  • 他头后包扎过的伤;用干净纱布包着的伤
    the bandaged wound on the back of his head; an injury bound in fresh gauze.
  • 棉塞一种为医用而塞入人体体腔或伤的材料,如纱布、纱布塞
    A material, such as gauze, that is therapeutically inserted into a body cavity or wound; packing.
  • 话已出口,无法收回.
    What is said cannot is unsaid.
  • 法国人喜欢味纯正、少糖的巧克力,不喜欢添加了其他味的花色巧克力,而意大利人则喜欢纵情享受各种各样的巧克力,将其繁复精妙发挥到极致。
    The French prefer simplicity and purity of taste, without additional flavors and with little sugar, while Italian tastes are geared toward the more indulgent and sophisticated end of the market.
  • 公司正为大规模出作好准备。
    The company's gearing up for the big export drive.
  • 胶囊小的可溶解的囊状物,通常用胶制成,内装一剂服药或维生素
    A small soluble container, usually made of gelatin, that encloses a dose of an oral medicine or a vitamin.
  • 产生脓汁;指伤化脓。
    generate pus; of wounds.
  • 上两代的人,都为了养家¤而挣扎。
    The first two generations of Singaporeans have to work hard for survival.
  • eunrecognizedversion:(10040)表示检测到一个不被注册中心操作入站点(operatorsite)实例支持的generic属性值。
    E_unrecognizedVersion: (10040) Signifies that the value of the generic attribute passed is unsupported by the Operator Instance being queried.
  • 程序设计语言pl/1中一个带括号的表,内有一个或多个自变量用逗号隔开,其前为入名常数、入名变量、类属名或内部函数名。该表被传送给入点的各参数。
    In PL/1, a parenthesized list of one or more arguments, separated by commas, following an entry-name constant, an entry-name variable, a generic name, or a built-in function name. The list is passed to the parameters of the entry point.
  • 人种局部的地区性人或全球性人,根据由基因遗传的体质而区分为几种特性明显或不很明显的群体
    A local geographic or global human population distinguished as a more or less distinct group by genetically transmitted physical characteristics.
  • 泄殖腔脊椎动物(如鱼、爬行动物、鸟和某些低级哺乳动物)的肠道、生殖道和泌尿道通往的共用体腔
    The common cavity into which the intestinal, genital, and urinary tracts open in vertebrates such as fish, reptiles, birds, and some primitive mammals.
  • 热那亚意大利西北的一座城市,濒临利古里亚海的一个港湾热那亚湾。作为一个古老的聚居地,热那亚在罗马人统治下繁盛起来,并在十字军东征期间聚敛了大量财富。今天,它是意大利的主要港和重要的商业、工业中心。人760,300
    A city of northwest Italy on the Gulf of Genoa, an arm of the Ligurian Sea. An ancient settlement, Genoa flourished under the Romans and also enjoyed great prosperity during the Crusades. Today, it is Italy's chief port and a major commercial and industrial center. Population,760, 300.
  • 莱戈恩(即里窝那)意大利西北部一城市,临近利古里亚海,位于热那亚东南。中世纪时曾是筑有防御工事的城镇。美第奇将其发展成为一个繁荣的社区。人175,371
    A city of northwest Italy on the Ligurian Sea southeast of Genoa. A fortified town in the Middle Ages, Leghorn was developed into a flourishing community by the Medici. Population,175, 371.
  • 米兰意大利北部一城市,位于热那亚东北。可能由塞尔特人所建,公元前222年被罗马人占领,因其处于战略要地,自中世纪以来一直是一个重要的商业、金融、文化和工业中心。人1,634,638
    A city of northern Italy northeast of Genoa. Probably of Celtic origin, it was taken by the Romans in222 b.c. and has been an important commercial, financial, cultural, and industrial center since medieval times because of its strategic location. Population,1, 634, 638.
  • 以达赖为首的西藏地方政府在1953年提供的西藏人数字不过100万人,果真以后杀了120万人,那么西藏的人早就完全被杀光了,更不可能发展为200多万人。
    In 1953, the Tibetan local government under the Dalai Lama reported the population stood at 1 million people. If 1.2 million inhabitants had been massacred, it would have been a case of genocide and certainly the population in Tibet could not have increased to the present 2 million.
  • 她用海绵轻轻地拭清了伤
    She sponged the wound out gently.
  • 许多农民运动的道理,和在汉、长沙从绅士阶级那里听得的道理,完全相反。
    Many of the hows and whys of the peasant movement were the exact opposite of what the gentry in Hankow and Changsha are saying.
  • 从地理上讲,这是事实。但我必须说,当你比较价格时也应该比较货物的质量,你们的用户肯定把他们对从各国进钢材质量的意见告诉了你们。
    That's true, geographically speaking, but I should say that when you compare the price, you should also compare the quality of the good. Your endusers should have given you their comments on the quality of steel imports from different countries.
  • 中国人口地理
    population geography of China
  • 雅典佐治亚州东北部一城市,位于亚特兰大东北偏东。1785年作为佐治亚大学(建于1801年)的所在地而建。人45,734
    A city of northeast Georgia east-northeast of Atlanta. It was founded in1785 as the site of the University of Georgia(established1801). Population,45, 734.
  • 福雷斯特帕克美国佐治亚州西北的一座城市,亚特兰大的工业城区。人16,925
    A city of northwest Georgia, an industrial suburb of Atlanta. Population,16, 925.
  • 都柏林美国佐治亚州中部城市,位于梅肯东南偏东。它是伐木区的商业中心。人16,312
    A city of central Georgia east-southeast of Macon. It is a commercial center in a lumbering area. Population,16, 312.
  • 道尔顿美国佐治亚西北部一城市,位于田纳西州的查塔努加东南。它是一个农业区的工业中心。人21,761
    A city of northwest Georgia southeast of Chattanooga, Tennessee. It is an industrial center in an agricultural region. Population,21, 761.
  • 萨德伯里加拿大安大略省东南部一城市,位于佐治亚湾以北。该市是一个富含矿产地区的中心。人91,829
    A city of southeast Ontario, Canada, north of Georgian Bay. It is the center of a rich mining region. Population,91, 829.
  • 他操一流利的德语。
    He speaks fluent German.
  • 德国西北部的一个港城市。
    a port city in northwestern Germany.
  • 伤口沾染了细菌。
    The wound was infected with germs.
  • 细菌可能通过进入人体。
    Germs may get into the body by way of the mouth.
  • 需保持清洁,才不致于感染细菌。
    The will must be kept clean so that germs do not infect it.
  • 研究人员共发现了六种能引起臭的细菌,其中几种是气清新的人中所没有的。
    Six species of bacteria were linked to halitosis, and several of those germs were not found in those with fresh breath.
  • 研究人员发现,在五名没有臭的试验对象腔中,都有同样的三种细菌,其中含量最高的是唾液链球菌。而在六名有臭的人士中,只有一个人的腔中有这种细菌,而且含量很低。
    Researchers reported species of the same three bacteria were prevalent among five people with fresh breath. The most common of these germs found on these subjects' tongues, Streptococcus salivarius, appeared in only one of six people with halitosis -- and at extremely low levels.