| - 科林没有去找工作,而是把时间浪费在寻求欢乐上。
Instead of finding a job, Colin wasted his time catting around. - 当各供应商在cbd的核心基础设施方面进行合作时,这种分布式计算模型工作效率最高而这种模型依靠组件标准、基础设施和架构之间的一种和谐融合关系。
This distributed computing model, which relies on a synergistic relationship between component standards, infrastructure and frameworks, operates most efficiently when vendors collaborate on the core infrastructural dimensions of CBD. - 序列和协调图表表示那些交互的过程:你不仅看到对象与种类,而且也看到在它们之间传送的消息。
Sequence and collaboration diagrams show interactive processes: You not only see objects and classes, but also the messages that pass between them. - 那些想节省成本、在多个地点、远地雇员和在家上班者中间建立社区协作的公司也赶上了im的潮流。
Also catching the IM wave are companies that want to provide cost-saving and community-building collaboration among multiple locations, remote employees, and telecommuters. - 1999年9月,中国政府与联合国和欧空局合作,在北京举办了"空间应用促进农业可持续发展研讨会"。
In September 1999, in collaboration with the UN and ESA, the Chinese government held in Beijing the "Symposium on Promoting Sustainable Agricultural Development with Space Applications. - 用户们说,内部网还消除了对纸的依赖,使雇员们信息灵通、雇员之间增强了内部交流,并使跨时区实现协同工作成为了现实。
Intranets also eliminate dependency on paper, keep employees informed, enhance internal exchange among employees, and make collaborative work across time zones a reality, users said. - 45.供水和卫生合作理事会是致力于加强供水和卫生部门之间协作的各有关利益方的首创,正在与经济和社会事务部密切合作。
45. The Water Supply and Sanitation Collaborative Council is a multi-stakeholder initiative dedicated to enhancing collaboration in the water supply and sanitation sector, and is working in close cooperation with the Department of Economic and Social Affairs. - 用了很长时间才把遇难者(从倒塌的建筑物中)解救出来.
It took hours to free the victims (from the collapsed building). - 提供作为抵押品或者间接提供。
put up as security or collateral. - 贷款保证金的市面价格与面额之间的差价
The difference between the market value of collateral and the face value of a loan. - 这位负责人和他的同事大卫·莫斯利花了近两年时间考察“信息与通讯技术”(ict)的教学效果。
He and his colleague David Mosley spent almost two years examining the effect of Information and Communications Technology in lessons. - 费了一些时间她才使心神镇定下来。
Some time was required for the collection of her faculties. - 芒罗,赫克托耳·休1870-1916英国作家,以其诙谐间或伤感的短篇小说著称,这些短篇小说刊登于小说集如克洛维斯记事(1911年)
Canadian writer noted for vivid novels and short stories of life in rural Ontario. Her collections of stories include Dance of the Happy Shades(1968) and Something I've Been Meaning to Tell You(1974). - 89.由于空间不足,艺术博物馆在考虑购买和接受捐赠的艺术品是越来越慎重,有些情况下放弃其进一步改善收藏的机会。
89. Because of the space crunch, the Art Museum has become increasingly cautious in considering acquisitions and donations of art, in some cases passing up opportunities to strengthen is collections. - 先后编辑出版了《中国戏曲志-西藏卷》、《中国民间歌谣集成-西藏卷》、《中国民族民间舞蹈集成-西藏卷》、《中国谚语集成-西藏卷》。有关西藏曲艺、民族民间歌曲、戏曲音乐、民间故事的文艺集成也正在编纂之中,即将出版。
On this basis, the History of Chinese Operas and Story-telling Ballads: Tibet Volume, Collection of Chinese Folk Songs: Tibet Volume, Collection of Folk Dances of Chinese Ethnic Groups: Tibet Volume, and Collection of Chinese Proverbs: Tibet Volume have been published, and a series of collections of Tibetan ballads, folk songs, opera music and folk stories are now under compilation and will be published very soon. - 八十年代初,中国政府又投入大量资金和人力物力,搜集整理各民族民间文艺资料,编纂了《中国民间歌曲集成》、《中国民族民间器乐曲集成》、《中国民间故事集成》、《中国民间谚语集成》等包括各民族文学、音乐、舞蹈诸门类的十大文艺集成,共计整理出版310卷,全部出齐约450卷,总计约4.5亿字。
