  • 我是阳光有限司的卡尔·约翰。
    This is Carl John from Sunshine Ltd.
  • 罗伯特·凯利是卡耐基--梅隆大学的教授,也是多家大司的顾问。他撰写了一部书,名为《如何成为工作明星》。在书中他点拨读者:使用9大突破性战术可以改善他们的日常行为百成为工作中的明星。
    Robert E.Kelly, a consultant for major corporations and a professor at Carnegie Mellon University, has written a book entitled How to Be a Star at work, in which he teaches readers how to improve their day-to-day behavior at work by using nine breakthrough strategies:
  • 卡内基曾经告诉我,他找寻一位首席化学家的故事:经过全球探访后,他找到一位当时在一家德国司任职的化学家,这位化学家的能力是无庸置疑的,于是卡内基便和他签了5年的合约,但是不到一年卡内基就和他解约了。
    Andrew Carnegie once told me of a worldwide search he conducted for his chief chemist.His scouts found brilliant man working for a German firm.His ability was without question.Carnegis entered into a five-year contract for the man;s sevices.Within a year he had released the man from the bargain.
  • 卡内基先生当初的用意是,对于为他带来巨额财富的这则神奇式,应该让没有闲暇探究生财之道的人,也能垂手可得。他也希望我能在不同行业的男女身上,验征这则式究竟靠不靠得住。
    It was Mr. Carnegie's idea that the magic formula, which gave him a stupendous fortune, ought to be placed within reach of people who do not have time to investigate how men make money, and it was his hope that I might test and demonstrate the soundness of the formula through the experience of men and women in every calling.
  • 力保国际司正努力争取奈克的世界最大鞋商的头衔,将在超级商展进行最猛烈的攻势-超级商展是商界盛举。
    Reebok International is gunning for Nike's title as the world's largest footwear seller, and it brought its heaviest artillery to the Super Show, an immense trade carnival.
  • 北卡罗莱纳大学路安全研究中心的简·斯塔茨指出:"开车时,每个人都应该全神贯注。
    "Everybody should focus entirely on driving," says Jane Stutts of the University of North Carolina's Highway Safety Research Center.
  • 我女儿班上的大部分姑娘正在学习烹调和办室业务,但她不随波逐流,却学习木工和发动机修理。
    Most of the girls in my daughter's class are learning cookery and office practice, but she is swimming against the stream and studying carpentry and motor mechanics.
  • 我们的寓装潢豪华,地面全部铺地毯,还有全新的洗碗机。
    Ours are deluxe furnished apartments with wall-to-wall carpeting and brandnew dishwashers.
  • 一组人被安置在零乱不堪,酷似库房这种极其简陋的房间里,另一组人身处一个普通的房间——整洁明亮的办室里,第三组人则置身于设计优雅、并备有地毯及窗帘的起居室里。
    One group was in an ugly room that resembled a messy storeroom. Another group was in an average room a nice office. The third group was in a tastefully designed living-room with carpeting and drapes.
  • 高速路上往南行使的行车道被关闭了。
    The southbound carriageway of the motorway is closed.
  • 高速路向东方向的行车道已关闭禁止通车。
    The eastbound carriageway of the motorway is closed.
  • 高速路向东方向的行车道已关闭禁止通车。
    The eastbound carriageway of the motorway was closed.
  • 我们只使用声誉好的运输司。
    We only use reputable carrier.
  • 作为共运输业者服务的商业机构。
    a commercial organization serving as a common carrier.
  • 货物被船或飞机(尤指被商业运输司运送的)货物
    Goods carried by a vessel or vehicle, especially by a commercial carrier; cargo.
  • 我一次航班可以随身携带多少斤行李?
    How many kilogrammes of luggage can I carry with me for a flight?
  • 请告诉他,通用电气司的威廉。卡森打过电话给他。
    Tell him, willam carson of general electric call, please.
  • 勒诺说,“戴维对人平正直,打趣的功夫不下于任何人。”去年五月勒诺接替卡森的职位时遭到另一竞争者阿森尼奥·霍尔的严厉批评。
    "David (letterman) is a fair and decent guy and makes me laugh as much as anyone," said (Jay) Leno, who was raked over the coals by another competitor, Arsenio Hall, when Leno took over Johnny Carson's seat last May.
  • 有线电视仍未受管制,新规定将促使有线电视司采用新办法,尽量个别提供所有节目,予消费者较多选择。
    Pay-cable channels are still free from regulation, and the rules could prod cable companies to modernize so that nearly all programs are sold a la carte, giving consumers more choice.
  • 您是吃点菜还是司菜?
    Will you dine a la carte or take d'hote?
  • 美国前总统吉米·卡特获得了奖章,因为他给“美国医学会学报”写了封开信,反对抽烟。
    Former US President Jimmy Carter won the medal for his open letter against tobacco to the Journal of the American Medical Association.
  • 包装:每瓶一升,每箱15瓶。
    Packing one liter bottle 15 bottles per carton
  • 这种货十打装一箱,每箱毛重约二十五斤。
    We'll pack the goods 10 dozen to a carton, gross weight around 25 kilos a carton.
  • 我们一纸箱装两打,每箱毛重25斤。
    We'll pack them two dozen to one carton, gross weight around 25 kilos a carton.
  • 司先是引进了6瓶装纸盒,让顾客方便容易地把饮料带回家。
    Coke introduced the six-bottle carton so consumers could easily carry home the beverage.
  • 此外,还有数间其他国际广播机构在本港设立录影室,并由本港传送节目。这些机构包括有线国际新闻网络、tnt&cartoonnetwork、nbcasia及路透社(亚洲)有限司。
    Several other international broadcasters operate studios in Hong Kong and uplink their signals from Hong Kong, including CNN International, TNT & Cartoon Network, NBC Asia, and Reuters Asia Limited.
  • 春潮书店的大门口贴着一张用各种不同颜色写的又鲜明又动人的广告,我怀着一颗好奇心走了进去,也像顾客一般,从书架上抽出来一本封面鲜红、是丰子皑先生的女于画的小兵骑牛的《从军日记》来看。
    Pasted up at the door of the bookstore was an eye-catching colourful poster advertising the book. I went into the store full of curiosity, and, as an ordinary customer would do, took from the shelf a copy of the book, which had on its bright-red front cover a cartoon by Feng Zikai's daughter portraying a little woman soldier riding on a cow.
  • 依照另一种看法,一个新的工人阶层——“杰出的创造者”,将率先远离办室及其制度的制约到森林里工作,并在那里取得前所未有的成功。
    In another view a new caste of workers, the "elite creative" will lead the charge to work in the woods where they will flourish as never before, outside the strictures of offices and their policies.
  • 推送产品可以分为两大类:时间预定的轮询推送(marimba司的castanet就属于这一类)和无时间预定的推送。
    Push products can be split into two main groups: scheduled polled push -- included in this, Castanet from Marimba Inc. -- and unscheduled push.
  • marimba司的castanet是一个功能齐全的java小应用观察器,它让用户在选择范围广泛的内容通道上进行选择,每个内容通道都有自己的内容和更新时间表。
    Marimb's Castanet is a full-featured Java applet viewer that lets users select from a wide selection of content channels, each offering its own content and update schedule.
  • 司撒开大网到处物色新的销售主任.
    The company is casting its net wide in its search for a new sales director.
  • 济南玫瑰德铸造有限司。
    Meide Casting Co. LTD, Jinan