  • 老师全班同学听写一段文章。
    The teacher dictated a passage to the class.
  • 法语教师每隔一周这班学生做一次听写。
    The French teacher dictates to the class every other week.
  • 他自己没法写,但他可以把自已想的口授儿子。
    He can't write himself but he can dictate what he thinks to his son.
  • 伯恩:我一回到办公室就她口授草稿。
    I'll dictate the draft to her as soon as I'm back at my office.
  • 计算机甚至能把你口授它的信件打出来,而且能用你所选择的任何语言。
    The computer can even type letters you dictate to it, and that, in any language you choose.
  • 老师我们作了一次法语听写。
    The teacher gave us a French dictation.
  • 请把字典递给我。
    Please pass the dictionary to me.
  • 词书编纂者必须精於词语下定义的技巧.
    Dictionary writers must be skilled in the art of definition.
  • 请把字典带给我。
    Please bring me the dictionary.
  • 请去把词典拿来我。
    Please fetch me the dictionary.
  • 请把那本词典递我。
    Hand that dictionary to me please.
  • 鲍勃打电话了吗?
    Did you telephone Bob?
  • 当保险对象死亡后偿付名下受益人的保险。
    insurance paid to named beneficiaries when the insured person dies.
  • 她去世时,她的钱将遗留儿子。
    When she dies, her money will pass to her son.
  • "请不要我的咖啡放糖,我在节食。"
    "No sugar in my coffee, please; I'm dieting."
  • 太久,它空气般的米黍:
    Too long with Aiery Diet fed:
  • 这些事故不但直接危害了市民的身体健康、饮食秩序。同时,也香港带来了巨大的经济损失、国际形象的损害。
    These incidents have not only jeopardised our public health, changed our dietary habits, but have also inflicted considerable loss to our economy and blemished our international image.
  • 请不要我的咖啡放糖,我在节食。
    No sugar in my coffee, please; I'm dieting.
  • 请给差额八十元。
    The difference is $80, please.
  • "两位部长对政府的这个决定,予了不同的解释。"
    The two ministers gave different explanations for the government's decision.
  • 如果大、中、小地主不分,甚至打到富农和中农头上,就像作战一样,是自己自己筑起障碍。
    If we do not differentiate among big, middle and small landlords, even striking at rich and middle peasants, it will be as though we are erecting barriers against ourselves in a battle.
  • romano说:"每个公司用来音乐进行分类的法则和分类的结果有所不同,而且他们都取得了不错的效果,但这些分类的法则和结果并没有大的不同之处。"
    "The matching algorithms and how each company produces results is different," says Romano. "I think they all come up with good results, but there isn't as much differentiation among them."
  • 因为性别或种族的原因而以不同的待遇。
    treat differently on the basis of sex or race.
  • 很多加的热量也因此向外扩散进人周围的物质。
    Much of the added heat will therefore diffuse outwards into the surrounding material.
  • 《读者文摘》:《读者文摘》全世界带来欢笑。
    Reader's Digest : The world smiles with Reader's Digest.
  • 这个孩子肉吃,因为他不消化。
    Do not give the baby meat to eat , because he cannot digest it.
  • 此外,各海外办事处也编制通讯,扼要报道香港的新闻和动态,分发当地与香港有联系的机构和人士。
    Each overseas office also produces special newsletters containing a digest of news and events in Hong Kong. These are widely distributed to contacts in the respective countries
  • 食品染色所用的可消化的物质。
    a digestible substance used to give color to food.
  • 我钉子并告诉我桩洞在哪儿,我就能做出让你满意高兴的活来。”
    Show me the nails and the posthole digger and I'll be able to do a job that pleases you."
  • 给病人注入洋地黄
    Injected the patient with digitalis.
  • 服最大的量供足够的毛地黄属以得到最大疗效且不会出现有毒症状
    To administer digitalis in a dosage sufficient to achieve the maximum therapeutic effect without producing toxic symptoms.
  • 朱丽亚的宁静端庄人印象很深。
    There was something impressive about Julia's quiet dignity.