  • 一位妇女在打开盒子后连忙追了出来,脸上流泪:"我收集了许多小兔子,但在洪水中全丢了。
    One woman ran out to find us after opening her box,tears rolling down her face. "I collected bunny rabbits,and I lost them all in the flood.
  • 这个城市到处飘扬五色缤纷的旗帜。
    The city was gay with all colors of bunting.
  • 那些大楼上悬挂红、白绿色旗子。
    The buildings were drapped with red, white and blue bunting.
  • 房子正面都悬挂彩旗。
    The fronts of the houses were hung with flags and bunting.
  • 舞蹈演员敏捷、优雅;轻快的脚步;以轻快的脚步走
    the dancer was light and graceful; a lightsome buoyant step; walked with a light tripping step.
  • 里昂的车撞在了一棵树上,但幸运的是他并没有伤
    Leon banged his car into a tree bur fortunately he wasn't hurt.
  • 假如有人不时被活埋的话又怎么样?对每一个这样的人,地上就有上百具活僵尸在走呢。
    What if a man is bur alive from time to time? For every such person there are a hundred dead men walking the earth
  • 假如有人不时被活埋的话又怎么样?对每一个这样的人,地上就有上百具活僵尸在走呢。
    What if a man is bur alive from time to time? For every such person there is a hundred dead men walking the earth.
  • 可是纳米技术担负特别的压力。
    But nanotechnology bears a special burden.
  • 他用双肩荷着重物。
    He supported his burden on his shoulders.
  • 更多的条例意味更多的官样文章,而我们却希望拥有更大的应变能力和更大的伸缩性。
    More rules mean more bureaucracy, yet we want greater responsiveness and more flexibility.
  • 此外,小生产的习惯势力和官僚主义的习惯势力,还顽强地纠缠我们。
    Moreover, we are still plagued by the force of habit of the small producer and by the habits of bureaucracy.
  • 我没有做官,犯不挨骂,因此我也不想。
    I have never been a bureaucrat official and therefore deserve no such ridicule and hence have no intention to indulge in meat.
  • 占人口极少数的官僚买办资产阶级垄断80%的工业资本,操纵全国的经济命脉。
    The bureaucrat-comprador bourgeoisie who accounted for only a small fraction of the population monopolized 80 percent of the industrial capital and controlled the economic lifelines of the country.
  • 可是法官无意参与政府内斗(尤其不愿与国防部内斗。国防部控制自己的预算,也控制他的大部分情报预算),同时他也不甚清楚如何把机密情报扯进政策辩论。
    But the judge had no stomach for bureaucratic infighting(particularly with the Pentagon, which controls most of his intelligence budget plus its own) and not much feel for how to fit secret information into policy debates.
  • 不幸的是一个机构的结构,会随时间推移而僵化,最后滋生出官僚主义。
    Unfortunately, an organization structure can get fossilized over time and develop into a highly bureaucratic institution.
  • 可是法官无意参与政府内斗(尤其不愿与国防部内斗。国防部控制自己的预算,也控制他的大部分情报预算),同时他也不甚清楚如何把机密情报扯进政策辩论。
    But the judge had no stomach for bureaucratic infighting (particularly with the Pentagon, which controls most of his intelligence budget plus its own) and not much feel for how to fit secret information into policy debates.
  • 在党的组织和国家机关的许多工作人员中,正在滋长形形色色的官僚主义的倾向。
    Tendencies towards bureaucratism of different shades are growing among many functionaries in Party organizations and state organs.
  • 当然,对这次学生在游行中提出的我们国家中确实存在的一些弊端,诸如官僚主义、机构臃肿、不正之风等,要重视,要注意解决。
    As for the failings such as bureaucratism, overstaffing, official misconduct and so on, to which the students drew attention in their marches and demonstrations, we shall try to overcome them.
  • 针对这种情况,党必须经常注意进行反对主观主义、官僚主义和宗派主义的斗争,经常警戒脱离实际和脱离群众的危险。
    In view of this situation, the Party must constantly be on the alert to combat subjectivism, bureaucratism and sectarianism and must keep up our guard against the danger of becoming divorced from reality and the masses.
  • 家家户户门口上,窗户上,天窗上,屋顶上,密密麻麻聚集成千上万张市民的面孔,和颜悦色,安详朴实,凝望司法宫,凝望嘈杂的人群,也就心满意足了,因为时至今日,巴黎还有许多人乐于观看那班爱看热闹的人,再说,在一堵人墙后面正发生什么事,这对我们来说已非常有趣的了。
    Every door and window and roof swarmed with good, placid, honest burgher faces gazing at the Palais and at the crowd, and asking no better amusement. For there are many people in Paris quite content to be the spectators of spectators; and to us a wall, behind which something is going on, is a sufficiently exciting spectacle.
  • 守灵在葬礼前守死人的尸体,有时伴有仪式
    A watch over the body of a deceased person before burial, sometimes accompanied by festivity.
  • 棺材状的构造物一个上面铺棺罩的棺材状的构造物,在葬礼后举行的安魂弥撒中用来代表尸体
    A coffin-shaped structure draped with a pall, used to represent the corpse at a requiem Mass celebrated after the burial.
  • 他双手抱着头。
    He buried his head in his hands.
  • 这丘陵上覆盖11英寸厚的大雪。
    The hill was buried under 11 inches of snow.
  • 站在她身边那个魁伟的男人眼里也含泪。
    The burly man standing next to her also had tears in his eyes.
  • 它建于1882年,里面存放来自缅甸的两尊释迦牟尼玉像,我们明天去参观。
    It was built in 1882 and houses two White jade statues of Skamania from Burma. We will visit it tomorrow.
  • 去年十二月中,他忽然来了一封信,是从坤甸寄来的,大意说他从父亲死后,油木皇生意失败,家中不能存活,不得已带妻子来这里当一个教员,已有两年多了。
    Last December, a letter from him suddenly appeared, posted from Burma . The gist of the letter said that his father had passed away, and the oil milling business had collapsed. His family could no longer maintain a livelihood and he had no choice but to take his family to Burma where he had been a teacher for more than two years.
  • 纸容易着火。
    Paper burns easily.
  • 小心别烫着了。
    Be careful not to burn yourself.
  • 那幢房子昨晚火了, 被烧为平地。
    The house was on fire last night and was burned down.
  • 她弄翻了燃油炉,整房间马上就火了。
    She upset the oil burner and the whole room was soon in a blaze.