  • 美国大西洋沿岸的一种灌木,具有总状序,红色至靛青色。
    erect to spreading hairy shrub of United States Pacific coast having racemes of red to indigo flowers.
  • 东南亚的一种落叶半灌木,具有羽状叶和丛生的红色或紫色;靛蓝染料的原料。
    deciduous subshrub of southeastern Asia having pinnate leaves and clusters of red or purple flowers; a source of indigo dye.
  • 从天板上反射下来的、柔和的间接光线;间接证据;间接原因。
    reflection from the ceiling provided a soft indirect light; indirect evidence; an indirect cause.
  • 汤姆在园的棚屋里,栽培他喜爱的室内卉植物。
    Tom is in the garden but, potting up his favorite indoor plants.
  • 后来谈到我自己有个小型的室内园时,他非常热忱的告诉我,如何解决几个我所要解决的问题。
    I had a small indoor garden of my own - and he was good enough to tell me how to solve some of my problems.
  • 年内落成的康体场地有两个,分别是石硖尾室内运动场及园圃街园。
    In the year, two major new recreation and sports venues were completed: the Shek Kip Mei Indoor Games Hall and the Yuen Po Street Garden.
  • 又大又高、有一个大冠的褶边帽;女人在屋内戴的一种正式的帽子。
    a large high frilly cap with a full crown; formerly worn indoors by women.
  • 当我们要推举一个王的时候,他把很多落生给我们,以为贿选,于是他就当选。
    When we were in the process of selecting a King, he brought us lots of peanuts, as an inducement for us to elect him. It was not surprising that he was elected.
  • 在晚餐或者夜宵中最好选用含有氨基酸的食物,如奶制品、豆类、生、家禽肉或绿色蔬菜。
    Foods containing the sleep?inducing amino acid trypotophan (found in dairy products, beans, peanuts, poultry, and green leafy vegetables) are good choices for dinner or a nighttime snack.
  • 不惜钱做一套新衣服
    Indulge in a new suit
  • 一些主要工业国交给联合国系统的钱有一大部分以联合国在这些国家中钱购买材料、支付工资和业务费用的形式又还给了它们。
    A large share of the money that some major industrialized countries give to the UN system returns to them in terms of the money the UN spends in their countries on materials purchased, salaries and operating expenses.
  • 观赏树种,果实不可食,粉红色,品种繁多。
    ornamental tree with inedible fruit widely cultivated in many varieties for its pink blossoms.
  • 观赏树种,果实不可食,白色,品种繁多。
    ornamental tree with inedible fruits widely cultivated in many varieties for its white blossoms.
  • 从前以电话或面对面连络,太干扰,也没效率。现在电子邮件不会干扰,你可能两小时收发电子邮件就够了,这会大大提高管理绩效。
    The traditional telephone conversations and face-to-face contacts could be easily interrupted and were inefficient. Now you need perhaps to spend just a couple of hours on e-mailing.
  • 坐这种车费不多,还可以观光。
    It is an inexpensive, scenic way to travel.
  • 就一般费不大的假期来说,它还不算坏。
    It was not so bad as inexpensive vacations go.
  • 我想去费不大的餐厅。
    I would like to go to an inexpensive restaurant.
  • 每个人从婴儿到被抚养成人,要费某个人或数个人大量的劳动。不费这种劳动或只费其中一部分,孩子就不会长大成人,代替父母一代而成为劳动者。
    Every human being has been brought up from infancy at the expense of much labour to some person or persons, and if this labour, or part of it, had not been bestowed, the child would never have attained the age and strength which enable him to become a labourer in his turn.
  • 这是杂草丛生的园。
    It's a garden infested with weeds.
  • 一粒沙里看出一个世界,一朵里藏着一个天堂,把无限放在你的手上,永恒在刹那间收藏。《天真的预示》-(英)威廉布莱克
    To see a world in a grain of sand, And a heaven in a wild flower, Hold infinity in the palm of your hand, And eternity in an hour."Auguries of Innocence"-William Blake
  • 北美的一种野生兰,具有粉红色的十分美丽的,有一个膨大、囊状的唇。
    pale pink wild orchid of northeastern America having an inflated pouchlike lip.
  • 在北美开有艳丽的豌豆般的和膨大的豆荚的属。
    genus of North American plants with showy pealike flowers and an inflated pod.
  • 美国东部的一种水生草本植物,具海面状沉水茎,细裂的叶和白色的
    a featherfoil of the eastern United States with submerged spongy inflated flower stalks and white flowers.
  • 但asic设计使这些交换机丧失了改动的灵活性,因而购买它们省下的钱将来要在重新配置和管理上。
    But the ASIC design makes these switches inflexible to change, so the money saved will be spent on reconfiguring and administering them.
  • 梗在一个序上只有一朵的梗茎
    A stalk bearing a single flower in an inflorescence.
  • 序轴主轴或主茎,如序的总轴、掌状复叶的茎或螺旋状的柱
    A main axis or shaft, such as the main stem of an inflorescence, the stalk of a pinnately compound leaf, or the spinal column.
  • 梯牧草各种梯木草属草本植物,尤指产于欧亚的梯牧草和产于北美的高山梯牧草,有一个浓密圆锥状序,紧缩的单小穗,大量种植用作干草
    Any of several grasses of the genus Phleum, especially P. pratense, native to Eurasia, and P. alpinum, of North America, having a dense cylindrical inflorescence of compressed, one-flowered spikelets and widely cultivated for hay.
  • 干或新鲜的或叶的浸液。
    infusion of e.g. dried or fresh flowers or leaves.
  • 这座有400年历史的园以其独特的建筑和奇特的布局著称。
    This 400-year-old garden is famous for its ingenious architecture and exotic layout.
  • 来自世界不同国家、不同地域的奇异草、珍稀植物、园林园艺精品、庭院建筑及相关科技将在本届博览会上得到充分展示。
    Exotic flowers and herbs, rare plants, exquisite garden arts, ingenious garden constructions and relevant science and technology from different countries and all parts of the world will be shown fully at the exhibition.
  • 为行骗而引用巧的推理的蓄意错误议论。
    a deliberately invalid argument displaying ingenuity in reasoning in the hope of deceiving someone.
  • 我驾车通过那跨越东河的带边的钢铁建筑,从而对人类头脑的独创性和威力获得一个新的令人震惊的视觉。
    I drive across the lacy structure of steel which spans the East River, and I get a new and startling vision of the power and ingenuity of the mind of man.