  • 万一发生抱着微小的希望或可
    In the slight hope or possibility.
  • 在微小基础上进行推理的。
    able to be inferred on slight grounds.
  • 这些孩子似乎完全不安静地自己做功课。
    The children seem to be totally incapable of working quietly by themselves.
  • 他一点也不能信任。
    He cannot be trusted in the slightest degree.
  • 对他们一点也不相信。
    They cannot be trusted in the slightest degree.
  • 稍微有一点点接触,我们的身体就会本地跳到一边去。
    our bodies jumped nervously away at the slightest touch.
  • 明白一点儿这是什麽意思吗
    Do you have the slightest notion of what this means
  • 饲养稍不小心,它们就可死亡。
    The slightest carelessness in feeding can result in their death.
  • 一丁点儿火花都引爆储存在这儿的炸药。
    The slightest spark can set off the explosive stored here.
  • 兔子耳朵大听到极微小的声音.
    A rabbit's large ears enable it to hear the slightest sound.
  • 即使福特总统已选定贝克参议员与他一起竞选,共和党在南方占上风的可性还是不太大。若和多尔先生一起竞选的话,可性会更小。
    Even if President Ford had chosen Senator Baker to run with him, the chances of the Republicans capturing the South would have been slim. With Mr Dole the chances are much slimmer.
  • 我们取胜的可性很小。
    Our chances of winning are slim.
  • 但愿我像你一样苗条.
    I wish I was as slim as you.
  • 她再婚的可性看来相当小。
    The chances of her marrying again look rather slim.
  • 我在同级调动的可性目前很小。
    The possibility for a lateral transfer seem pretty slim right now.
  • 分泌粘液的海洋动物;八目鳗类鱼。
    slime-producing marine animals: hagfishes.
  • 孙:既然你不管吃什么都保持身材苗条,那就再给你果酱。
    And here is jam for you, since you keep slim no matter what you eat.
  • 告诉我出发的时间吗?
    Could you please give me the departure time?
  • 系船索被缚在一个物体两端,并从其中心点吊起的链子、缆绳,绳索的跨绳
    A span of chain, wire, or rope that can be secured at both ends to an object and slung from its center point.
  • “阿拉斯加的好多地区,包括整个阿留申群岛,都处在一个板块的边界上,”麦卡恩说,“这儿,太平洋板块正在滑动,并向北美板块下倾斜,当应力足够大时,太平洋板块便可会猛烈地下滑。
    "Much of Alaska, including the entire Aleutian island chain , rests on a tectonic plate boundary," says Mccann, "Here the Pacific plate is slipping past and dipping beneath the North American plate. When the strain is great enough, the Pacific plate may slip violently down- ward.
  • 激光凝固法一种通过集中光,如一束激光,来达到外科组织凝结的方法,用来破坏不正常的组织或形成粘合性的伤痕,常用于眼科学中
    Surgical coagulation of tissue by means of intense light energy, such as a laser beam, performed to destroy abnormal tissues or to form adhesive scars, especially in ophthalmology.
  • 可形成组织的生成组织的;形成的
    Capable of building tissue; formative.
  • 因未执行规定计画而造成的生产延误
    Production delays due to slippage
  • 还有一次,她穿着长统袜子和拖鞋,用她的脚看出藏在地毯下面的图片的轮廓和颜色。
    Wearing stockings and slippers, to make out with her foot the outlines and colours of a picture hidden under a carpet.
  • 希望我们一起过春节。
    I hope we can spend the holidays together.
  • 使表面光滑以减少摩擦的物质。
    a substance capable of reducing friction by making surfaces smooth or slippery.
  • 一党专政有可是滑向法西斯主义的起点。
    A one-party state can be the start of the slippery slope towards fascism.
  • 你根本不给文迪限定一个确定切的见面时间和地点,她真滑头。
    You can never pin down Wendy to an exact time and place to meet; she's such a slippery customer.
  • 我们不在一起过春节真是太遗憾了。
    It's really a shame we can't be together at that moment.
  • 在一个机械系统中由滑动过程引起的量损耗。
    a decrease of transmitted power in a mechanical system caused by slipping.
  • 他们没阻止少数次品得以混过。
    They are unable to prevent a small number of defective parts slipping through.
  • 但愿我回家共度佳节。
    I wish I were home for the holidays.