  • 在丛林中伏击作为一游击队员在丛林中战斗
    To fight as a guerrilla in the woods.
  • 你猜猜是哪个人说过这句话?
    Guess what famous person said this?
  • 客人签下了自己的
    The guest signs his name
  • 客人按照要求签了
    The guest does as required.
  • 旅游指南上列举了伯恩茅斯地区25家廉价饭店的单。
    The guidebook lists twenty-five cheap hotels in the bournemouth area.
  • 旅游指南上列举了伯恩茅斯地区25家廉价饭店的单。
    The guidebook lists twenty - five cheap hotels in the Bournemouth area.
  • 断头台是法律的体现,它的别是“镇压”,它不是中立的,也不让人中立。
    The guillotine is the concretion of the law; it is called vindicte; it is not neutral, and it does not permit you to remain neutral.
  • 那个国王因罪恶多端而臭昭著。
    The king was infamous for his guilt of many infamies.
  • 已料到他罪成立而不准保释。
    The presupposition ofhis guilt.
  • 假借哲学的义讲了一大堆的废话。
    A lot of nonsense is talked, under the guise of philosophy.
  • --反对实行双重标准,不能把个别或少数国家的政策主张强加给联合国安理会。不能允许少数国家假联合国之,行军事干涉之实。
    -- Double standards should be opposed. The policies and views of any one country or a few countries should not be imposed on the UN Security Council, and military interference by a small number of countries under the guise of the UN should not be allowed.
  • 上个月数百妇女儿童死于叛军的炮火。
    Hundreds of women and children fell to the rebels?? gunfire last month.
  • 进入叙利亚班领土的20分钟后,在周三的晚上摩哈默德.里兹.迪伯离开经济舱,向一位乘务员喊叫并向机舱内开枪,一位叫abeerbittar----来自宾西法尼亚纽卡斯尔的叙裔美籍家庭主妇回忆道。
    Twenty minutes into the Syria-bound flight, Mahmoud Rizq Deeb walked from the economy class Wednesday night, screamed at a flight attendant and sprayed the aircraft with gunfire, recalled passenger Abeer Bittar, a Syrian-American housewife from New Castle, Pa.
  • 枪手在机场打死了5恐怖分子。
    The gunmen accounted for five terrorists at the airport.
  • 星期五数千头石巴勒斯坦人和持枪者和以色列军队在加沙和西岸发生冲突。三巴人被以军射杀。
    Thousands of Palestinian rock-throwers and several gunmen clashed Friday with Israeli troops across the West Bank and Gaza Strip, and three Palestinians were killed by Israeli fire.
  • 他是英国海军的一炮手。
    He is a gunner of the British navy.
  • 有一天,人们看见一个有的心不在焉的老师在路上走,他的一只脚一直踏在街沟里,另一只脚踩在人行道上。
    A notoriously absent-minded professor was one day observed walking along the street with one foot continually in the gutter, the other on the pavement.
  • 乔治敦圭亚那的首都及最大城市,位于该国的北部,临大西洋。由英国人于1781年建立,在荷兰人统治期间叫作斯塔布鲁克,后于1812年易乔治敦。人口78,500
    The capital and largest city of Guyana, in the northern part of the country on the Atlantic Ocean. Founded by the British in1781, it was called Stabroek while it was controlled by the Dutch and was renamed Georgetown in1812. Population,78, 500.
  • 积极推动体育产品的升级换代,在运动服装、健身器械、体育图书、报刊、音像制品方面,形成若干个国际性的知品牌。
    The sports commodities shall be constantly upgraded and vigorously promoted. A string of international brands shall be developed in sports clothing, gymnasium equipment, sports books, newspapers, and audio and video products.
  • 王平:现在还只是一个初步的构思,今后还希望继续得到各位的大力支持。杰夫,你认为最著的现代综合体育馆是哪个?
    Wang Ping: At present, it is only a primary design. I hope to re-ceive continuously your generous support afterwards.jeff: which mode-m comprehensive gymnasium do you think is the most famous?
  • 这位体操运动员叫什么字?
    What's the name of the gymnast?
  • 中国的著选手李小双表现如何?
    How about Li Xiaoshang, the famous Chinese gymnast?
  • 体操运动员要有坚强意志,勇敢顽强,机智灵敏和有创造性地表现自己的情感。
    A gymnast requires willpower and determination, intelligence and creative expression of feelings.
  • 白俄罗斯体操选手谢尔博被提为1993年杰西·欧文斯国际金球奖获得者。
    Gymnast Scherbo of Belarus has been chosen the recipient of 1993 Jesse Owens International Trophy Award.
  • 现代体操运动大致上是19世纪一个叫弗里德里希·路德维希望雅恩的人发明的。
    Modern gymnastics were largely the creation of Friedrich Ludwig Jahn in the 19th century.
  • 她参加了高中奥林匹克游泳赛,在华盛顿州体操全能赛中排第五。
    She competed in Junior Olympics in swimming, and placed fifth in the Washington state all-around gymnastics.
  • 在最令人难忘的体育项目中,体操显得更为突出,这是因为一个叫娜迪亚·科马内奇的14岁女学生在正式的体操比赛中获得了第一个满分,即10分,之后她再接再厉共获得了7个满分。
    Of the most memorable of all athletic events, gymnastics stood out as Nadia Comaneci, a 14-year-old schoolgirl, captured the first perfect score, a 10, in official gymnastics competition. Later, she went on to register seven perfect scores.
  • 这个女儿却在成为西方世界著的妇产科医生后,
    This daughter became well known in the West as a doctor of obstetrics and gynaecology.
  • 108所县以上医院均设有妇产科,110个重点乡设立了妇幼保健室,对25万多儿童进行了生长发育调查和常见病、多发病的普查普治。
    In addition, 108 hospitals at and above the county level now have departments of gynecology and obstetrics, and 110 key townships have maternity and child care departments which have monitored the development of more than 250,000 children and given general surveys and treatments of common and frequently-occurring diseases among them.
  • 警察就逮捕了这两“黑客”。
    The police arrested the two hackers.
  • 他的所作所为使他的声得到改善。
    What he had done put him in better odour.
  • 莎伦·斯通认为她脑出血“莫其妙”,但医生认为这是与她头一天所做的运动有关。莎伦·斯通因出演盗匪片《赌城风云》而获奥斯卡提奖。
    The actress has described the cause of her brain haemorrhage as a " case of the mysteries" but doctors are linking it with the exercise she did the previous day.