世世代代发展下去,可以使他们不仅能够分利用本国的天然资源,而且通过国外贸易和殖民地的占有,还能够把国外的天然资源供他们自己来利用。
    whether the power of the nation is strong enough to secure to its individual citizens progress in wealth and education from generation to generation, and to enable them not merely to utilise the natural powers of their own country to their fullest extent, but also, by foreign trade and the possession of colonies, to render the natural powers of foreign countries serviceable to their own.
  • 同时,分利用社会力量培训各类人才,1996年共培训110多万人,其中培训军地两用人才1.8万人,就业前培训16.9万多人,培训乡镇企业人员4.5万多人。
    Meanwhile, social sectors have been fully mobilized to help train personnel in various fields. In 1996, more than 1.1 million people received training, including 18,000 ex-servicemen who were trained for civil jobs, 169,000 pre-employment trainees, and 45,000 township enterprises employees.
  • 顺从的满或展示屈从意愿的;奉承的
    Full of or exhibiting servile compliance; fawning.
  • 使兴奋的使人精力沛的;使兴奋的
    Serving to invigorate; stimulating.
  • 我们学校当这次学术会议的东道主。
    The academic conference was hosted by our universtiy.
  • 这些满异国情调的场景大大增加了影片的美感。
    These exotic settings greatly add to the aesthetic appeal of the movie.
  • 她高高的个头,金黄的秀发,眉清目秀,一张恨怒的脸分说明她不超过17岁。
    She was tall and blond and statuesque. The sour look on her face emphasized she couldn’t be more than seventeen.
  • yee,ericlander是该案的专家证人,他原来是数学家,后来成为一名遗传学家,它负责补其他由控方和辩方召集的17个专家证人的证言。
    Yee, where the magistrate called Eric Lander, a mathematician-turned-geneticist, as an expert witness to supplement the seventeen expert witnesses called by the prosecution and defense.
  • 那次整风为七大作了分的准备。
    That movement laid sufficient groundwork for the Party's Seventh National Congress.
  • 奔流突然且足地流出,如从围墙中涌出;洪水
    To flow suddenly and abundantly, as from containment; flood.
  • 他已经分表明了自己的观点。
    He's made his views abundantly (ie very) clear.
  • 满大量的、非常活跃的东西。
    abundantly filled with especially living things.
  • 盛宴经分准备,可尽情享乐的宴席
    A meal that is well prepared and abundantly enjoyed.
  • 金钱裕或财产价值高。
    having an abundant supply of money or possessions of value.
  • 我们有分的证据证明他有罪。
    We have abundant proof of his guilt.
  • 这个国家的石油供应裕。
    The country has abundant supplies of oil.
  • 把这个混合物分摇匀。
    Shake the mixture well.
  • 富足的有足的财源的;富足的
    Having an abundant supply of money; affluent.
  • 森林里有裕的薪柴可用。
    There is abundant firewood in the forest.