  • 布谷鸟,四月来,五月一直在,仲夏唱支歌,后就离开。
    The cuckoo comes in April, and stays the month of May; sings a song at Midsummer, and then goes away.
  • 这是他第一次的大冒险事业,但是他却非常冷静。
    Though it was his first great venture, he was now as cool as a cucumber.
  • 尽管一个发动机着了火,飞机正在迅速往下沉落,飞行员仍显得十分沉着。
    Despite the fact that one of the engines was on fire and the plane was fast losing altitude, the pilot appeared to be as cool as a cucumber.
  • 后他俩可能会去一家中国餐馆吃晚饭,以此来结束一天的活动。
    After that, they might end their day dining in a restaurant that serves Chinese cuisine.
  • 后你可以在这儿品尝美味的菜肴和芳香的葡萄酒。
    And then there's the terrific cuisine and wine.
  • daisy本身是会计师,厨艺一流;
    Although Daisy pursued a career as an accountant, she has excellent culinary skills.
  • 即便是狩猎部落和捕鱼部落赖以为生的森林中和海洋中的野生动物,虽对其所进行的劳动主要是捕捉,但在将其用作食物之前,还必须将其杀死、切成块和进行烹调,这些都需要一定程度的人类劳动。
    Even the wild animals of the forest and of the sea, from which the hunting and fishing tribes derive their sustenance -- though the labour of which they are the subject is chiefly that required for appropriating them --must yet, before they are used as food, be killed, divided into fragments, and subjected in almost all cases to some culinary process, which are operations requiring a certain degree of human labour.
  • ,也有很多人认为异族婚姻是一种慢性种族灭绝,最终将导致某些种族的消失。
    Of course, many portray intermarriage as gradual genocide that will culminate in the disappearance of their particular group.
  • ,个人崇拜是一种有长远历史的社会现象,这种现象,也不会不在我们党的生活和社会生活中,有它的某些反映。
    Of course, the cult of the individual is a social phenomenon with a long history, and it inevitably finds certain reflections in our Party and public life.
  • 完整区域当是重要的,应集大力去经营,不但政治、军事、经济等方面,文化方面也要紧。
    The area kept intact is undoubtedly important, and we should devote great efforts to developing it, not only politically, militarily and economically but, what is also important, culturally.
  • 由于西藏位于高寒地区,自条件恶劣,历史上曾长期遭受封建农奴制的黑暗统治,经济文化较为落后,国家对西藏的发展给予特别照顾。
    Because of its high altitude, poor natural conditions and the dark rule of the feudal serf system for an extended period in the past, Tibet is comparatively backward economically and culturally, so the state has given special care to Tibet's development.
  • 对于世界各地的移民而言,美国已经是一个“熔炉”,在这个熔炉中,甚至当外国人快要成为美国(一个其人民有着共同的一套文化观和价值观的国家)公民时,他们从文化和语言上仍是在他们本国的样子。
    For immigrants from all parts of the would, the United States has been a "melting pot" in which the foreigners have sometimes remained culturally and linguistically what they were in their native lands even as they move toward becoming citizens of the United States, a country whose people share a common cultural outlook and set of values.
  • 我们有天的和人工养殖的。
    We have natural pearls and cultured pearls.
  • 人工养殖的和天的一样具有光泽和漂亮吗?
    Are the cultured pearls as lustrous and beautiful as the natural ones?
  • “文化花园”还没达到,但花园已规划设计好,启动工作已顺利展开,基础设施(如较高文化层次的人民)也已开始形成。
    Although we are still far from being a "cultural garden", the plans for this garden have been drawn up, the groundwork is already laid and the infrastructure (like having a more cultured populace) is starting to take shape.
