  • 他们正忙把垃圾运走。
    They were bustling about to get the rubbish removed.
  • atm每48字节数据就有5字节开销,这意味对数据而言只能使用带宽的90.5%,因此155mbpsatm连接线路实际上只提供140mbps数据,而且这还是未考虑lane环境中常见的进出bus和lecs中的附加信息流量的情况。
    ATM's 5 bytes of overhead per 48 bytes of data means that it can only use about 90.5 percent of its bandwidth for data -- so a 155Mbps ATM connection is really only supplying 140Mbps of data -- and that's before taking into account the additional traffic to and from the BUS and LECS found in a LANE environment.
  • 贪婪的国王守候每一条大路和小径,寻找新的财富。
    Now the king watched every road and byway in search of new wealth.
  • 我也跳上一辆轻便马车尾随她。
    I took a cab and followed.
  • 我撩起窗帘,看到他登上了在门口等他的轻便双轮马车。
    I lifted the curtain at my window and saw him get into the cab which was waiting at the door;
  • 司机还活吗?还活,你看他的卡车驾驶室给撞成的样子,你就知道他真是万幸啊!
    Did the driver survive? Survive! He must have been born under a lucky star when you see what happened to the lorry cab.
  • 小的卷心菜般的头部,或沿茎生长的芽。
    small cabbage-like heads or buds growing along a stalk.
  • 铺位,卧铺在船舱里,挨墙或嵌入墙内的,象架子似的窄床
    A narrow bed built like a shelf into or against a wall, as in a ship's cabin.
  • 汤姆.斯维夫特好奇地看和自己同船的人。
    Tom Swift looked at his cabin mates inquiringly.
  • 这个柜子里收藏我们年代最长的酒
    This cabinet lodges our oldest wines.
  • 他指着桌子和柜子。
    He points to the desk and cabinet.
  • 水手们拉着缆绳。
    The sailors heaved at the cable.
  • 分开的守车顺斜坡滑下来了。
    the uncoupled caboose rolled down the incline.
  • 高速缓冲内存储器内存放最经常使用的程序,因此使得微处理器避免访问外部内存所需的过长时间。
    The cache holds those segments of a program that are most frequently used and thereby allows the processor to avoid calling on external memory chips much of the time.
  • 如果目的ip地址为本地的,该路由器就搜寻存储ip地址和本地设备介质访问控制(mac)地址的内部存储器,这个存储器叫作地址分辨协议(arp)高速缓存。
    If the destination IP address is local, the router searches an internal store of IP addresses and local-device media access control addresses.This store is known as the Address Resolution Protocol (ARP) cache.
  • 鲜红的果汁的仙人掌的深色可食用果实;通常象桃子那么大。
    highly colored edible fruit of pitahaya cactus having bright red juice; often as large as a peach.
  • 上帝以为他这个生物的性情不很柔和,需要比较兴奋的景色,所以便带他到洛矶山顶,到大峡谷,到那些有钟乳石和石笋的山洞,到那时喷时息的温泉,到那有沙冈和仙人掌的沙漠,到喜马拉雅山的雪地,到扬子江水峡的悬崖,到黄山上的花岗石峰,到尼格拉瀑布的澎湃的急流,问他说,上帝难道没有尽力把这个行星弄得很美丽,以娱他的眼睛、耳朵和肚子吗?可是那个人还是在吵要求一个有珍珠门的天堂。
    Thinking that this creature of His was not mild-tempered and wanted more exciting views, God took him then to the top of the Rocky Mountains, the Grand Canyon, and caves with stalactites and stalagmites, and geysers, and sand dunes, and the fairyfinger-shaped cactus plants on a desert, and the snow on the Himalayas, and the cliffs of the Yangtse Gorges, and the granite peaks of the Yellow Mountains, and the sweeping cataract of Niagara Falls, and asked him if He had not done everything possible to make this planet beautiful to delight his eyes and his ears and his stomach, and the man still clamored for a Heaven with Pearly Gates.
  • 这意味零件供应商和汽车制造商的工程师能够通过同时在因特网上阅读和编辑cad(计算机辅助设计)文件一起来设计新产品。
    This means that a parts supplier and the engineer from an automobile manufacturer can design a new product by viewing and editing CAD files at the same time over the Internet.
  • 例如,卡迪拉克指望用它的夜视装置击败目前统治豪华轿车市场的欧洲和日本牌号的车辆。
    Cadillac, for example, hopes that night vision will help it overtake the European and Japanese marques that now dominate the luxury segment.
  • 驾驶一辆新型卡迪拉克——帝威牌汽车和在伊拉克沙漠中操纵一辆“沙漠风暴”坦克可是截然不同的,但两种车却有十分相似的高技术特征:都配备了夜视装置。
    Driving a new Cadillac DeVille is a far cry from commanding a Desert Storm tank in the Iraqi desert, but the two vehicles have a very similar high-tech feature: night vision.
  • 调整、交流是毛泽东同志多次提倡、多次指示的,本来是应该接做下去的,我们没有来得及做,就停下来了。
    Readjustment and cadre interchange were advocated and ordered by Comrade Mao Zedong on many occasions, and they should have continued. Nevertheless, they were stopped before we could complete them.
  • 尽管12岁的穆罕默德还是个在校就读的孩子,但是在阿比让网吧那幢光秃秃的楼房里,他却每天努力扮演爱神“丘比特”的角色。
    In the bare premises of an Abidjan Internet cafe, 12-year-old schoolboy Mohammed plays Cupid.
  • 在小酒店外晒太阳用餐,他们能从简单中品味出其中最大的乐趣。
    Make the most of the simple pleasure to be had from basking in the sunshine outside a cafe.
  • 在街上的一家小咖啡店里,我们遇到了一群朋友,我便和他们闲聊我可能要走的事。
    We met a group of our friends at a local cafe, and I jabbered on about the possibility of my move.
  • 半小时后,基米下了楼,穿过咖啡馆,现在他穿上一套新颖雅致的衣服,手里提擦拭一新的手提箱。
    In half an hour Jimmy went downstairs and walked through the cafe. He was now dressed in an elegant new suit, and carried his cleaned suitcase in his hand.
  • 午饭时我盯餐厅窗外。
    During lunch I stared out the cafeteria window.
  • 在自助餐厅,桌子上摆各种肉和菜
    At a cafeteria. On the table are many kinds of meat and vegetables
  • 大的包含诸如咖啡因之类的褐色坚果的树,可乐汁的来源。
    tree bearing large brown nuts containing e.g. caffeine; source of cola extract.
  • 鸟在笼中拍打翅膀。
    The bird fluttered its wings in the cage.
  • 狮子在笼子里甩尾巴,不安地走来走去。
    The lion paced round its cage, swinging its tail.
  • 老虎摇动尾巴在笼子里转来转去。
    The tiger paced about round its cage, swinging its tail.
  • 这孩子把关在笼里的鸟儿放出来,鸟儿吱吱叫飞走了。
    The boy set his caged bird loose, and it flew away chirping.