| - 實際的修理費用比我們預期的要低得多。
The actual cost of repairs was a lot less than we had expected. - 他修剪玫瑰時雙手颳傷得很厲害。
He scratched his hands badly while pruning the rosebushes. - 我看到他正在給玫瑰修剪枝條。
I found him pruning his roses. - 整修去除腐木
Trimmed off the rotten wood. - 最後,在聖德尼街和蒙托格伊街之間是修女院,旁邊是奇跡宮廷的腐爛屋頂和殘墻斷壁。
Lastly, between the Rue Saint-Denis, and the Rue Montorgueil,stood the Filles-Dieu. On one side, the rotting roofs and unpaved enclosure of the Cour des Miracles could be descried. - 粗糙的砍沒有修整表面。
hew roughly, without finishing the surface. - 市府官員對那些不願為修建新學校而毀傢園的人們,不抱一點同情心。
The city officials rode roughshod over the people who did not want their homes torn down for a new school. - 他把桌子腿修成圓形。
He rounded off the legs of the table. - 唐娜·黑爾(在國傢航空和航天局負責有關設計插圖工作,她是通過審查可以接觸機密的人員)說,一些高空拍攝到的地球的照片在公佈之前通常都修去了背景中的不明飛行物。
Donna Hare,a NASA design illustrator with secret clearance,said UFOs were routinely airbrushed out of high altitude photos of the Earth before being released to the public. - 最近,她除了每天必修的瑜珈之外,又增加了pilates,一種專門為舞蹈演員設計的拉伸運動;以及taebo,一種武術鍛煉。
She recently added Pilates, a stretching system devised for dancers, and Tae Bo, a form of martial arts, to her yoga routines. - 在dec公司的rt-11和tops-10係統中,用來修飾說明內存(儲器)中的一些程序或作業,當前(也可能永久地)不能進行交換或轉移。
In RT-11 and TOPS-10, pertaining to routines or jobs in memory that are not presently(and may never be) candidates for swapping or transferring. - 用於修飾或說明某種計算機或其它智能部件或裝置,這種計算機或智能裝置含有允許用戶寫微碼程序的設施,因而可擴充或構成用戶自己的指令集。
Pertaining to a computer or other intelligent device containing the facilities to permit users to write microcode routines and thus to extend or “customize” the instruction set. - 不需要對廣域網的交換或路由結構作修改。
No modification to the WAN's switching or routing fabric is required. - 一排排的房屋正在修建。
Rows upon rows of houses are building. - 卡西諾意大利中部亞平寧山脈腹地的一座城鎮,位於那不勒斯西北部。在第二次世界大戰中,該城和附近的蒙特卡羅·卡西諾本尼迪剋特修道院在激烈的德國聯盟戰鬥中(1944年2月-5月)淪為瓦礫。人口26,300
A town of central Italy in the Apennines northwest of Naples. In World War II the town and nearby Benedictine monastery of Monte Cassino were reduced to rubble during fierce German-Allied fighting(February-May1944). Population,26, 300. - 在聖殿新街和聖馬丁街之間,又有聖馬丁修道院,座落在花園中間,築有防禦工事,塔樓連成一片,鐘樓重疊,宛如教皇三重冠,這座教堂巍峨壯麗,堅不可摧,僅次於聖日耳曼-德-普瑞教堂。
Between the Rue Neuve-du-Temple and the Rue Saint-Martin, there was the Abbey of Saint-Martin, in the midst of its gardens, a superb fortified church, whose girdle of towers, whose diadem of bell towers,yielded in force and splendor only to Saint-Germain des Près. - 這四座大廈都座落在諾南迪埃爾街和塞萊斯坦修道院之間,四座府邸的山墻和雉堞被修道院的尖頂一襯托,輪廓綫益發顯得優雅飄逸。
These four edifices filled the space from the Rue des Nonaindi鑢es, to the abbey of the Celestins, whose spire gracefully relieved their line of gables and battlements. - 除非這幢大樓進行修繕,不然就要倒塌了。
This building will go to rack and ruing unless it is repaired. - 那修道院現已成廢墟.
