  • 古代的种单簧木管乐器;通常由骨头制成。
    an ancient (now obsolete) single-reed woodwind; usually made of bone.
  • 有了个酗酒的丈夫,方太太依靠无人。
    In her intemperate husband, Mrs Fang has a broken reed.
  • 像芦苇或者小树枝样细长、虚弱。
    resembling a reed or twig in being slender and fragile.
  • 个圆锥孔和个双簧吹口的细的木管乐器。
    a slender woodwind with a conical bore and a double-reed mouthpiece.
  • 只有个簧片的木管乐器。
    a woodwind with a single reed (as a clarinet or saxophone).
  • 演奏簧乐器的个管乐队或管弦乐队的组。
    the section of a band or orchestra that plays reed instruments.
  • 希望是壮汉依靠的根纤细的芦苇。
    Hope is a slender reed for a stout man to lean on.
  • 双簧弯管文艺复兴时期的种带有个弯曲的吹管和双簧片的管乐器
    A wind instrument of the Renaissance with a curving tube and a double reed.
  • 支派,附属机构从属于或与个更古老或更大的组织紧密联系的集团
    A group affiliated with or subordinate to an older or larger organization.
  • 角笛种由动物角制成的乐器,有振动片、指孔、喇叭口和吹口
    An instrument with a single reed, finger holes, and a bell and mouthpiece made of horn.
  • 与世界银行有关联的个联合国机构。
    an agency of the United Nations affiliated with the World Bank.
  • 倍低音管双簧管系管乐器中音高最低的也是最大的乐器,比低音管的音高低个八度
    The largest and lowest pitched of the double-reed wind instruments, sounding an octave below the bassoon.
  • 简·爱自幼成为孤女,托付给个冷酷无情的舅母,盖兹海德府的里德太太来照管。
    Orphaned as a baby, Jane Eyre is placed in the care of a cold-hearted aunt, Mrs. Reed of Gateshead Hall.
  • 天,作为对简丁点儿孩子气任性的惩罚,里德太太把她关进了里德先生病故的那个房间。
    One day, as punishment for a bit of childish willfulness, she puts Jane into the room in which Mr. Reed died.
  • 无党派的没有加入或并不忠于任何个政治党派或组织的
    Affiliated with or loyal to no one political party or organization.
  • 然而,里德太太是个忧郁、严厉的女人,她无视这请求,简寄其篱下痛苦度日达十年之久。
    But Mrs. Reed, a somber and severe woman, ignores this request for the ten miserable years that Jane spends under her roof.
  • 我以为他是个好朋友,可是当我真的需要他的帮助时,他却点也靠不住。
    I think he was a good friend but when I really needed his help he was showing to be a break reed.
  • 我以为他是个好朋友,可是当我真的需要他的帮助时,他却点也靠不住
    I thought he was a good friend but when I really needed his help he was shown to be a broken reed
  • 双簧管带有个圆锥形孔和双簧管吹口的细小的木管乐器,具有三个八度音域和穿透力强而尖利的声音
    A slender woodwind instrument with a conical bore and a double reed mouthpiece, having a range of three octaves and a penetrating, poignant sound.
  • 对强制戒毒后又吸毒者,律送司法部门管理的劳动教养所,在劳动教养中强制戒毒;
    Those who resume drugs after receiving compulsory treatment are sent to reeducation-through-labor centers administered by judicial departments, where they are forced to undergo treatment side by side with reeducation through physical labor.
  • 居住在个大学城而又与大学无关的城里人。
    resident of a college town not affiliated with the college.
  • 使她成为家新律师事务所的雇员
    Affiliated herself with a new law firm.
  • 珊瑚礁之外的大海是片深蓝色
    Beyond the coral reef the open sea is dark blue
  • 颜色鲜明的热带珊瑚礁鱼,鱼尾部有如刀样的刺颜色鲜明的热带海鱼。
    brightly colored coral-reef fish with knifelike spines at the tail.
  • 他们说在靠近海岸的暗礁之间有个礁湖。
    They say that inshore of the reef is a lagoon.
  • 并入的合并入组织的,尤指个联盟
    Affiliated in an organization, especially a union.
  • 这两个足球运动员加入了同个俱乐部。
    The two footballers affiliated themselves with the same club.
  • 这所小学附属于所大学。
    This elementary school is affiliated to a university.
  • 船只撞上暗礁与全体船员起沉没。
    The ship struck a hidden reef and went dawn with all hands.
  • 环礁种环形的珊瑚岛或珊瑚链,接近或完全围绕于浅泻湖
    A ringlike coral island and reef that nearly or entirely encloses a lagoon.
  • 被暗礁或是沙滩或是珊瑚从个较大的水体分割出的个较小的水体。
    a body of water cut off from a larger body by a reef of sand or coral.
  • 他在晚年(1930年)还曾表示,“吾所最希求者,即中国真正和平统”,“都是中国领土,何分尔我”,“英人对吾确有诱惑之念,但吾知主权不可失”,公开表明“不亲英人,不背中央”的意旨(摘自刘曼卿著《康藏轺征》)。
    In his later years (in 1930), he said, "My greatest wish is for the real peace and unification of China." "Since it is all Chinese territory, why distinguish between you and us?" He further elaborated, "The British truly intend to tempt me, but I know that our sovereignty must not be lost." He also publicly expressed his determination "not to affiliate with the British nor forsake the central government" (Liu Manqing: A Mission to Xikang and Tibet).