  • 在很短时期中,他成长为一伟大的共产产义战士。
    In a short period of time he grew into a great communist fighter.
  • 由无之辈掌管的政府部门
    A government department run by little grey men
  • 他的字在英国议会备受谴责。
    His name was on the gridiron at Westminster.
  • 因写仙女故事而出的格瑞母兄弟中的哥哥;也是描述日尔曼语言变革的格瑞母规则的作者(1785-1863)。
    the older of the two Grimm brothers remembered best for their fairy stories; also author of Grimm's Law describing consonant changes in Germanic languages (1785-1863).
  • 因写仙女故事而出的格瑞母兄弟中的弟弟(1786-1859)。
    the younger of the two Grimm brothers remembered best for their fairy stories (1786-1859).
  • 他发现任何一种学习都是副其实的苦差使。
    He finds any kind of study a real grind.
  • 政治上的肉搏破坏了他的誉。
    the meat grinder of politics destroyed his reputation or allied forces crumbled before the Wehrmacht meat grinder.
  • 恐慌始于3日晚。距赫尔辛基30公里的小城维赫蒂的一男子当晚在食杂店用一张面值为500欧元的纸币付账时,收款员不接受这张纸币。
    The alarm was raised when a man paying for groceries in the small town of Vihti, 30km from Helsinki, had his- 500 note rejected by a cashier on Jan, 3 night.
  • 7月25日的第三个字叫“神龛日”。
    A third name for the 25th is Grotto Day.
  • 卡普里意大利南部一岛屿,位于那不勒斯湾的南部边界。自古罗马时代以来就是一个度假胜地,以其蓝色洞穴而闻,为该岛高而陡峭的海岸上的一处风景优美的洞穴
    An island of southern Italy on the southern edge of the Bay of Naples. A popular resort since Roman times, it is famous for its Blue Grotto, a picturesque cave indenting the island's high, precipitous coast.
  • 1987年,联合国教科文组织郑重把敦煌莫高窟列入世界遗产录。这座"沙漠上的美术馆"不再只是中国的国宝,它已经成为全人类共同拥有的珍贵财富。
    In 1987, UNESCO had Mogao Grotto of Dunhuang solemnly listed as one of the world's legacies, making the "Art Gallery in the Desert" not only a national treasure of China but also an invaluable trove of the mankind.
  • 事实上,他是个有的脾气坏、心胸狭窄、喜怒无常的人。
    In fact, he was considered a terrible grouch, a very mean-spirited and temperamental person.
  • 克鲁斯之所以能成为一很有潜质的人才,原因之一就是他曾经历过艰难的成长过程。
    One of the reasons why he is such a well-grounded human being is because of his difficult upbringing.
  • 这种担心有一定道理。因为至今还有一些地区、一些部门的领导班子没有整顿好,一些帮派分子可能利用提拔中青年干部的义,把他们的党羽提拔上来。
    Their concern is not entirely groundless, because the leading bodies in some localities and departments have yet to be well consolidated and factionalists might seize upon the promotion of young and middle-aged cadres as an opportunity to upgrade their own followers.
  • 但她的目标并不是长期住家,所以,一九三四年八月二十一日,她来到莱姆格鲁富制片厂开始拍摄她的第一部影片《欣欣向荣》。九月的时候,费雯丽去观看一出为《皇家剧场》的话剧,主演是声鹊起的舞台剧演员——劳沦斯·奥利弗。她被他的英俊与表演所打动。
    They married. But her destiny would not remain domestic for long however,so on Angust 21st,1934she arrived at Lime Grove Studios to begin work on her first film,Things are Looking Up. In September,Vivien went to see a play called Theatre Royal starring a popular new stage actor,Laurence Olivier,and was intrigued by his good looks and stage presence.
  • 吉辛,乔治·罗伯特1857-1903英国作家,以其关于贫穷和艰辛的小说最出,比如新穷人街(1891年)
    British writer best known for his novels about poverty and hardship, such as New Grub Street(1891).
  • 那家度假村叫什么字?下个月我去关岛时千万不要住到那儿。
    What was the name of the resort? I'll make sure to avoid it when I go to Guam next month.
  • 美国人诺曼·c·霍尔著《美国、西藏和中国》披露,1957年,美国中央情报局从旅居国外的藏人中挑选六青年,送美国的关岛,接受识图、收发报、射击和跳伞训练。
    In his book The United States, Tibet and China American Norman C. Hall reveals that in 1957 the CIA culled six young men from among Tibetans residing abroad and sent them to Guam of the United States to receive training in map-reading, radio transmission, shooting and parachuting.
