  • 那纵横字谜的提示,我琢磨了很长时间才恍大悟.
    I wrestled with the crossword clue for ages before light finally dawned, ie I understood the solution.
  • 长有虽拥挤但却分离的毛孔的真菌类。
    fungi having each pore separate though crowded.
  • 一个crt也比单个amlcd大,虽有些公司已展示了大至40英寸的amlcd,而,这些大尺寸的显示器实际上是由几个较小的看不到焊缝的显示器焊接在一起组成的。
    The CRT also scales larger than single AMLCDs although some vendors have demonstrated AMLCDs as large as 40 inches.These larger displays, however, actually consist of several smaller displays seamlessly melded together.
  • 在全双工链路上操作非智能crt终端的一种通常方式,在该方式下,每个键入的字符都是先从目的地(通常为一本地的计算机或终端控制器)被返回来,后才显示到屏幕上。
    The common method of operating an unintelligent CRT terminal on a full duplex link; each character that is keyed in is returned from the destination(usually a local computer or a terminal control unit) before it is displayed on the screen.
  • 硬件固重要,软件却是关键。
    The hardware is important, but the software is crucial.
  • 倘使耶稣·基督今天出现的话,人们将不会把钉在十字架上。人们将会请他参加晚宴,听听他有什么好讲的,后拿他寻寻开心的吧。
    If Jesus Christ were to come today, people would not even crucify Him. They would ask Him to dinner, and hear what He had to say, and make fun of it.
  • 的克利须那神像。
    a crude idol of Krishna.
  • 对天物质进行加工提纯的一种工厂。
    an industrial plant for purifying a crude substance.
  • 橡胶,主要用于制鞋底。
    crude natural rubber; used mainly for shoe soles.
  • “是的,我知道得很清楚,美塞苔丝,”青年回答道。“是的,你对我坦白,这固很好,但毕竟残酷。
    "Yes, that is very true, Mercédès," replied the young man, "Yes, you have been cruelly frank with me;
  • 驱逐舰舰长知道敌人8英寸口径的炮的火力远远超过他的舰载火力,但他还是决心与敌人的巡洋舰交战。
    The captain of the destroyer prepared to engage the cruiser, although he knew the enemy's eight-inch guns were more than a match for his limited fire power.
  • 正当这个国家的领导人乘着游艇巡游之时,军方接管了政府-一个大难临头,依歌舞升平的典型事例。
    While the country's leader was away cruising on his yacht there was a military take-over of the government – a typical case of fiddling while Rome burns.
  • 警察突仔细地搜查了这栋房子,但没有搜到什么重要的东西。
    The police suddenly examined the house to a crumb, but found nothing valuable for their search.
  • 而,当帝国开始土崩瓦解,罗马执政长官也开始逃遁时,每一区域的拉丁语便开始以独自的方式发展演化了。
    But as the Empire began to crumble, and Roman administrators began to disappear, the Latin of each region began to develop in its own individual way.
  • 星期天早上,虽他嘴里嘟嘟囔囔地抱怨着——“我讨厌饭渣弄到床上。”——但我还是见到丈夫在急切地等候他的早餐。
    Despite grumblings --“ hate crumbs in my bed” ---Sunday morning found my spouse eagerly awaiting his tray.
  • 捣碎的鸡肉做成的薄肉饼,周围涂上黄油(用香草调过味),卷起来,后敷一些面包屑,油炸。
    pounded chicken cutlets rolled around butter (that has been seasoned with herbs) and then covered with crumbs and fried.
  • 我们把鸟笼放在一个有阴凉的窗下,后等待着有一天那个皱巴巴的、上面写着“情侣鹦鹉”的信封里面装满了纸币和多余的硬币。
    We set our cage in front of a shaded window. Then we waited until the crumpled envelope marked "lovebirds" was full of bills and spare change.
  • 有几次我开始写下一些什么,但每次又停下来,盯着这个句子看两三分钟,后不是划掉就是把纸团扔掉。
    I started to write something down several times, but each time I stopped, stared at the sentence for a couple of minutes, and then either crossed it out or else crumpled up the paper.
  • 他口口声声说他一定帮忙,而事到临头他什麽也不帮。
    He always says he'll help, but when it comes to the crunch, he does nothing.
  • 而当这两位女性今年二月在戴维营会面的时候,二人很快找到一个共同的目标,成为了并肩作战的"战友"--向乳腺癌宣战。
    But when they met at Camp David in February, they quickly found they shared a crusade - battling breast cancer.
  • 在爆炸中能量的突释放所引起的破坏性后果。
    the shattering or crushing effect of a sudden release of energy as in an explosion.
  • 灾变地壳的剧烈而突的改变
    A violent and sudden change in the earth's crust.
  • 发出突高声地叫喊。
    utter a sudden loud cry.
  • 他像孩子一样忽哭起来。
    He burst out crying like a child.
  • 天然气深冷分离
    cryogenic separation of natural gas
  • 一种极硬的天晶体,视为宝石。
    very hard native crystalline carbon valued as a gem.
  • 但是在20世纪70年代,随着一种新的成像技术——计算机x射线断层摄影技术(ct)的出现,x射线摄影技术突得到了高速的发展。
    But suddenly, in the early 1970s, that growth kicked into high gear with the appearance of a new imaging option: computerized tomography, or CT.
  • 1997年,中国海洋石油产量超过1629万吨,天气产量为40亿立方米。
    With an offshore oil and natural gas industry in place, in 1997 China's offshore oil output exceeded 16.29 million tons, and its natural gas output stood at four billion cu m.
  • 发现含油气构造100多个,找到石油地质储量17亿吨,天气3500亿立方米;
    At the same time, more than 100 structures with oil and gas had been discovered, and 1.7 billion tons of oil reserves and 350 billion cu m of natural gas had been found.
  • 中国海域有30多个沉积盆地,面积近70万平方公里,石油资源量约250亿吨,天气资源量约8.4万亿立方米。
    Scattered in these offshore waters are more than 30 sedimentation basins, with a total area of nearly 700,000 sq km. It is estimated that there are about 25 billion tons of oil resources and 8.4 trillion cu m of natural gas in these basins.
  • "我们研究了一长串在古巴与美国之间搭建桥梁的办法,"他说,并补充一句,"显,释放俘虏将为那座桥梁的一块砖。"
    "We went over a laundry list that could build bridges between Cuba and the United States, " he [Cardinal O'Connor] said, adding, "Obviously, releasing prisoners would be a brick in that bridge."
  • 布谷鸟,四月来,五月一直在,仲夏唱支歌,后就离开。
    The cuckoo comes in April, and stays the month of May;sings a song at Midsummer, and then goes away.