  • 韋爾奇不僅沒把它打碎,而且對它進行了改造,使它的發展超出了任何人的預料:司的市場資本總額由140億美元增加到今天的4000多億美元。
    Not only did Welch not break it, but he transformed it as well and multiplied its value beyond anyone's expectations: from a market capitalization of $ 14 billion to more than $ 400 billion today.
  • 准許一個司發行股票
    Capitalize a corporation.
  • 司預備金移作資本
    capitalize the company's reserve funds
  • 從國會大廈的圓頂上望去,布希爾園的全景盡收眼底。
    Bushnell Park is in full view from the dome of the Capitol.
  • 他們(開比多爾唱片司)衹是把一扇已經打開的門開大點,問題不在於推銷,在於這四位歌手有特殊天賦。”
    They [Capitol] are just pushing in an already open door. It's not about marketing; it's about the particular genius of those four fellows."
  • 於是開比多爾唱片司當然就有了新的銷售策略:在mtv和nick頻道上進行強勢宣傳,在紅色的cd包裝上印上孩子們喜歡的糖果和蘋果,並且在母親們愛去的商場如沃爾瑪超市以11.98美元的低價出售這張專輯,這個價位很適合孩子。(這比過去的披頭士流行音樂專輯“藍色”和“紅色”要便宜18美元。
    Then, of course, there's the new marketing strategy of Capitol Records: high energy MTV and Nick ads, candy? apple red CD packaging and the kid? friendly $11.98 price at mom? preferred stores like Wal Mart (that's $ 18 less than previous Beatles hits packages" Blue" and" Red" ).
  • 因為發令者敢於開發此反革命命令,冒天下之大不韙,必已具有全面破裂和徹底投降的决心。
    The fact that those who issued this counter-revolutionary order dared to do so openly, risking universal condemnation, shows that they must have determined upon a complete split and out-and-out capitulation.
  • 黨在發動團结與組織全中國人民的力量以反對全中國人民的敵時,應該堅决不動搖地同反日統一戰綫內部一切動堯妥協、投降與叛變的傾嚮做鬥爭。
    In arousing, uniting and organizing the forces of the people throughout the country to fight the common enemy, the Party should resolutely and unswervingly combat all tendencies towards vacillation, compromise, capitulation and betrayal within the anti-Japanese united front.
  • 投訴警察課詳細諮詢投訴警方獨立監察委員會後,推行了一係列措施,進一步加強現行投訴制度的透明度,以示正。
    In close consultation with the IPCC, CAPO introduced a range of measures to further enhance the transparency and fairness of the existing complaints system.
  • 雞閹割了,讓它成為一隻閹雞。
    convert a cock into a capon.
  • 司産品有餅幹、巧剋力、牛奶糖及口香糖等。
    We manufacture candy, chocolates, caramel, and chewinggums.
  • 高速路上擠滿了牽引着宿營車的小轎車。
    The motorway is jammed with cars towing caravan.
  • 出租:單間、套間、房屋、篷車。聯繫單位:斯溫德爾及剋魯剋股份有限司。
    To let: rooms, flats, houses, caravan. Contact Swindle and Crook Co Ltd.
  • 然而,這普遍流行且正感染着下一代人的阿特金斯飲食理念讓另外一些食品司大傷腦筋。這些食品司以銷售富含碳水化合物的食物為主,如意大利面、比薩餅、餅幹和𠔌類食品等,顧客對這些食品的喜好將决定他們能否營利。
    But the popularity of Atkins' eating advice, now appealing to another generation, is fraying the nerves of some food companies who rely on the consumer appetite for carbohydrate-laden foods such as pastas and pizzas, cakes, cookies and cereals, to add heft to their own bottom lines.
  • 切開的豬的半邊軀體。
    dressed half of a hog carcass.
  • 腌製的豬背部的肉。
    salt pork from the back of a hog carcass.
  • 用????處理過的豬軀體的背部、側邊和腹部肥肉。
    fat from the back and sides and belly of a hog carcass cured with salt.
  • 那是否是長途共汽車證呢?
    Is it a coach card?
  • 我很願意代表我們的學校/司/機構出席這次會議。屆時在加地夫市政廳再會。
    I am happy to have our school/company/organization represented. See you in the City Hall of Cardiff.
  • 這些食品司的策略就是直接攻擊阿特金斯的理論。食品聯盟宣稱:阿特金斯的追隨者們患心血管疾病、高膽固醇、腎壞死及一些癌癥的幾率比常人要高。
    The strategy is a direct attack on Atkins: Americans who follow the Atkins diet increase their risk of health problems that include cardiovascular disease, high cholesterol, kidney damage and some cancers, the Wheat Foods Council says.
  • 你能不能想像一傢大司的總裁居然不太註意衣着?
    Can you imagine that the president of a large firm doesn't care much about dress?
  • 要受護公共財物。
    Be careful of public property.
  • 我們的鄰居是個粗心大意的共汽車駕駛員,從來不考慮自己有什麽責任。
    Our neighbour's a very careless bis driver; he never thinks about what he's responsible for.
  • 有個蹩腳的司機在路上粗心大意地撞毀了一輛傢用汽車。
    An awkward driver carelessly ran into and damaged a family car on a highway.
  • 隨意棄置的垃圾(尤指在共場所拋棄垃圾)。
    rubbish carelessly dropped or left about (especially in public places).
  • 這座寓的管理員不在寓裏住.
    This block of flats has a non-resident caretaker.
  • 照看寓房屋的人;代表所有者和租金收集者的人。
    a caretaker for an apartment house; represents the owner as janitor and rent collector.
  • 門房莊園或園裏的小屋,供管理員或看門人使用
    A small house on the grounds of an estate or a park, used by a caretaker or gatekeeper.
  • 法國照看寓或旅館的人;監視進出的人,傳遞信件就像看門人或守門人。
    a French caretaker of apartments or a hotel; lives on the premises and oversees people entering and leaving and handles mail and acts as janitor or porter.
  • 公衆貨物裝卸區。
    Public Cargo Working Area
  • 科科河發源於尼加拉瓜北部的一條河,沿尼加拉瓜與洪都拉斯邊界東北方流經約483裏(300英裏)到加勒比海
    A river rising in northern Nicaragua and flowing about483 km(300 mi) northeast along the Nicaragua-Honduras border to the Caribbean Sea.
  • 金斯敦牙買加首都,位於牙買加島東南部加勒比海岸邊。它建於元1692年,1872年成為首都。人口586,930
    The capital of Jamaica, in the southeast part of the island on the Caribbean Sea. It was founded c.1692 and became the capital in1872. Population,586, 930.