  • 恰当地说,这支乐队的职业生涯也许可追溯到迪斯尼频道的米老鼠俱乐部,"j.c."乔舒亚·查西和"卷毛"贾斯廷·廷伯莱克共同在这档节目中演出近三年。
    Fittingly,perhaps,the group's professional origins can be traced to the Disney Channel's Mickey Mouse Club,on which Joshua J.Chasez and Justin “ Curly” Timberlake appeared together for nearly three years.
  • 该宣传计划包括信息和新闻资料袋、小册子、供学校课程使用的教材、录像带、无线电广播和电视记录片以及特别活动。
    Information and press kits, brochures, education materials for school curricula, videos, radio and TV documentaries and special events are to be included in the communications plan.
  • 指定课程(一学生)分到分轨制课程中去
    To assign(a student) to a curricular track.
  • 她酗酒给她无辜的孩子带来疯癫的灾祸。
    Her intemperance will entail the curse of insanity upon her innocent children.
  • 如果数百万南非人民继续承受历史所造成的无家可归、饥饿、疾病和无知的折磨,我们的自由依然是脆弱的,权利也只是一个空壳。
    Our freedom will remain fragile and our rights empty shells if millions of South Africans continue to be cursed by the legacy of homelessness and hunger, ill-health and illiteracy.
  • 他在公司的流水线上工作了近10年,在这期间他的同事用橡皮棍殴打他,滚烫的水泥扔在他头上,不断地有怒骂和侮辱性的称呼强加于他;他甚至还受到过死亡威胁。
    During the nearly 10 years he worked on the company's production line, he says he endured welts from rubber bands and hot cement thrown at him by coworkers, constant cursing and epithets, and at least one death threat.
  • 又阿如的通讯处,己由郑先生(他母亲)处抄来,英文字母(对我来说)太草,只得原件照贴如下:
    We have obtained Ah Ru's address from (her mother) Madam Zheng. The handwriting in English is too cursive (for me) to copy; the original written address is therefore pasted below.
  • 按退格键为打字机的滑动架或计算机的光标向回移动一格或几格而敲打用于此种目的的键钮
    To move the carriage of a typewriter or the cursor of a computer back one or more spaces by striking the key used for this purpose.
  • 他将木条弄弯曲了。
    He curved the piece of wood.
  • 中点一条线段或一段弧上的一点,该点此线段或弧平分为等长的两部分
    The point of a line segment or curvilinear arc that divides it into two parts of the same length.
  • 身子缩成一团睡在椅垫上。
    The cat huddled itself on the cushion.
  •  第十六条 托管人必须其自有的资产和受托管理的资产严格分开。
    Article 16. A custodian should strictly separate its own assets from those under its custody.
  •  托管人应当在开立人民币特殊账户五个工作日内,有关情况报中国证监会和国家外汇局备案。
    Within five working days after the opening of the RMB special account, the custodian should report to CSRC and SAFE for filing.
  • 托管人负责合格投资者在境内证券投资的资金结算,并在开立人民币结算资金账户五个工作日内有关情况报中国证监会和国家外汇局备案。
    The custodian shall be responsible for the settlement of QFII's domestic securities investment, and shall file with CSRC and SAFE the relevant situation within five working days after opening a RMB settlement account.
  • 托管人在代为申请开立证券账户时,应当持合格投资者的委托书及其证券投资业务许可证等有效文件,并在开立证券账户五个工作日内有关情况报中国证监会备案。
    When applying for a securities account on behalf of the QFII, a custodian should bring the QFII' mandate and its Securities Investment Licence and other valid documents, and file with CSRC the relevant situation within five working days after opening a securities account.
  • etransferaborted:(30200)表示一个托管迁移请求不会成功。
    E_transferAborted: (30200) Signifies that a custody transfer request will not succeed.
  • 会发现,我司对贵方的报价所给予的优惠是前所未有的。
    You will find that we have given you the best term customary in our business.
  • 这位顾客为此恶劣服务诉诸法律。
    The customer will go to law for the bad service.
  • 车主不仅选择能反映其个性的车,从红色的马自达到黑色长车身的梅塞德斯,他们还用许多办法车进行个性化改造。
    Car owners not only select vehicles that re-flect this, from red Mazda Miatas to long black Mer-cedes, they also customise them in innumerable ways.
  • 条件(2)信息定制与传统的信息过滤和检索区别开,而条件(4)它与客户端的代理区别开,条件(5)使它与传统的非线性文档遍历系统(如超文本)相区分。
    Condition (2) sets information customization apart from traditional information filtering and retrieval, while (4) sets it apart from client-side agency, and (5) would distinguish it from traditional nonlinear document traversal systems (e.g. hypertext).
  • 企业和服务提供商可在mobilestudio上添加一些自己的东西,改变其外观和内容以其集成到现有的门户。
    Enterprises and service providers can brand the Mobile Studio and customize its look-and-feel and content in order to integrate it with existing portals.
  • 将新旧风尚融合
    Graft new customs onto old.
  • 将电扇接通电流
    Cut in an electric fan
  • 硝酸他口腔里的护膜变成了一种黄颜色
    The nitric acid changed the cuticle of his mouth to a yellow color
  • 樵夫将柴捆成捆。
    The wood - cutter bunched his wood up.
  • 公司冒险产品削价出售。
    The company took a gamble by cutting the price of their products.
  • 成为一个电子人--一部分是人,一部分是机器。
    He 's becoming a cyborg--part man-child, part machine.
  • 给发动机加油;空气注入一种混合液体
    Inject fuel into an engine cylinder; inject air into a liquid mixture.
  • 帕金森的讽刺性见解:为了填满完成时间,工作随之变大。
    C. Northcote Parkinson's cynical observation that work will expand so as to fill the time available for its completion.
  • 一种能基因信息从dna传给细胞质的核酸,控制细胞中的某些化学作用。
    a nucleic acid that transmits genetic information from DNA to the cytoplasm; controls certain chemical processes in the cell.
  • 瓦斯科达加马队移师北上到沈阳,于6月14日同辽宁队进行一场友谊赛。
    Vasco Da Gama will move to Shenyang for another friendly against Liaoning on June 14.
  • 还有就是临战前没有指挥作战的军,那时只有李达在前线,好多军都不在,在延安开会。
    Besides, there were no generals available to command the battle that was about to begin. Only Li Da was at the front, while many other generals were away attending a meeting in Yan'an.