  • 大量的直接的援助,目前虽然还没有,尚有待于来日,但是中国有进步和大国的条件,能够延长战的时间,促进并等候国际的援助。
    Large-scale direct assistance is as yet lacking and will come only in the future, but China is progressive and is a big country, and these are the factors enabling her to protract the war and to promote as well as await international help.
  • “无毒社区”是持久开展禁毒斗的有效载体。
    "Drug-free community" is an effective vehicle for protracted combat vs drugs.
  • (九)抗日战为什么是持久战?
    9. Why is the War of Resistance Against Japan a protracted war?
  • 怎样进行持久战和怎样取最后胜利?
    How to conduct protracted war and how to win the final victory?
  • 他们进行了长期战,把这些侵略者赶出国土。
    They waged a protracted war to rid their land of these aggressors.
  • 的最后胜败,要在持久抗战中去解决。
    The final outcome of the war will be determined by a protracted war of resistance.
  • (三五)中日战既然是持久战,最后胜利又将是属于中国的,那末,就可以合理地设想,这种持久战,将具体地表现于三个阶段之中。
    35. Since the Sino-Japanese war is a protracted one and final victory will belong to China, it can reasonably be assumed that this protracted war will pass through three stages.
  • 我们党被打入地下,被迫同蒋介石进行了长期的战
    Our Party was driven underground and forced to fight a protracted war with Chiang Kai-shek.
  • 这一切,又规定了战不能速胜,而只能是持久战。
    From all this it follows that our war cannot be won quickly but can only be a protracted war.
  • 惟独中国的战不能不以最大的忍耐性对待之,不能不以持久战对待之。
    China's war, however, must be handled with the greatest patience and treated as a protracted war.
  • 答复:不能速胜,抗日战是持久战。
    The answer is, No, she cannot win quickly, and the War of Resistance will be a protracted war.
  • 经过长期反对军阀主义的斗,军队内部很团结,联系群众也很好。
    Through protracted struggles against warlordism, the army achieved unity in its own ranks and formed close ties with the masses.
  • 因为反动势力的雄厚,革命势力是逐渐地生长的,这就规定了战的持久性。
    Because the reactionary forces are very strong, revolutionary forces grow only gradually, and this fact determines the protracted nature of our war.
  • 在这样的情况下,敌人占地甚广的现象发生了,战的长期性发生了。
    It is in these circumstances that vast areas have come under enemy occupation and that the war has become a protracted one.
  • 中国今天的解放战,就是在这种进步的基础上得到了持久战和最后胜利的可能性。
    It is on the basis of this progress that China's present war of liberation can be protracted and can achieve final victory.
  • 在国际贸易展览会上,我国的出口商为国
    Our exporters proudly keep the flag flying at the international trade exhibition
  • 但安蒂诺里和扎沃斯的克隆计划引发的论则最为激烈,因为他们在有关克隆的问题上是有据可查的。
    But Antinori and Zavos' announcement provoked the most fury because they have a proven track record in the field.
  • 为其渺小的地方风尚不为激荡整个旧世界的激烈论所动而焦急不堪——v·l·帕灵顿;不为个人因素所动。
    stewed in its petty provincialism untouched by the brisk debates that stirred the old world- V.L.Parrington; unswayed by personal considerations.
  • 在辛亥革命后的护国护法战中,他就是“手执青锋卫共和”的一员猛将。
    After the Revolution of 1911 he participated in the campaigns to protect the Republic and uphold the Provisional Constitution, proving himself a valiant soldier.
  • 现在她的教师工作团——名为教师报国团——已迅速展开工作。经过一番激烈竞之后,2500名申请人中,500名刚从大学毕业的被录取。证明了柯普女士的理论:工作团从严录取将可在大学生中增加号召力。
    Now her teachers corps, called Teach for American is off and running. After a rigorous competition, 500 recent college graduates won places out of a field of 2,500 applicants, proving Ms.Kopp's theory that making the corps selective would enhance its appeal to college students.
  • 一系列的挑衅事件导致了边境战的发生。
    A series of provocations led up to the border war.
  • 他是位爱论的人,无论休整都不愿想当然。
    He is a provocative man who takes nothing whatever for granted.
  • 我的计划是有意要引起论的——都来吧,我已准备好对付所有的反对意见了。
    My plan is intended to be provocative–come one, come all, I'm ready to deal with all the objections.
  • 不要把这块骨头扔给那两只狗,那样你会引起一场斗。
    Do not throw one bone to two dogs , you will only provoke a fight.
  • 我们不想挑起斗或口角,我们也不想在竞对手的伤口上撒盐。
    We don't want to provoke any fights or arguments, and we don't want to rub salt in a competitor's wound.
  • 因为霸权主义者有疯狂性,不知道他们在什么地方制造一件什么小事情,就可能挑起战
    For the hegemonists are desperate, and no one can tell for sure when or where some small incident they create may provoke a war.
  • 埃阿斯萨拉米斯的特勒蒙之子,高大而骁勇的勇士,曾参加特洛伊战
    The son of Telamon of Salamis and a warrior of great stature and prowess who fought against Troy.
  • 内部机器不需竟就允许使用代理。
    #_ internal machine is permit to use proxy without challenge.
  • 英格兰和普鲁士反对法国和澳大利亚的战(1756-1763);英国和普鲁士从中得到利益。
    a war of England and Prussia against France and Austria (1756-1763); Britain and Prussia got the better of it.
  • 法国和普鲁士为结束法国第二帝国建立德国的战;1870年到1871年。
    a war between France and Prussia that ended the French Second Empire and led to the founding of the German empire; 1870-1871.
  • 法国(由拿破仑波拿巴领导)和包括英格兰普鲁士俄国澳大利亚不同时期的联盟间的一系列战;1799年到1815年。
    a series of wars fought between France (led by Napoleon Bonaparte) and alliances involving England and Prussia and Russia and Austria at different times; 1799-1815.
  • 七年战中的一次战斗;普鲁士军队在弗雷德里克领导下战胜法国和奥地利的军队。
    a battle in the Seven Years' War (1757); Prussian forces under Frederick the Great defeated the armies of France and Austria.