  • 旗子被大风刮成了碎布
    The flag was tattered by a gale.
  • 走马疳,坏疽性口炎嘴或生殖器部分严重的经常为生疽性的发炎,通常在感染了传染病后发生,最常发病于卫生件极差或营养状况不良的孩子
    A severe, often gangrenous inflammation of the mouth or genitals, occurring usually after an infectious disease and found most often in children in poor hygienic or malnourished condition.
  • 瘦长并有黄色纹的北美蛇;喜潮湿的环境。
    slender yellow-striped North American garter snake; prefers wet places.
  • 你必须掂量掂量这规律现在是否也适用于网关的股价。
    " You have to wonder whether the same rule now applies to Gateway's stock price.
  • 乔须在两排人中间跑过并挨打作为正式加入俱乐部的件之一。
    Joe had to run the gauntlet as part of his initiation into the club.
  • 我由衷地祈望,我能用一精美的丝带绕在一个用鲜艳的礼品纸包装的礼盒上送给您点"什么",以表达我的感激和爱戴,但是我再没有什么能比得过数月前我已送给您的、您也欣然接受的最为宝贵的礼物--那礼物您已将其紧贴心头,并与之一起欢笑,也可能一起哭泣,称赞过也训斥过,鼓励着和塑造着的--我的孩子!。
    I wish with all my heart I could put a delicate ribbon on a gayly wrapped package and give you a“something”to express my appreciation and affection,but I have nothing to give you that would surpass the most precious gift I have ever had to offer and which you already so graciously accepted months ago the one you have held close to your heart,laughed with and probably cried with,applauded and scolded,encouraged and molded my child!
  •  第八十九国务院专利行政部门定期出版专利公报,公布或者公告下列内容:
    Rule 89 The Patent Administration Department under the State Council shall publish the Patent Gazette at regular intervals, publishing or announcing the following:
  •  第一百一十一对要求获得发明专利权的国际申请,国务院专利行政部门经初步审查认为符合专利法和本细则有关规定的,应当在专利公报上予以公布;
    Rule 111 With regard to any international application for a patent for invention, if the Patent Administration Department under the State Council, after preliminary examination, considers it in compliance with the provisions of the Patent Law and these Implementing Regulations, it shall publish it in the Patent Gazette;
  • 钟表机械,发装置一种由齿轮组成的机械装置,由弹簧驱动,如机械表内部的装置
    A mechanism of geared wheels driven by a wound spring, as in a mechanical clock.
  • 齿与齿轮、锥齿轮或其它带齿的机器部件咬合的带齿的棒
    A toothed bar that meshes with a gearwheel, a pinion, or another toothed machine part.
  • 中学毕业后所走道路的日益分化,在促进男女平等方面的作用可能比任何宪法款的修改和法院的决定更大。
    The growing split in post-secondary paths might do more to foster gender equality than any constitutional amendment or court decision.
  • 后来,他忽然说到跟蒋总司令北伐,忽然又说去莫斯科留学,越说越无理。
    Later on, he suddenly said that he had accompanied Generalissimo Chiang Kai Shek in his Northern Expedition and then suddenly changed the story to say that he had gone to study in Moscow. The more he said the more incoherent he became.
  • 遗憾的是约很笼统,订得不具体。
    Unfortunately the treaty are full of generality, and fail to get down to specific.
  • 马德拉斯丝绸一种带纹的绸布
    A silk, generally striped, cloth.
  • 固定线的一平行线围绕这固定线旋转所产生的表面。
    a surface generated by rotating a parallel line around a fixed line.
  • 一个圆上的某个点在该圆顺着一直线旋转时形成的线。
    a line generated by a point on a circle rolling along a straight line.
  • 某个物种的生殖能力是指在理想件下自我再生产的相对能力;生殖器官。
    the reproductive potential of a species is its relative capacity to reproduce itself under optimal conditions; the reproductive or generative organs.
  • 他慷慨地同意取消这笔债款,但要用某些服务工作作为交换件。
    He generously agreed to write off the debt in return for certain services.
  • 事实上,goto是汇编语言的程序控制结构的始祖:“若件a,则跳到这里;
    Indeed, goto was the genesis of program control in assembly language: “if condition A, then jump here, otherwise jump there.
  • 第七实验动物遗传学、微生物学、营养学和饲育环境等方面的国家标准由国家技术监督局制定。
    Article 7 The national standards in respect of genetics, microbiology, nutriology and the feeding and breeding environment concerning experimental animals shall be formulated by the State Bureau of Technology Supervision.
  • 第八从事实验动物饲育工作的单位,必须根据遗传学、微生物学、营养学和饲育环境方面的标准,定期对实验动物进行质量监测。
    Article 8 Units that are engaged in the work of feeding and breeding experimental animals shall, in accordance with the standards in respect of genetics,microbiology, nutriology and the feeding and breeding environment,exercise regular quality monitoring over experimental animals.
  • 威尼斯人是上下一心的,而与它为敌的城市,比如热内亚,则是四分五裂。
    The Venetians were united whereas some of their rival cities, for example, Genoa, were divided.
  • 通过线的一笔一画勾勒出事物外表、给人一种曲折的反映的法国绘画流派。
    a genre of French painting that pictured appearances by strokes of unmixed colors to give the impression of reflected light.
  • 路徐缓弯向左边。
    The road curves gently to the left.
  • 第二十三对葡萄酒与白酒地理标志的补充保护
    Article 23 Additional Protection for Geographical Indications for Wines and Spirits
  • 此外,还须指出的是地理和经济的件。
    Mention must also be made of geographical and economic conditions.
  • 这个地理上的国际环境,给予中国人民革命造成了外部的有利件和困难件。
    China's geographical setting has its advantages and disadvantages for the Chinese people's revolution.
  • 经济件的性质,从其自然性一方面看来,也和地理件相同。
    So far as their physical setting is concerned, the economic conditions resemble the geographical conditions.
  • 母点,母线形成一个几何图形的几何要素,尤指通过以规定方式运动而产生一个面的一直线
    A geometric element that generates a geometric figure, especially a straight line that generates a surface by moving in a specified fashion.
  • 几何排列表明几何图形或线的一种物质排列
    A physical arrangement suggesting geometric forms or lines.
  • 投影在一线、一个平面或水平面上产生的一个几何图形的像
    The image of a geometric figure reproduced on a line, plane, or surface.
  • 用合适的工具在特定的件下描绘几何图形。
    draw with suitable instruments and under specified conditions, of geometrical figures.