  • 欧洲西南部的一种灌木,色,有软毛,花粉红色。
    compact white pubescent shrub of southwestern Europe having pink flowers.
  • 一个曾花了半年时间,去了英国61000家酒吧中的800个,访谈50位酒吧老板和酒保以及1000多个酒客的荷兰旅游者说:“我不明英国人是怎么给自已买到酒的。
    One Dutch tourist who spent six months visiting 800 of Britain's 61,000 pubs and interviewing 50 publicans and bar workers and more than 1,000 customers said :" I cannot understand how the British ever manage to buy themselves a drink.
  • 斯:我想尝尝脱布丁。
    I'll try the butter pudding.
  • 骆驼在茫茫的沙里打滚,扬起阵阵尘雾。
    The camels rolled in the white dust, raising puffs of cloud.
  • 干酪、鸡蛋(蛋清分开搅打)和蛋沙司做成的蓬松菜。
    puffy dish of cheese and eggs (whites beaten separately) and white sauce.
  • 我把盒子摇了摇,闭上眼睛--别问我为什么这么做--我拣出一片画面清晰的碎片,看了看有图像的这一面,很明显这张上面是蓬松的蛋色结婚礼服,仅此而已。
    I shock the box about a bit and closed my eyes--don't ask me why--and picked out a sharp slice of photo.I looked at the picture side first.A bit of white puffy meringue wedding dress was evident, but nothing else.
  • 含有漂剂的溶液,用于漂纺织品或纸浆。
    a solution containing bleaching agents that is used to bleach textiles or paper pulp.
  • 粗糙的欧亚植物,具有稠色的辛辣的根。
    coarse Eurasian plant cultivated for its thick white pungent root.
  • 有刺激性气味的针叶树叶和花的灌木;分布在澳大利亚东部。
    shrub with pungent rigid needle-shaped leaves and white flowers; eastern Australia.
  • 当我晚上开车回家时,我发现车灯不亮,我明自己上当了。
    When I drove the car home at night and found that the lights didn't work, I realized that I'd been sold a pup.
  • 褐色沙司和番茄泥,掺洋葱、蘑菇和干葡萄酒。
    brown sauce and tomato puree with onions and mushrooms and dry white wine.
  • 花了很长时间我才明你说的话。
    It took me a long time to take in what you were saying.
  • 黄嘌呤一种黄色结晶的嘌呤硷,c5h4n4o2,它是尿酸的前身,常见于血液、尿液、肌肉组织和某些植物中
    A yellowish-white, crystalline purine base, C5H4N4O2, that is a precursor of uric acid and is found in blood, urine, muscle tissue, and certain plants.
  • 主要为热带草本植物的一个大属,头状花序,花色或紫色。
    large genus of chiefly tropical herbs having heads of white or purplish flowers.
  • 弗吉尼亚光钱草一种长有柔嫩多汁的叶子和紫色小花的北美(弗吉尼亚光叶草)植物
    A North American plant(Obolaria virginica) having fleshy leaves and small white or purplish flowers.
  • 斑鸠一种产于欧洲的体型纤细而小的鸠鸽(欧斑鸠),尾羽有边,鸣声轻柔哀怨
    A small, slender European dove(Streptopelia turtur) having a white-edged tail and a soft, purring voice.
  • 他为了追求享乐而虚度了一生。
    He wasted his life in the vain pursuit of pleasure.
  • 看上去健康、有病、苍、困惑不解、忧伤、疲乏
    Look healthy, ill, pale, puzzled, sad, tired
  • 我不明,为什么你们不采纳这项建议。
    I'm puzzled why you didn't adopt the proposal.
  • 加几滴兰地于咖啡中, 以改变其味道
    qualify coffee with a few drops of brandy
  • 父母说,我说话倒相当清醒,可是对我来说,在事故发生后的那段时间,我头脑中完全是一片空
    My parents say I talked rationally enough but for me the time after the accident was total blank.
  • 做工作不能做,这是明摆著的事。
    It stands to reason that nobody will work without pay.
  • 棱镜这种形状的透明体,多为玻璃制成,通常两端为三角形,用来分解穿过柱体的光,使光束发生色散或用来反射光线
    A transparent body of this form, often of glass and usually with triangular ends, used for separating white light passed through it into a spectrum or for reflecting beams of light.
  • 进一步细想后,她明了自己的错误。
    On further reflection she saw her mistake.
  • 规章制度应该让全体员工都明
    The rules and regulations should be made to be manifest to all staff.
  • 清晨地里覆盖着一层霜。
    The field was covered with rime in the early morning.
  • 云在天空疾驰而 过。
    White clouds scudded across the sky.
  • 你明白我的意思吗?
    Do you see what I mean?
  • 他不明那笑话的可笑之处。
    He didn't see the joke.
  • 看样子他病了, 因为他面色看起来很苍
    He seems to be sick, for he appears pale.
  • 我希望她能很快明过来,别再打这场打不赢的仗了。
    I hope she soon sees sense and stops fighting a battle she cannot win.
  • 他看见马路上画有一连串色箭头。
    He saw a series of white arrows painted on the road.