  • 如果我可以暂时离开一下话题,我将讲一个有趣的故事你听。
    I'll tell you a funny story, if I may digress for a moment.
  • "老教授过去常常暂时离开一下话题,学生们讲一个有趣的故事。"
    The old professor used to digress from his subject for a moment to tell his students a funny story.
  • 人家又了我一个工作,我不由得进退两难。
    I am on the horn of a dilemma when I am offered another job.
  • 是服从父亲还是嫁自己所爱的人是玛丽面临著的难题。
    Mary is facing the dilemma of obey her father or marry the man she love.
  • 有人又了罗伯特一份工作,他感到十分为难,因为他对老板仍然很忠诚。
    Robert was on the horns of a dilemma when he was offered another job because he still felt a great deal of loyalty to his boss.
  • 她的勤奋老师的印象很深。
    She impress her teacher with her diligence.
  • "我你两枚五分镍币换你一枚一角银币,成吗?"
    Can you give me a dime for two nickels?
  • 他说他要当场拿回他的一角钱,因此我不得不他。
    He said he wanted his dime back then and there, so I had to give it to him.
  •   (2)商标所有人使用的商标,在形式上与其在本联盟国家之一所注册的商标的形式只有细节的不同,而并未改变其显著性的,不应导致注册无效,也不应减少对商标所予的保护。
    Use of a trademark by the proprietor in a form differing in elements which do not alter the distinctive character of the mark in the form in which it was registered in one of the countries of the Union shall not entail invalidation of the registration and shall not diminish the protection granted to the mark.
  • 7.总统得因其服务而在规定的时间内接受俸,在其任期之内,俸金数额不得增加或减低,他亦不得在此任期内,自合众国政府和任何州政府接爱其它报酬。
    Clause 7:The President shall, at stated Times, receive for his Services, a Compensation, which shall neither be encreased nor diminished during the Period for which he shall have been elected, and he shall not receive within that Period any other Emolument from the United States, or any of them.
  • 由于积雪大大减少,长久以来依靠这座山积雪溶化供的坦桑尼亚境内,一些河流的水量已经开始减少。当地政府担心,当"雪帽"被摘掉,当地的旅游业就会遭遇灭顶之灾。
    The diminishing ice already has reduced the amount of water in some Tanzanian rivers and the government fears that when Kilimanjaro is bald of snow the tourists will stop coming.
  • 女儿买了个小巧可爱的玩具。
    She bought a diminutive toy for her daughter.
  • 好,假如我先吃饭,你们有什么可我吃的?
    Well, suppose I dine first. What do you have to offer me?
  • 负责顾客拿菜的人(如在小餐馆)。
    someone who attends a counter (as in a diner).
  • 玛丽最后写信我请求原谅,我觉得来信写得很诚恳。
    Mary finally wrote me asking forgiveness, and I found it fair dinkum.
  • “主教大人连省里应的那笔城区车马费和教区巡视费都没有要来。
    "Monseigneur has not even claimed the allowance which the department owes him for the expense of his carriage in town, and for his journeys about the diocese.
  • 迈达斯传说中的佛里几亚国王,酒神狄俄尼索斯赐他一种力量使他能够把他用手触摸的任何东西变成金子
    The fabled king of Phrygia to whom Dionysus gave the power of turning to gold all that he touched.
  • (希腊神话)弗里吉亚贪婪的国王,狄厄尼索斯与他点金术。
    (Greek legend) the greedy king of Phrygia who Dionysus gave the power to turn everything he touched into gold.
  • 谢谢你我这本书,今天晚上我要浏览一下。
    Thank you for the book. I'll dip into it this evening.
  • 孩子种白喉疫苗了吗?
    Has the baby had a diphtheria inoculation?
  • 孩子种白喉疫苗了吗?
    Have the baby have a diphtheria inoculation?
  • …接种牛痘接种牛痘,以产生对白喉或班疹伤寒等传染病的免疫力
    To inoculate with a vaccine in order to produce immunity to an infectious disease such as diphtheria or typhus.
  • 并印制有关雇用各类残疾人士的小册子及指南,派发市民。
    Pamphlets and guidebooks concerning employment of people with various disability types were also published and disseminated to members of the public.
  •  中国政府制定了保障残疾人权益的相应政策、条例和规定。例如,《中国残疾人事业五年工作纲要》、《关于发展残疾人教育的若干意见》、《全国残疾人三项康复工作实施方案》、《关于残疾人个体开业予免征税照顾的通知》、《关于对社会福利生产单位免征税问题的通知》等。
    In accordance with these laws, the Chinese government has worked out specific policies, rules and regulations to protect the rights and interests of the disabled, for example, the China Five-Year Work Program for People with Disability, the Several Viewpoints on Developing the Education for People with Disability, the Program for the Implementation of Three Rehabilitation Projects for People with Disability, the Circular on Tax Exemption for Private Business Run by Disabled People and the Circular on Tax Exemption for Social Welfare Production Units.
  • 这些服务旨在加强长者的基层健康护理,提高长者自我照顾的能力,鼓励长者建立良好的生活习惯,诱导家人予更大的支持,从而使长者染病及罹患残疾的机会降至最低。
    The services aim to enhance primary health care for the elderly, improve their self-care ability, encourage healthy living and strengthen family support so as to minimise illness and disability.
  • 通过马注入麻醉药使丧失能力。
    disable by drugging, as of a race horse.
  • 你若认为我会借钱你,我倒要劝你打消那念头。
    If you think I'm going to lend you money, I must disabuse you of te wrong idea.
  • 对弱势群体予特殊的就业援助。
    Special employment assistance should be given to members of disadvantaged groups.
  • 公平对待坏人对难相处的或充满邪恶暴力的人予信任
    To give credit to a disagreeable or malevolent person.
  • 你能这句话消除歧义吗。
    Can you disambiguate this statement?
  • 等他完全消失不见了,她充分感到了他的离去她带来的孤独。
    When he disappeared she felt his absence thoroughly.
  • 在离开之前他做了两个有趣的恶作剧,以免孩子们失望;他没有打电话,而是她写了一封信;没有用拉丁术语而用英语术语。
    rather than disappoint the children, he did two quick tricks before he left; he didn't call; rather (or instead), he wrote her a letter; used English terms instead of Latin ones.