  • 用很明显的努力发(如叹息)
    To bring forth(a sigh, for example) with obvious effort.
  • 她发一个沉重的叹息;他发奇怪的任何人都听不。
    She let out a big heavy sigh; He uttered strange sounds that nobody could understand.
  • 他们等到乔治发暗号后,就悄悄地从后门溜走了。
    They waited for George to give them the sigh sign, and then they slipped silently out the back door.
  • 我们可以看到鱼把鳍露水面。
    Fish could be sighted finning near the surface.
  • 敏锐的,聪颖的具有或表现看透人心理的洞察力的;眼光锐利的
    Having or showing penetrating mental discernment; clear-sighted.
  • 海伦看到尸体,吓了一身冷汗。
    Helen was in a cold sweat from fear when she sighted the corpse.
  • “近视得再厉害的人,也能用肉眼一眼看。”马丁说。
    "The most short-sighted man could see that at a glance, with his naked eye," said Martin.
  • 三是坚持立足当前,着眼未来,把解决西部地区眼前的突问题同实现长远的开发目标结合起来。
    3. To be far-sighted based on current situation. To find solutions for present problems must be combined with long-term objectives.
  • 如同中国其他领导人一样,他不仅对新加坡的一些成功经验表现了浓厚的兴趣,而且还对新加坡领导人的远见卓识极为欣赏。
    Like other Chinese leaders, Mr Zhu expressed keen interest in Singapore's success story and high regard for its far-sighted leaders.
  • 这份指南指了这个城市的主要名胜。
    The guide pointed out the principal sights of the city.
  • 让自己陷入情网,让自己跳情网,让自己看得更高更远。
    Let yourself fall in love, break free, and set your sights high.
  • 马格洛大娘曾把那两幅画取下来掸灰尘,主教才在大田修院院长的像的后面,看见在一张用四片胶纸粘着四角、年久发黄的小方纸上,用淡墨汁注的这两位人物的身。
    Madame Magloire having taken the pictures down to dust, the Bishop had discovered these particulars written in whitish ink on a little square of paper, yellowed by time, and attached to the back of the portrait of the Abbe of Grand-Champ with four wafers.
  • 我以前是来差的,但是这一次是来观光的。
    I came on business before, but this time I'm here to sightsee.
  • 为了休闲而去到各地游览。
    an extended sightseeing tour undertaken for pleasure.
  • 外旅游时总是使用一架微型照相机。
    I always use a minicamera when I go sightseeing.
  • 为解决这些问题,食物环境卫生署发消除妨扰事故通知,规定有关人士在指定时间内作改善,否则会提检控。
    To tackle these problems, the FEHD issues statutory notices that require abatement of the nuisance. Prosecution will be initiated against those who fail to comply with the notice within a specified period.
  • 卡杜斯说:"每一个手语动作大概能表示2个单词,不同人的手语表达方式不一样,手臂长和手臂短的人做的手语也不一样,所以计算机程序需要像语音识别软件那样进行校正,以适应单个的用户。"
    "There are roughly two words to a sign,"Kadous said. "In addition,people's signing styles differ and the signs made by a person with long or short arms differ so the program would need to be calibrated for an individual user in much the way that speech recognition software is,"he added.
  • 她在信上签名之后就把它寄了去;请在这里签名。
    She signed the letter and sent it off; Please sign here.
  • 象这样的告示总是能够吸引小孩子,可不是嘛,现在就有一个小孩子现在店主的告示下面。
    Signs like that have a way of attracting small children, and sure enough, a little boy appeared under the store owner's sign.
  • 签字交出财产
    Sign away one's property
  • 年内,消防人员曾前往各类楼宇视察113244次,并发了7582份消除火警危险通知书。
    Fire Services personnel inspected 113 244 premises of all types and issued 7 582 fire hazard abatement notices for the removal of fire hazards during the year.
  • 迹象明显地显示来了。
    the sign was visibly displayed.
  • 把两种或多种输入信号合成一种输信号的电子设备。
    electronic equipment that mixes two or more input signals to give a single output signal.
  • 年内,环保署调查的投诉约有2700宗,发消减噪音通知书约220份,定罪个案约70宗。
    In 1997, the department investigated around 2 700 complaints and served some 220 abatement notices, which led to about 70 convictions.
  • 信号发出前抢跑
    Jumped the starting signal.
  • 代替x射线穿透人体的方式,核磁共振成像依靠一强磁场和无线电信号来共同触发体内的原子发它们自己的信号。
    Instead of passing X-rays through the body, MRI relies on a strong magnetic field and a radio signal that together trigger atom in the body to send out signals of their own.
  • 在设备的所有输入信号的值保持不变的情况下,该设备的输信号的值在规定时间内产生的不希望的变化。
    The unwanted change of the value of an output signal of a device over a specified period of time when the values of all input signals of the device are kept constant.
  • 具有多条输入线和多条输线的一种设备,输入线中一次最多只有一条线载有信号,但输线中可有多个线载有信号。输信号和输入信号的组合之间存在一一对应的关系。
    A device that has a number of input lines of which not more than one at a time may carry a signal and a number of output lines of which any number may carry signals, there being a one-to-one correspondence between the combinations of the output signals and the input signals.
  • 具有多条输入线和多条输线的一种设备,输入线中一次最多只有一条线载有信号,但输线中可有多个线载有信号。输信号和输入信号的组合之间存在一一对应的关系。
    A device that has a number of input lines of which not more than one at a time may carry a signal and a number of output lines of which any number may carry signals, there being a one to one correspondence between the combinations of the output signals and the input signals.
  • 美国海军通讯兵杰克-坎贝尔和英国海军(英国皇家海军女子服务队成员women'sroyalnavalservice)女信号员斯蒂芬尼-巴斯滕第一次打交道还是在57年前。当时两人在苏格兰附近方圆4英里的海域内打着灯向彼此发摩尔斯信号。上周三,两人最终在伦敦会面了。
    Fifty-seven years after U.S. Navy signalman Jack Campbell and British Wren signaler Stephanie Batstone first communicated by sending Morse code messages by lantern over a 4-mile stretch of the Scottish sea, the pair finally met face to face in London on Wednesday.
  • 早期的信令系统使用的是带内信令,即将语音信道的一部分划分来供信令使用。
    Early signaling systems used in-band signaling where a portion of the voice channel was allocated for signaling.
  • 年内,环保署调查了3683宗投诉,并发了240封法定通知书,指令违例者消减空气污染。
    The department investigated 3683 complaints of air pollution, and issued 240 legal notices instructing offenders to abate air pollution.