  • 把燃烧着的树枝踏灭
    Stamp out a burning stick
  • 像是着了火。
    Looks like it's burning.
  • 燃烧着的木头
    A piece of burning wood.
  • 所有的灯都亮着。
    All the lights were burning.
  • 燃料在沿传送线输送时,要燃烧。
    While travelling along the conveyor chain, the fuel burns.
  • 燃烧的木堆仍在冒烟。
    The burnt heaps of wood were still fuming.
  • 路灯通夜亮着。
    The street lights burnt all night.
  • 她动情地哭泣着。
    She burst into passionate sobbing.
  • 他坐着埋头看书。
    He was sitting with his head buried in a book.
  • 当然,这些原因是确实的,激发我们的学习积极性,埋头于厚厚的语言教科书,并跟盒音带重复单调乏味的语声。
    Of course,these reasons are valid and motivate us to bury our heads in thick language textbooks and repeat after a monotonous voice on an audiocassette.
  • 这辆巴士载九十名乘客。
    This bus carries 90 passengers.
  • 布什的公司也面临死亡。
    Bush's company was also facing the death.
  • 在一天结束时非常的疲劳;如此的累以致于无论在何处我都可以趴下睡;锻炼完之后非常的疲劳;长途旅行之后我感到非常的疲劳。
    was all in at the end of the day; so beat I could flop down and go to sleep anywhere; bushed after all that exercise; I'm dead after that long trip.
  • 竖直的浓密的锦葵属植物或小树,有包含带长长多毛光纤的种子的圆荚。
    erect bushy mallow plant or small tree bearing bolls containing seeds with many long hairy fibers.
  • 他正忙着答考试卷。
    He is answering the test paper busily.
  • 他忙着擦鞋.
    He was busily employed in cleaning his shoes.
  • 他正忙死记硬背去应付考试。
    He's busily cramming for the exam.
  • 她正忙着写信。
    She was busily engaged in writing letters.
  • 他正忙着写论文。
    He is busily engaged in writing a thesis.
  • 两家都为这门婚事忙碌
    The two families were working busily to make this match.
  • 李妈连咀带嚼的叫新儿。
    Li-ma called out to Xin-er, while still busily chewing the food in her mouth.
  • 新加坡坐在课室的前排,像老师最宠爱的学生一样忙写笔记。
    "Singapore is sitting in the front row of the class, busily taking notes, like the teacher's pet.
  • 通过开的窗子她可以看见穿工作围腰的男男女女在那里忙忙碌碌地走来走去。
    Through the open windows she could see the figures of men and women in working aprons, moving busily about.
  • 生意象往常一样井然有序地进行
    Business proceeded as usual.
  • 手与你方开展业务。
    Commence business with you.
  • ceo工作的重要性和能见度的日益提高,在此我们已经不必要再去详细解释这几个精确的、商业性的大写字母所代表的含义了。
    It is testimony to the rising importance and visibility of the CEO that there's no longer any need to explain what these quintessentially businesslike initials stand for.
  • 我看,随中国经济改革的深化,外国商人会有越来越多的机会。
    I think as China's economic reform deepens, there will be more opportunities for foreign businessmen.
  • 穿紧身毛线衫使胸部有魅力的女孩。
    a girl with an attractive bust who wears tight sweaters.
  • 他的写字台上放他最喜爱的诗人的半身像。
    On his desk there stand a bust of his favorite poet.
  • 我们碰上一场混战,巴斯特跃跃欲试,但我拉它,尽快向前赶路了。
    We passed a dog fight. Buster was only too eager to join the fray but I had him on the lead and hurried on as fast as I could.
  • 像妇女裙子上的裙撑那样冒失地站
    stuck perkily, like a bustle on a woman's skirt.
  • 她在忙着准备早餐。
    She was bustling about preparing the breakfast.