  • 向北到旧金山,要走旧海岸公路,然后转到101公路,这是一多车道高速公路,视天气和交通情况而定,要么最终让你到达你要去的地方,要么堵得你发狂。
    To go north to San Francisco, you take the Old Coast Highway, and then proceed to 101, a multilane freeway, which, depending on weather and traffic, will eventually get you where you're going or drive you crazy.
  • 这条船装载煤。
    The boat is freighted with coal.
  • 高速公路上车祸发生得越来越频繁。
    Accidents on that highway are happening with increasing frequency.
  • "那道路交通事故频繁,为此市议会决定降低那里的车速限制。"
    The frequency of accidents on that road made the council lower the speed limit.
  • "这鱼不新鲜,已经发臭了。"
    This fish isn't fresh; it smells!
  • "山坡上下来的小溪流侵袭着松软的土地,沿着山脚跟形成了一沟渠。"
    The stream from the mountain slope fretted a channel through the soft earth along the mountain foot.
  • 弗洛伊德学的信奉者接受西格蒙德·弗洛伊德精神分析理论的基本信的,尤其是在心理治疗过程中应用弗洛伊德理论的医生
    A person who accepts the basic tenets of the psychoanalytic theories of Sigmund Freud, especially a psychiatrist who applies Freudian theory and method in conducting psychotherapy.
  • 友好的狗出来迎接我们。
    A friendly dog came to meet us.
  • 墙顶的横条很精致。
    The friezes round the top of the wall are delicate.
  • 她被那条狗吓坏了。
    She was frightened by the dog.
  • 这家饭店朝着两热闹的街道。
    The restaurant has frontages on two busy streets.
  • 围绕支点转动的硬金属
    a rigid bar pivoted about a fulcrum.
  • 公司已经履行了全部协议中的款。
    The company had fulfil all the term of the agreement.
  • 这个公司必须履行合同款。
    The company has to fulfill the terms of its obligation.
  • 他没能力履行合同款。
    He is incapable of fulfilling the term of the contract.
  • 它结构简单,造形别致实现了设计师创造“一个尽可能细的线勾划出庞然大物”的愿望。
    it is both simple and elegant, fulfilling its designer's dream to create 'an enormous object drawn as faintly as possible'.
  • 契约,合同指钱、权利、契据或契约等暂交第三者保管,待某种件实现后再交付受让人或权利人
    Money, property, a deed, or a bond put into the custody of a third party for delivery to a grantee only after the fulfillment of the conditions specified.
  • 这些件的实行,首先需要确守信义,并且需要一些勇气。
    The fulfilment of these terms requires above all good faith, and also some courage.
  • (六)充分发动群众及其游击战争,同我们一块斗争,是实现我们战略任务的决定件。
    6) Fully arousing the masses to wage guerrilla warfare and fight shoulder to shoulder with us is a decisive factor in the fulfilment of our strategic tasks.
  • *根据联合国某些人权约,个人可对国家提出申诉,控诉国家侵害其权利,但需满足某些前提件,包括用尽国内所有补救办法。
    * Under certain UN human rights treaties, individuals can appeal against States for alleged violations of their rights, subject to the fulfilment of certain preconditions, including the exhaustion of all domestic remedies.
  • 至于供给情报,应该是次要的,只能在不妨碍其基本任务与秘密件下才可以去做,或只供给带紧急性的特殊重要性的情报。
    Except for the most urgent and exceptionally important information, supplying information is of secondary importance; it should only be done secretly and only if it does not affect fulfilment of the basic tasks.
  • 第三十五 省、自治区、直辖市人民政府环境保护行政主管部门可以委托已取得公安机关资质认定的承担机动车年检的单位,按照规范对机动车排气污染进行年度检测。
    Article 35 The administrative departments of environmental protection under the people's governments of provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the Central Government may authorize the annual testing of pollution by motor-vehicle's exhaust fume in accordance with the relevant regulations. The Central Government may authorize the units undertaking annual test of motor-vehicles whose qualifications have been recognized by the public security authorities to conduct these tests.
  • 第五十五 违反本法第三十五第一款或者第二款规定,未取得所在地省、自治区、直辖市人民政府环境保护行政主管部门或者交通、渔政等依法行使监督管理权的部门的委托进行机动车船排气污染检测的,或者在检测中弄虚作假的,由县级以上人民政府环境保护行政主管部门或者交通、渔政等依法行使监督管理权的部门责令停止违法行为,限期改正,可以处五万元以下罚款;
    Article 55 Whoever, in violation of the provisions of the first paragraph or the second paragraph of Article 35 of this Law, conducts test of pollution by motor-driven vehicle or vessel's exhaust fume without authorization of the administrative departments of environmental protection under the people's governments of provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the Central Government or the authorization of the departments of communications, fishery or other competent authorities exercising supervisory and administrative power according to law, or practices fraud in the test, he/she shall be ordered to stop the illegal act, make rectification within a time limit and may concurrently be imposed upon a fine of not more than 50,000 yuan by the administrative department of environmental protection under the people's government at or above the county level or the departments of communications, fishery exercising the power of supervision and management according to law;
  • 两个功能部件之间的一种共享界面,在一定的件下,根据功能特性、公共的物理连接特性、信号特性以及其它特性来定义。
    A shared boundary between two functional units, defined by functional characteristics, common physical interconnection characteristics, signal characteristics, and other characteristics, as appropriate.
  • 兼性寄生的能在不同环境件下活动的。用于某些生物,如细菌在有氧或无氧件下都能生存
    Capable of functioning under varying environmental conditions. Used of certain organisms, such as bacteria that can live with or without oxygen.
  • 功能不正常或者不在运行的合适件下。
    not functioning properly or in suitable condition for proceeding.
  • 我们要加大开支,帮助各州和各社区培训英勇善战的警察和消防队员,改善他们的装备件。
    We will increase funding to help states and communities train and equip our heroic police and firefighters.
  • 脊,种脊植物珠柄与胚珠壁连接的部分,通常表现为果实外壳上的一道纹或突起
    The portion of the funiculus that is united to the ovule wall, commonly visible as a line or ridge on the seed coat.
  • 老虎的皮毛是橘黄色的,带有黑色纹。
    Tigers have orange fur with black stripes.
  • 警卫员把犯人捆起来,并在他们嘴里塞上布
    The guards tied up and gagged the prisoners.
  • 马快速跑的步态它的每腿都单独撞击地面。
    a rapid gait of a horse in which each foot strikes the ground separately.
  • 马快速的步法;以两拍的步幅前进它的四腿同时离开地面。
    a fast gait of a horse; a two-beat stride during which all four legs are off the ground simultaneously.