  • 他们表现出色,黄华东和黄力平获男子全能比赛前两。乔娅和关义青则获女子全能冠亚军。
    They did very well,Huand Huadong and Huang Liping came first and second in the men's overall events while Qiao Ya and Guan Yiqing led the women's.
  • 他们表现出色,黄华东和黄力平获男子全能比赛前两。乔娅和关义青则获女子全能冠亚军。
    They did very well, Huand Huadong and Huang Liping came first and second in the men's overall events while Qiao Ya and Guan Yiqing led the women's.
  • 在每一个分会中,两个组区的第一可稳操决赛的入场券。
    In each conference the two division winners are guaranteed a playoff spot.
  • 他们的行为最终被通用公司的一警卫发线。
    A guard chased them away.
  • 囚犯日夜被看守着。
    The prisoner was guarded night and day.
  • 士兵守卫着要塞的大门。
    Two soldiers guarded the gate of the fort.
  • 该院目前监护养育着500余儿童,大部分为身患残疾的儿童,其中包括接受社会寄养的100多伤残儿童。
    The institution now oers guardianship and rearing to more than 500 children, most of whom are disabled, including over 100 disabled children entrusted to its care by the society.
  • 该院目前监护养育着500余儿童,大部分为身患残疾的儿童,其中包括接受社会寄养的100多伤残儿童。
    The institution now offers guardianship and rearing to more than 500 children, most of whom are disabled, including over 100 disabled children entrusted to its care by the society.
  • 儿童福利院和其他也监护养育部分儿童的社会福利院监护养育的儿童主要是因天灾和不可预测事故失去双亲的孤儿,同时也监护养育因身患难以完全康复的智残、肢残等重残或因严重疾病而被父母遗弃的儿童,目前,这类在院监护养育的儿童共有2万左右,约占中国未成年人总数的十万分之五左右。
    The welfare homes and some social welfare institutions that also accept orphans oer guardianship and rearing mainly to children who have lost their parents during natural disasters or accidents, and also to those abandoned by their parents because they are seriously or almost irremediably disabled mentally or physically, or because they have contracted a serious illness. Currently, there are about 20,000 such children under the guardianship and rearing of welfare institutions, accounting for five per one hundred thousand of the total number of juveniles in China.
  • 儿童福利院和其他也监护养育部分儿童的社会福利院监护养育的儿童主要是因天灾和不可预测事故失去双亲的孤儿,同时也监护养育因身患难以完全康复的智残、肢残等重残或因严重疾病而被父母遗弃的儿童,目前,这类在院监护养育的儿童共有2万左右,约占中国未成年人总数的十万分之五左右。
    The welfare homes and some social welfare institutions that also accept orphans oer guardianship and rearing mainly to children who have lost their parents during natural disasters or accidents, and also to those abandoned by their parents because they are seriously or almost irremediably disabled mentally or physically, or because they have contracted a serious illness. Currently, there are about 20,000 such children under the guardianship and rearing of welfare institutions, accounting for five per of one hundred thousand of the total number of juveniles in China.
  • 妇女享有生命健康权、人身自由权、肖像权、誉权等人格权,享有亲属权、监护权、荣誉权、制造者身份权等身份权。
    Women enjoy the right to life and health, freedom of the person, the right of portrait, reputation and other rights relating the person; and they enjoy the right of kinship, guardianship, fame and status as a producer.
  • 真人真事:在一次邮政大罢工中,路易斯作为一国民警卫队士兵执行任务,负责投递邮件。
    True story: While on active duty as a National Guardsman delivering U.S. mail during a postal strike, he secretly gathered information for a Times story.
  • 一对仅一岁的危地马拉连脑女婴在经历了一场马拉松式的手术之后,终于被分开了。手术于8月6日早上结束,但不幸的是仅仅在几小时之后,其中一女婴因头部出血而被再次送回手术室。
    One-year-old Guatemalan twins joined at the head were separated in a marathon operation that ended early Tuesday,but one sister was returned to surgery a few hours later because of bleeding on her brain.
  • 格恩西奶牛原产于格恩西岛的一种白色和褐色相间的奶牛,以生产富于营养的黄色牛奶而闻
    Any of a breed of brown and white dairy cattle originally developed on the island of Guernsey and noted for producing a rich, golden milk.