  • 我想想看,色桌布5000条,和以前是同一种类的。
    Let me see, table linen,5, 000 sets, same type of set as before.
  • 人进行的向非洲移民开始于500年前。
    The settlement of Africa by white people started 500 years ago.
  • 他从事相当不明不的职业。
    He has engaged in rather shady occupation.
  • 彼得上班,我上夜班。
    Peter is on the day shift and I am on the night shift.
  • 这部电影拍成了黑片。
    The film was shot in black and white.
  • 冬季白天较短.
    The days are shorter in (the) winter-time.
  • "洁白如雪"是明喻。
    "As white as snow" is a simile.
  • 她不明你的意思。她有点笨。
    She doesn't understand you. She's a bit simple.
  • "因为许多顾客天上班,所以毕利只好晚上去收钱。"
    "Since many of the customers work during the day, Billy has to collect the money at night."
  • 她经历了数周不眠之夜, 看上去脸色苍, 形容憔悴.
    She looked pale and drawn after weeks of sleepless nights.
  • 我希望它是黑色的,(或)色的,或灰色的。
    I'd like it to be black, (or) white, or grey.
  • 我在炉边的椅子上坐下,我的房东就去坐对面的一把。为了消磨这一刻的沉默,我想去摩弄那只母狗。它才离开那窝崽子,正在凶狠地偷偷溜到我的腿后面,呲牙咧嘴地,牙上馋涎欲滴。
    I took a seat at the end of the hearthstone opposite that towards which my landlord advanced, and filled up an interval of silence by attempting to caress the canine mother, who had left her nursery, and was sneaking wolfishly to the back of my legs, her lip curled up, and her white teeth watering for a snatch.
  • 欧亚的一种药草,具有由纽扣形状的花构成的松散花序和长的灰绿色的叶子,其叶被弄成粉后会使人打喷嚏。
    Eurasian herb having loose heads of button-shaped white flowers and long gray-green leaves that cause sneezing when powdered.
  • 我不明为什么报纸才旨诽谤他。
    I don't understand why the newspaper has been sniping at him.
  • 我们挑了一只明黄色的雄鸟和一只奶的雌鸟,给这对小鸟取名为:“阳光”和“雪球”。
    Selecting a lively yellow male and a sweet white female, we named the youngsters Sunshine and Snowball.
  • 雪皑皑的山峦形成了村庄的背景
    Snowcapped mountains back the village.
  • 被雪,也就是色的冻结的水的晶体,覆盖了地面的一层。
    a layer of snowflakes (white crystals of frozen water) covering the ground.
  • 牛奶盒里装满了熟石膏,满地的色粉末是我们将灰和水混和时弄的,由于我一时匆忙,打翻了小包,所以弄得到处是灰,好似下了场雪。
    The milk cartons were filled with plaster-of-Paris. The white powder everywhere was the plaster before we mixed it with water. In my haste, I had knocked the bag over, and the entire area look like it had been hit by a snowstorm.
  • 的头发使他看上去很和善。
    He looks kind with snowy hair.
  • 象雪的;雪白的
    Resembling snow; snowy.
  • 山丘上的阴影描绘出树木与水仙的轮廓捕捉微风与冬日的冷洌以色彩呈现在雪的画布上
    Shadows on the hills,Sketch the trees and the daffodils,Catch the breeze and the winter chills ,In colors on the snowy linen land.
  • 在…上镀锡把(金属)浸在酸中或镀锡,使之变
    To whiten(a metal) by soaking in acid or by coating with tin.
  • 4月23日的一项调查结果表明,如今在英国大多数手机短信只是用来传达无关紧要的事情和进行社会交往,但是一些经理人认为,如果能够做到明易懂,手机短信对于商业还是有很大用途的。
    While most mobile phone text messages sent in Britain are about gossip and socializing, some managers think they can be useful for business -- if they could read them, a survey on Tuesday showed.
  • 这里的种人不与土人交往.
    The white people here don't mix socially with the natives.
  • 而实际上埃德蒙斯顿根本用不着计算机统计就能了解美国社会的这种转变,因为他自己是出生在加拿大的人,妻子莎朗.李(sharonlee)为社会学家,则是华裔美国人。
    But as the Canadian-born, white husband of sociologist Sharon Lee, a Chinese-American, Edmonston really needed no computer to understand the transformation under way in this society.
  • 这些观众花了很多钱看你跳舞,他们希望他们的钱没有花—去吧,把你的全部本事拿出来给他们看看。
    The audience has paid a lot of money to see you dance, and they want value for their money—so go out there and really sock it to them.
  • 一种软质发的方解石。
    a soft whitish calcite.
  • 大家都礼貌周全,纷纷来探问吉英的病情,其中尤其是彬格莱先生问得特别关切,这叫伊丽莎非常愉快,只可惜吉英的病情一些没有好转,因此她无法给人家满意的回答。
    To the civil enquiries which then poured in, and amongst which she had the pleasure of distinguishing the much superior solicitude of Mr. Bingley's, she could not make a very favourable answer. Jane was by no means better.
  • 独白形式的文学作品
    A literary composition in the form of a soliloquy.
  • 热带美国的一个附生兰花属,有单独的厚叶,艳丽的色至绿色夜间开放的独生花朵或总状花序。
    any of various tropical American orchids with usually solitary fleshy leaves and showy white to green nocturnally fragrant blossoms solitary or in racemes of up to 7.
  • 热带美洲的一种普遍的克鲁西亚木,具有单生的色或玫瑰色花。
    a common tropical American clusia having solitary white or rose flowers.
  • 但是一般人并不大明何为孤独以及孤独的范围。
    But little do men perceive what solitude is, and how far it extendeth.