  • 在观众提问时间,有人问他:“在人们面对饥饿的时候来谈文化是否实际?”高教授在回答时说,这种情形固令人关切,但并不是说一个饿肚子的穷光蛋就不能够同时做一个有文化修养的人,他还强调要推动文化的发展,需要教育与经济的发展。
    When asked if it would be realistic to talk about culture when one is struck by hunger, Prof. Gao expressed concern over such a dilemma and emphasized that a poor man can be one who is cultured. He also mentioned the importance of education and economic growth in sustaining cultural development.
  • 在观众提问时间,有人问他:“在人们面对饥饿的时候来谈文化是否实际?”高教授在回答时说,这种情形固令人关切,但并不是说一个饿肚子的穷光蛋就不能够同时做一个有文化修养的人,他还强调要推动文化的发展,需要教育与经济的发展。
    When asked if it would be realistic to talk about culture when one is struck by hunger, Prof Kao expressed concern over such a dilemma and emphasised that a poor man can be one who is cultured. He also mentioned the importance of education and economic growth in sustaining cultural development.
  • 这些机器(电脑)虽有时嫌笨拙,但在某些科学问题上,胜过“克雷”倒是游刃有余。
    These machines, while sometimes cumbersome, can run rings around the Cray on certain scientific problems.
  • 而第二,中国近百年的解放运动积累到了今日,已经不同于任何历史时期。
    Secondly, however, China's liberation movement, with its cumulative development over the last hundred years, is now different from that of any previous period.
  • 历史积累下来的腐败现象,虽很严重地阻碍着人民抗战力量增长的速度,减少了战争的胜利,招致了战争的损失,但是中国、日本和世界的大局,不容许中国人民不进步。
    Although the cumulative effects of long years of corruption are seriously retarding the growth of the people's strength to resist Japan, thus reducing the extent of our victories and causing us losses in the war, yet the over-all situation in China, in Japan and in the world is such that the Chinese people cannot but make progress.
  • 简单、自;没有狡猾或者欺骗。
    simple and natural; without cunning or deceit.
  • 大城市具有自身种种诱人的花招,并不亚于那些教人学坏的男男女女,当人比社会微小得多,也更富于人情味。
    The city has its cunning wiles, no less than the infinitely smaller and more human tempter.
  • 当这个故事发生时,丘比特已是一个十分英俊的小伙子,当背上仍长着翅膀。
    When this story took place,Cupid had grown into a very handsome young man,but still with the wings.
  • 她将双手放在他的上腹部,右手握成拳,用左手抱住右拳,后轻轻地压下去再向上推。
    Placing her hands just above his stomach,she made a fist with her right hand and cupped it with her left.Then she gently pressed in and up.
  • rca公司下星期将推出一套新唱片,看来也和通常的一样,里面的歌曲有好的也有差的,而热衷于通俗歌曲的人是不会无视它的。
    RCA has a new album due out next week. It's likely to be the usual curate's egg, but no one with a serious interest in popular song will be able to ignore it.
  • 走在大街上,我也不必担心停在路边的车辆,会突间爆炸;
    I walk the streets assured that no car parked next to the curb will suddenly blow up.
  • 令人毛骨悚的叫喊声、尖叫声、故事
    A blood-curdling cry, scream, story
  • 治愈仍是有可能的。
    a cure is still conceivable.
  • 背部分开后不加盐完全风干的鱼。
    fish cured by being split and air-dried without salt.
  • 选择一个如回家时间这样一个话题,问清孩子的想法,后一起实践:“我们可以试一个月规定周末午夜回家的时间。
    Choose a topic such as curfew, then ask for input. And be willing to experiment: "We will try a midnight curfew on weekends for a month.
  • 大自已使她懂得:无节制的睡眠只会锈蚀灵魂。因此她清晨与女主人的公鸡同起,夜晚与归栏的羊群同息。
    nature hath taught her too immoderate sleep is rust to the soul: she rises therefore with Chanti-cleer, the dame's cock, and at night makes the lamb her curfew.
  • 1898年居里夫人和她的丈夫宣称他们相信在自界中存在着放射性物质。
    In 1898 Madane Curie and her husband declared that they believe there was something in mature which gave out radio-activity.