The abbey is now a ruin. - 蒂卡爾危地馬拉北部的一座瑪雅廢城,曾是瑪雅城市中最大也可能最古老的一座。挖掘和修復該廢墟的工作始於1956年
A ruined Mayan city of northern Guatemala. It was the largest of the Mayan cities and may also be the oldest. Excavation and restoration of the ruins began in1956. - 烏頭一種烏頭屬的有毒多年生草,尤指狼毒烏頭,有寬且圓的葉子、修長的串狀花序和淡紫紅色的花
Any of several poisonous perennial herbs of the genus Aconitum, especially A. lycoctonum, having broad, rounded leaves, elongate racemes, and purple-lilac flowers. - 當計算機不運行時的狀態,它可能是停下來維修,可能有硬件故障,也可能是操作係統被一個失去控製的程序擾亂了。
A condition of the computer when it is not running. It may be shut down for maintenance, there may be a hardware failure, or the operating system may have been disarranged by a runaway program. - 但是她的伯父是美國總統這一事實,使得她在米蘭為蓋·馬修羅設計的服裝進行了首場表演後,被新聞界緊追不放。
But the fact that her father Neil's brother is the U.S. President had the press hounding her in Milan after her runway debut in a design by Gai Mattiolo. - 外面,月兒彎彎,修剪過的樹和殘破的月牙形花園閃着微光,在夜風中沙沙作響,婆婆起舞,對它們創造的強烈的祥和氣氛感到心滿意足。
Outside, the lopsided moon, the hacked-at trees and the hobbled moon garden shimmered and rustled and fluttered in the night wind, satisfied they worked their powerful enchantment still. - 汽車開始出毛病了,急需維修。
The car has started aching up and badly needs servicing. - 自己動手的傢具修理;自己動手做的帆船工具
Do-it-yourself home repairs; a do-it-yourself sailboat kit. - 聚醋酸乙烯和聚乙烯醇是經過無數次篩選的理想修補材料。
The polyvinyl acetate and polyvinyl alcohol used are ideal restoring materials obtained by numberless screening. - 在文物工作方面,五六十年代的重點是對故宮博物院舊藏的清宮文物重新清點核對,登記造册,進行鑒別、分類和建檔,糾正了過去計件不確之處並增補了遺漏的文物,例如從雜物堆中發現了用草簾裹着的象牙席、修復漱芳齋戲臺時發現在地板下存放的傳為唐代盧棱伽的《六尊者像》册等。
As for the collection of antiquities, a systematic inventory was completed during the 1950s and 1960s, redressing the legacy of inaccurate cataloguing of former times. The collection was moreover augmented, for example by the salvage of a number of precious artefacts from a jumble of apparently worthless objects. - 造船、修船、拆船和打撈船單位,均應備有防止污染器材和設備。
Shipbuilders and ship repairing, scrapping and salvaging units shall be provided with anti-pollution equipment and facilities. - 她付了維修費以減輕內疚感。
She pay the repair bill as a salve to her conscience. - 腰帶,環帶腰帶或飾帶,特別是係在牧師法衣上或僧侶及修女法衣上的腰帶
A belt or sash, especially one worn with an ecclesiastical vestment or the habit of a monk or nun. - 李洪志宣揚“世界末日就要來臨”、“地球就要爆炸”,自稱他是當今唯一的救世主,衹有練法輪功才能消災避難,要求練習者絶對服從他,衹能按照他的說教規範言行,不準在思想、行動上遵從別的理論,從精神上控製修煉者。
He has predicted that the end of the world is coming and the earth is going to blow up. He has styled himself as the only Savior of the world and alleged that disasters and sufferings can be avoided only by practicing Falun Gong. He has asked practitioners to obey him blindly and regulate their behavior with his so-called teachings. He has forbidden them from following other theories in mind and in action so as to mentally control them.