  • 约翰和彼得是兄弟。
    John and Peter are brothers.
  • 约翰和彼得换书。
    John exchanged books with Peter.
  • 有120名美国富有的人联名上书反对废除遗产税。
    About 120 wealthy Americans had signed or supported a petition to oppose phasing out the tax.
  • 房委会于一九九八年三月公布了另外三期计划。这三期计划将分别在一九九九至二零零一年推出,每期均有六个屋共27000个单位出售。
    Three more phases of this scheme, one each for the years 1999 to 2001, were announced in March 1998. Each phase consists of six estates, or about 27 000 flats.
  • 茶叶中另一酚类组分是3-邻-没食子酰奎尼酸,它占茶叶干重的1%。同属酚类化合物的绿原酸在茶叶中是次要成分。
    Another phenolic constituent is tea, theogallin, accounts for approximately 1 percent of the dry weight of the leaf. Chlorogenic acid, also a phenolic compound, is a minor constituent in tea.
  • 史密斯先生通勤于纽和费城之间。
    Mr. Smith commutes between New York and Philadelphia.
  • 安曼旦首都和全国最大城市,位于该国的中北部。这个地方史前时代就有人居住,罗马和拜占庭统治时期称为费拉德尔菲亚(费城),人口777,500
    The capital and largest city of Jordan, in the north-central part of the country. Occupying a site inhabited since prehistoric times, the city was known as Philadelphia while the Romans and Byzantines controlled it. Population,777, 500.
  • 几年前,纽爱乐乐团的一位音乐家曾经说过:“我们敬仰托斯卡尼尼,但我们热爱伦尼。”
    A New York Philharmonic musician said it years ago: We worshiped Toscanini, but we love Lenny.
  • 1958年他成为纽爱乐乐团的音乐指挥——是第一位出生在美国的执掌顶尖交响乐团的指挥。
    In 1958, he became music director of the New York Philharmonic - the first American-born conductor to head a top symphony orchestra.
  • 《菲美共同防御条
    Mutual Defence Treaty Between the Republic of Philippines and the United States of America
  • 这些外籍家庭佣工当中,来自菲律宾的占74%。
    About 74 per cent of the foreign domestic helpers in Hong Kong were from the Philippines.
  • 摩洛神在旧中亚们人和腓尼基人所信奉的神灵,用儿童向他献祭
    In the Old Testament, the god of the Ammonites and Phoenicians to whom children were sacrificed.
  • 约翰攻读物理学。
    John reads up on physics.
  • 翰自称是物理学家。
    John describes himself as a physicist.
  • 圆周率大的数值是22/7。
    The value of pi to a firstapproximation is 22/7.
  • 绳索大1米粗,它们是由每根不足1/80英寸的单线组成在一起,形成了一个巨大直径的绳索,连接起一个个桥墩。
    The cables are about one meter thick and they're made up of little wires that are no more than an eighth of an inch thick all bound together and stretched together to form a very, very large diameter cable which is strung from pier to pier.
  • 玛丽扭伤了足踝,翰驮她去看医生。
    When Mary sprained her ankles, John carried her piggyback to the doctors.
  • 《新科学家》杂志11月20日刊登文章说:99%的小猪喜欢水床胜过其他选择。它们每天有一大半时间懒在床上,只有吃东西或玩耍时才肯起来。
    "Around 99 percent of the piglets preferred warm waterbeds to any of the alternatives, spending well over half the day lounging about on them and only getting up to feed or play," New Scientist said Wednesday.
  • 64.珍珠的色泽受到作为其母体牡蛎种类及牡蛎生活水域的深度,温度和含盐度的制
    64. The pigmentation of a pearl is influenced by the type of oyster in which it develops and by the depth, temperature, and the salt content of the water in which the oyster lives.
  • 1987年中国穆斯林参加朝觐的有1500余人,1988年为1100余人,1989年为2400余人,1990年为1480余人,1991年为1517人。
    In recent years the annual number of pilgrims has surpassed 1,000 -- 1,500 in 1987, 1,100 in 1988, 2,400 in 1989, 1,480 in 1990, and 1,517 in 1991.
  • 翰管理这个系,又要他上满工作量的课程,这是强人所难。
    Asking John to run the department and teach a full load of courses is piling Pelion upon Ossa.
  • 翰是一位深受尊敬的飞行员。
    John is a pilot held in high regard.
  • 翰很娴熟地将船引进了那个小港湾。
    With great skill, John piloted the boat into the little harbour.
  • 翰被派上场代杰克打球。
    John was sent in to pinch-hit for Jack.
  • 翰决定整掉植物的花蕾。
    John decided to pinch back the buds on the plant.
  • 翰和其他许多小气鬼一样是个吝啬的家伙。
    Like so many other men of means, John was a penny pincher.
  • 翰斯,贾斯珀生于1930美国艺术家,流行艺术的先驱,其作品将日常物品置于艺术背景中
    American artist and pioneer of pop art whose works place everyday objects within artistic contexts.
  • 宝洁公司在人力资源管理方面一直居于领先的地位,而翰·斯梅尔则延续了这一传统。
    P&G has always been a pioneer in human resources management, and John Smale is continuing the tradition.
  • 我从纽回来后心里一直不痛快。
    I've had the pip since I came back from New York.
  • 我原以为翰尼会同意把房子卖给我,不料到就要成交的最后一刻,有人出了更高的价钱,使我快买到手的房子落空了。
    I thought Johnny would agree to sell us the house but I was pipped at the post by a more generous offer from someone else.
  • 翰逊服役期满最后离船时,汽笛长鸣欢送他上岸。
    When Johnson left his ship for the last time at the end of his period of service, he was piped ashore.
  • 翰叫我走开,不然就要揍我。
    John told me to piss off, or he'd clobber me.