  • 我只差一点就够著最上边树枝上的苹果。
    I can just about reach the apples on the top branch.
  • 够到柜顶的那本书吗?
    Can you reach the book on the top of the cupboard?
  • 日久生厌不成为离婚的理由.
    Boredom is not a ground for divorce.
  • 他在一九七五年,还针对“四人帮”的诬蔑,提出“老九不走”。
    To counter the slander spread by the Gang of Four, he declared in 1975, "We can't do without Number Nine."
  • 他们的诽谤只充分暴露他们自己的真面目。
    Their slanders only serve to lay bare their own true features.
  • 以这样的人提供的所谓材料对中国福利院状况进行指责,怎么叫人相信呢?
    How can people give credence to the materials provided by such a person for the purpose of slandering China's welfare institutions?
  • 有了创造者,才有创造。
    Creation supposes a creator.
  • 对于他的反对者加在他头上的种种诽谤,他怎不义愤填膺呢?
    How could he choke back his indignation at the slanderous charges his opponent levelled against him?
  • (俚语)“干类型的人”。
    (slang) a can-do kind of person.
  • 这座桥不够牢固,车辆不通行。
    The bridge is not strong enough to allow the passage of vehicles.
  • 她做出歪曲报道好让我显得无
    She slant the report so that I am make to appear incompetent.
  • 她做出歪曲报道好让我显得无
    She slants the report so that I am made to appear incompetent.
  • 我真希望明天见到你。
    I shall be charmed to see you tomorrow.
  • 今晚我有要事,你快点做项顿简单的饭吗?
    I have something important to do this evening. Will you slap up a quick meal?
  • 在我跟朋友们赶去看比赛之前给我们草草凑合一顿饭吗?
    Can you slap up a quick meal for my friend before we rush to the game?
  • 这条法律应当加严,对犯罪分子决不只是轻摸轻打一下。
    This law ought to be tighter: it mustn't give the criminals just a slap on the wrist!
  • 你去开会之前,咱们私下说句话吗?
    Could we have a word before you go to the meeting?
  • 每次我翻开报纸,都感受到打击和侮辱。
    Cognitive slaps and insults happen every time I open the floppy pages.
  • ”因此,在削减成本以及保证研究开发资金用于的确可产生效益的项目上的同时,gerstner已经开始逐步减少ibm对大型主机及pc机的收入依赖,作为替代,第强调了软件和服务,这比那些五颜六色的机子够产生高额利润。
    " So in addition to slashing costs and making sure that research-and-development money gets spent on something that might actually produce a profit, Gerstner has been gradually reducing IBM's dependence on both mainframes and PCs for revenue. In their place, he's emphasizing the development of software and services that can generate a higher return on capital than putty-colored boxes.
  • 只有工巧匠才把板岩劈成石片。
    Only a skilled workman can split slate into layers.
  • 我不能肯定。
    I don't know for sure.
  • 我没零钱,把这些蛋钱记在帐上吗?
    I've no change, could you put these eggs on the slate?
  • 他们把所有的空闲时间都用来看电视了,还学什麽东西呢?
    How can they learn anything when they spend all their spare time watching television?
  • 农民没有权力时,只用宗教观念反对杀牛,没有实力去禁止。
    Before the peasants had power, they could only appeal to religious taboo in opposing the slaughter of cattle and had no means of banning it.
  • 这桩丑闻有可使政府垮台。
    This scandal may topple the government.
  • 为确保食物安全,渔农处与养猪业采取措施防止使用氨哮素,并确保抗生素等其他兽医用化学药物使用得宜,令药物残余不会留在猪只屠体内。
    To ensure food safety, the pig industry and the department implemented measures to deter the use of clenbuterol and to ensure other veterinary chemicals such as antibiotics were used in a manner that did not leave residues of these drugs in pigs at the time of slaughter.
  • 请萨姆写那篇社论好了,他胜任。
    Get Sam to write that editorial. He haw what it takes.
  • vampire(吸血鬼)一词的确切来源是有争议的,大多数来源,包括第2版牛津英语辞典(cod),讲该词来自匈牙利语‘vampir’,该词在多种斯拉夫方言中都有同根词,可原先来自北方的土耳其语uber,意为“巫婆”。
    The exact origin of Vampire is disputed. Most sources, including the The Compact Oxford English Dictionary, 2nd Edition, derive it from the Hungarian vampir. The word has cognates in several Slavic tongues and may originally derive from the northern Turkish uber, meaning witch.
  • 她劳累了一天,离开办公室,回到家中又做饭。我真不明白她如何还撑得住。
    I don't know how she keeps on her feet after slaving all day, first in the office and then at home in the kitchen.
  • 但是,为了有可压迫一个阶级,就必须保证这个阶级至少有够勉强维持它的奴隶般的生存的条件。
    But in order to oppress a class, certain conditions must be assured to it under which it can, at least, continue its slavish existence.
  • 快的,敏捷的行为的、动作的,或够快速行为或运动的;敏捷的
    Acting, moving, or capable of acting or moving quickly; swift.
  • 解冻的水面又结上了冰,现在雪橇的滑板已牢牢地冻在冰上不动了。
    The thawed surface had frozen again and now the runners of the sled were stuck hard and fast to the ice.