At the beginning of the 1980s, the Chinese government put in much capital and efforts into the collection and editing of the folk cultural and arts materials of the minority peoples. The compilation of ten collections of literature, music and dance of minority peoples, comprising 450 volumes in 450 million words, including the Collection of Chinese Folk Songs, Collection of Folk Instrument Tunes of China's Ethnic Minorities, Collection of Chinese Folk Tales, and Collection of Chinese Folk Proverbs have been completed, and 310 volumes have already been published. - (劳资间的)集体协定[合同]
collective agreement [bargaining] - 国家主义国家将从独立发展中受益而不是和其他国家共同发展中受益的信仰,强调国家内部的自标而不是国家间的
The belief that nations will benefit from acting independently rather than collectively, emphasizing national rather than international goals. - 妈妈打扫房间,把吸尘器从房间这边推到那边。
Mother pushed the dust collector across the room to clean it. - 基极晶体管中发射极和集电极之间的区域
The region in a transistor between the emitter and the collector. - 因此她小心翼翼,努力营造同事间平等的气氛,对尼克的暗中使坏却毫无察觉。
So she treads lightly,trying to create a collegial atmosphere,unaware that Nick is sabotaging her. - 近年来,一个新的规定要求一个队必须设法在短时间内投篮:大学队为35秒,国际比赛为30秒,美元职业比赛为24秒。
In recent times, a new rule requires a team to try to score within a brief 35 seconds in the collegiate game, 30 seconds in international play, and 24 seconds in American professional play. - 那宽阔的房间似乎装不下他那晃动的脚步,心里还暗自紧张,怕他那巨大的肩膀会撞上门框或是把矮架上的小摆设拂到地上。
The wide rooms seemed too narrow for his rolling gait, and to himself he was in terror lest his broad shoulders should collide with the doorways or sweep the bric-a-brac from the low mantel. - 警察用脚步量出了汽车与被撞木桩之间的距离。
The policeman paced out the distance betweem the car and the post it collided with. - 随着时间的推移,这些颗粒凝集在一起。它们碰撞后结合成更大的称为星子的块状,增长速度也随之加快。
Over time, the particles clumped together, growing faster as they collided and stuck together in larger clumps called planetesinials. - 富国和贫国之间的经济关系存留着浓厚的新殖民主义性质。
Strong element of neo-colonialism persist in the economic relation of the rich and poor countries. - 富国和贫国之间的经济关系存留著浓厚的新殖民主义性质。
Strong element of neo colonialism persist in the economic relation of the rich and poor countries. - 木折在饰有凹槽的柱子的缺口间的棱条
A ridge between the indentations of a fluted column. - activex体系结构均使用微软公司的组件对象模型(com)和分布式组件对象模型(dcom)标准:com允许不同的应用程序实现本地相互交谈,而dcom提供在网络上的(应用程序间)通信。
The ActiveX architecture uses Microsoft's Component Object Model (COM) and Distributed COM (DCOM) standards: COM allows different applications to talk to each other locally, and DCOM provides communications over a network. - 作为领导者,一个较正确的姿态是在自己和对手之间,拉开距离。
A more appropriate stance would be for the leader to distance itself from the com-petitors. - 在怀孕期间惊厥或昏迷。
characterized by convulsions and possibly coma during or immediately after pregnancy. - 1961年,他被监禁在特伦顿。长达6个星期的时间里,医生每天给他注射胰岛素,使他处于昏迷状态,希望通过刺激来使纳什的大脑恢复正常。
At Trenton State, where he was incarcerated in 1961,he was injected with insulin and put into a coma daily for six weeks by physicians who hoped to shock Nash's brain back to health.