  • 籽油是人们喜爱的食用油。葵籽油也是制做糕点,饼干,人造奶油等产品的上等原料。
    Sun-flower seed oil is also a popular edible oil and a high grade ingredient for making cakes, biscuits and cream etc.
  • 从他父亲那继承下来的钱很快就被光了。
    The money inherited form his father was quickly run through.
  • 威廉继承了一笔遗产,可是很快就光了。
    William inherited a fortune but ran it through in no time.
  • 原计划费1.1亿美元。
    It was initially set to cost $110 million.
  • 最初发牌时,牌手手中同色的一付牌中唯一的一张。
    in a bridge hand as initially dealt: a holding of a single card in a suit.
  • 打一针青霉素约两块钱。
    An injection of penicillin costs about2 yuan.
  • 对正在生长的烟草或生有害。
    injurious to growing tobacco and peanuts.
  • 湖的一边排列着许多旧式的长石椅,还有用砖块围起来的漂亮朵。
    More concrete are the old-fashioned stone benches studding one side of the lakelet, inlaid with pretty tiled flowers.
  • 波形纹制品用波形纹的镶嵌图或蚀刻画装饰的金属制品
    Metalwork decorated with wavy patterns of inlay or etching.
  • 用波形纹装饰以波形的镶嵌物或蚀刻来装饰(金属)
    To decorate(metal) with wavy patterns of inlay or etching.
  • 镶木细工木工镶嵌,通常用不同的颜色镶成几何图案或拼图样,常用于地板装修
    Inlay of wood, often of different colors, that is worked into a geometric pattern or mosaic and is used especially for floors.
  • 犯人已经做了六年的苦工。她在了八小时办公
    The inmate had put in six years at hard labor. She put in eight hours behind a desk.
  • 内壁孢子或粉粒最深处的壁
    The innermost wall of a spore or pollen grain.
  • 老城、大学城、新城这三大块,街道无数,像大理石上密密麻麻的纹一般。
    The three blocks, city, university, and town, marbled with innumerable streets.
  • 这个园带给他的灵感使他创造了数不清的作品,那些描绘池塘景色的作品更是赢得了所有人的赞美。画中的池塘绿柳环绕,栽满樱桃、翠竹和杜鹃,日式拱桥垂下条条紫藤,水面上漂浮着朵朵睡莲--这些杰作多以“睡莲”命名。
    Everyone admires the innumerable paintings inspired by the place, especially those of the pool fringed with willows, ornamental cherries, bamboo, azaleas and irises, spanned by a Japanese bridge hung with wisteria, and planted with water lilies, the nymph as in the title of so many of these extraordinary pictures.
  • 这听起来好像是亵渎,但确实有一些安全漏洞,它们不需要改正、或者至少可以认为它们风险很小,但实际上却要不寻常的工作量来克服。
    It may sound like sacrilege, but there really are security holes that do not need to be fixed or, at least, can be prioritized as a small risk, which would take an inordinate amount of work to overcome.
  • 住院的销用去她一大笔积蓄.
    Hospital bills had made deep inroads into her savings.
  • 他们说要为死者哭泣,但却不肯钱修理坟墓;他们在死者的墓碑上写得悲痛欲绝,却从未流过一滴眼泪,还要来跟他们亲属坟墓的邻居找麻烦。
    They bring their own flowers and some flowers they are too, are very particular about arranging upkeep for them as they say they mourn, inscribe on their tombstones the tears they never shed, and are very fussy about who is buried next door.
  • 那园丁给喷洒了杀虫剂。
    The gardener sprayed insecticide on the flowers.
  • 买棉田杀虫剂的事你去办办好吗?
    Will you see about getting insecticide for the cotton fields?
  • 上位的插入或位于被之上的。用于植物的子房
    Inserted or situated above the perianth. Used of an ovary.
  • 狗在花园里。
    The dog is inside the garden.
  • 时间花在琐碎事情上
    waste time on insignificant points
  • 美国西南部多刺的发枝的每年落叶的灌木,有不明显的黄白色的丛,出现在叶子前面,有吸引人的黑色的象浆果似的果实。
    spiny branching deciduous shrub of southwestern United States having clusters of insignificant yellow-white flowers appearing before leaves followed by attractive black berrylike fruits.
  • 托利弗把航行中的最后几天都在拟订和执行向艾琳献媚的各种步骤上,以获得她的青睐。
    The few remaining days on the boat were spent by Tollifer in planning and executing such moves as might insinuate himself into Aileen's good graces.
  • 多数功成名就的人都愿时间激励崇拜他们的孩子。
    Most successful adults will willingly make time to inspire children who want to be like them.
  • 这一场面启发他画出“向阳”。
    The scene inspired his painting"The Sunflowers."
  • 了许多钱给房子装上现代设备。
    He has spent a lot of money to install modern equipment for the house.
  • 安装淋浴器只了几分钟时间。
    The installation of the shower only take a few minutes.
  • 不同年龄的男人常常上几个小时的空闲时间,安装自己的壁炉,设计自己的园。
    Men of all ages spend hours of their leisure time installing their own fireplaces, laying-out their own gardens;
  • 在美国,采用分期付款这一购买方式的人所占的比例比英国高得多,他们将百分之十以上的收人在分期付款上。
    In the US, the proportion is much higher than in Great Britain, and people there spend over 10 percent of their income on the installment plan.
  • 我们将改在园喝茶,而不在屋里喝。
    We'll have tea in the garden instead of in the house.