  • 你的保险卡片未贴足印
    Your insurance card is insufficiently stamped.
  • 解决噪音污染的措施包括对门、墙和天板进行隔音处理,使用耳朵保护装置(尤其是在工业生产区),种植植物吸收并屏蔽噪音,对城市分区使居住区与过量噪音区分开。
    Solutions to noise pollution include adding insulation and sound proofing to doors,walls,and ceilings; using ear protection,particularly in industrial working areas; planting vegetation to absorb and screen out noise pollution; and zoning urban areas to maintain a separation between residential areas and zones of excessive noise.
  • 为封住某人的嘴而不让其走漏秘密的费。
    a payment made to someone to insure that something is kept secret.
  • 马日事变后,除袁、王两部无损失外,仅遂川保存六枝,莲保存一枝,其余概被豪绅缴去。
    After the incident, apart from the rifles in the hands of Yuan's and Wang's men, which remained intact, only 6 rifles were left in Suichuan and 1 in Lienhua, all the rest having been seized by the landlords.
  • 只要力气和钱,企业应用集成(eai)就能解决这个问题。
    With a lot of effort and money, enterprise application integration (EAI) can solve that problem.
  • 一种灌木或小乔木,羽状叶,其蓝色朵异常芳香,成浓密的总状序,结红豆。
    shrub or small tree having pinnate leaves poisonous to livestock and dense racemes of intensely fragrant blue flowers and red beans.
  • 对那些不曾刻意手觅成功诀窍的人来说,再大代价,也学不来这个窍门。
    It cannot be had at any price by those who are not intentionally searching for it.
  • 我们有着源远流长的不同种族的文化遗产,来自西欧、中国、印度及马来世界,它们在互相交流、互相吸取优点,将来我们的社会不是“大熔炉”式的被某一文化控制的社会,而是“百香壶”式的把各种文化遗产维持与发扬起来。
    Like a fabric woven with a diversity of colourful strands of threads, our society contains rich cultural heritage which hails from Europe, China, India and the Malay world. We live in a community where different cultures interact, we absorb and learn from one another's fine traditions.
  • 我们有着源远流长的不同种族的文化遗产,来自西欧、中国、印度及马来世界,它们在互相交流、互相吸取优点,将来我们的社会不是“大熔炉”式的被某一文化控制的社会,而是“百香壶”式的把各种文化遗产维持与发扬起来。
    Like a fabric woven with a diversity of colorful strands of threads, our society contains rich cultural heritage which hails from Europe, China, India and the Malay world. We live in a community where different cultures interact, we absorb and learn from one another's fine traditions. In our perception, our future society will not be a melting pot dominated by a particular culture, but a potpourri in which all different cultures can be preserved and developed fully.
  • tco的其他障碍本质上是部门之间的问题,没有tco,很多资产通过被各部门掉而被隐藏起来。
    Other obstacles to TCO are interdepartmental in nature.Without TCO, a lot of assets get hidden by being expensed through the departments.
  • 板房间的内部上侧表面
    The upper interior surface of a room.
  • 这种互相交织的结很令列奥纳多着迷。他的名字也许可以玩味一番,因为在意大利语中“vincere”正是镶边或打结的意思。
    Interlaced knots such as this fascinated Leonardo arid there may be some play on his name since in Italian vincere is to lace or knot.
  • 间歇泉间歇向空中喷水和蒸汽柱的天然温泉
    A natural hot spring that intermittently ejects a column of water and steam into the air.
  • 打棉机一种由装刺的鼓组成的纺织机器,鼓在内部装有大钉的密闭空间内转动,用于打开和清理未加工的棉或羊毛
    A textile machine consisting of a spiked drum revolving inside a chamber fitted internally with spikes, used to open and clean unprocessed cotton or wool.
  • 篮螺丝,松螺旋扣一种金属的连接环呈椭圆形,两端有内旋螺纹,用来拧紧带螺纹的拉杆的两个部分从而调整拉杆的张力
    A metal coupling device consisting of an oblong piece internally threaded at both ends into which the two sections of a threaded rod are screwed in order to adjust the tension of the rod.
  • 这不是说已经有不良感觉的人在网上费了更多的时间,而是说使用因特网似乎确实诱发了人们的不良感觉。
    And it wasn't that people who were already feeling bad spent more time on the Internet, but that using the Net actually appeared to cause the bad feelings.
  • 一幅藤、缠绕的奇异图案。
    a fanciful pattern with intertwined vines and flowers.
  • 道别时要握手感谢雇主时间对你进行面试。
    Shake hands as you say good-bye and thank the interviewer for spending time with you.
  • 道别时要握手感谢雇主时间面试你。
    A shake hands as you say good-bye and thank the interviewer for spending time with you.
  • 锦缎编织成富丽的凸纹的原织物
    A heavy fabric interwoven with a rich, raised design.
  • 霜冻形成如在玻璃窗上的复杂图案
    The intricate patterns produced by frost, as on a windowpane.
  • 各种色和质地的线织成了一幅复杂的图案。
    Threads of different colors and textures were woven into an intricate pattern.
  • 1984年,她抛开处于低谷的肥皂剧,瑞恩来到洛杉矶拍摄昙一现的连续剧《野性》。
    Departing the world of soapy intrigue after the 1984 season,Ryan relocated to Los Angeles to film the short lived series Wildside.
  • 因此,这种技术模式是与直觉背道而驰的,因为它不主张将研究和发展的投资放在新坦克或飞机上;它主张将钱在进一步提高作战平台的一体化能力上。
    So the template was counter-intuitive because it did not say that you should spend your research and development money on new tanks or new aircraft, you should spend it on the ability to integrate those platforms better.
  • 我和一班同寅的,当面称他做王,背后总是叫他落生。
    Among us, we would always address him as King in his presence. Behind him, we invariably referred to him as Peanuts.
  • 珍珠菜;在潮湿的或沼泽的地带通常长有黄色的四海为家的属。
    loosestrife: a cosmopolitan genus found in damp or swampy terrain having usually yellow flowers; inclined to be invasive.
  • 发明家了好几个月时间在精心设计一种新机器。
    The inventor spend months elaborate his plan for a new engine.
  • 该发明家了好几个月的时间在精心地设计一种新的机器。
    The inventor spent months in elaborating his plans for a new engine.
  • 编辑详细目录的工作了好几个小时。
    the job of compiling the inventory took several hours.
  • 我打算一笔钱买辆新汽车。
    I'm thinking of investing in a new car.
  • “以杀人为生者必死于刀下,”一位已退休的汽车犯罪调查员墨菲评论说。他曾九年时间调查泰斯塔在纽约和新泽西与偷车集团的关联。
    "Live by the sword, die by the sword," commented John Murphy, a retired auto-crimes investigator who spent nine years of his police career probing Testa's many links to stolen-car rackets in New York and New Jersey.
  • 次总苞,小总苞次级被,如处于复合伞形序中一个伞形序基部之
    A secondary involucre, as at the base of an umbel within a compound umbel.