  • [口]这不关他的事。
    It is not his funeral.
  • [口]这不关他的事。
    It is none of his funeral.
  • 第三节 由此可见,在列举和划分各种间接促进生产的劳动时,无需把为生产性劳动者生产粮或其他生活必需品的劳动包括在内,因为这种劳动的主要目的就是生产粮本身;
    3. From these considerations it appears, that in an enumeration and classification of the kinds of industry which are intended for the indirect or remote furtherance of other productive labour, we need not include the labour of producing subsistence or other necessaries of life to be consumed by productive labourers; for the main end and purpose of this labouris the subsistence itself;
  • 山墙突瓦,檐瓦,滴水瓦突出在屋顶的山墙上的盖瓦的边缘
    The edge of the tiling that projects over a roof gable.
  • "大众媒体已经给封住了,因此大家都不知道那里的事实真相。"
    The mass media have been gagged so nobody knows what really happened there. (喻)
  • 班珠尔,巴瑟斯特冈比亚首都和最大城市,位于冈比亚河与大西洋交汇处的一座岛上。1816年英国人建立为一个贸易站。人44,536
    The capital and largest city of Gambia, on an island at the mouth of the Gambia River on the Atlantic Ocean. It was founded as a trading post by the British in1816. Population,44, 536.
  • 走马疳,坏疽性炎嘴或生殖器部分严重的经常为生疽性的发炎,通常在感染了传染病后发生,最常发病于卫生条件极差或营养状况不良的孩子
    A severe, often gangrenous inflammation of the mouth or genitals, occurring usually after an infectious disease and found most often in children in poor hygienic or malnourished condition.
  • 上述已获美国政府出许可证的19台设备中,有4台性能最先进的5a3p(五座标三主轴)机床,未运回中国,在美国就地租给了莫尼托工厂。
    Four of the most advanced 5A3P (5-axis and 3-spindle) gantry profilers among the 19 items that had acquired US Government export license were not shipped back to China and were leased to the Monitor Corp. on site.
  • 芒斯特美国印第安纳州西北的乡镇,伊利诺斯州边界的加里市郊区。人19,949
    A town of northwest Indiana, a suburb of Gary on the Illinois border. Population, 19,949.
  • 他的脚在一块碎玻璃上划了一个大子。
    He gashed his foot on a piece of broken glass.
  • 再次裂开时血流如注。
    There was a gash of blood from the wound reopening.
  • 树液从树的切处涌出
    Sap flowed from the gash in the tree.
  • 看到血从他额上深长的伤里涌出来,她几乎要昏倒了。
    The sight of blood oozing from the deep gash in his forehead nearly blacked her out.
  • 在跳板比赛中做1周半反身空翻时,洛加尼斯在入水之前撞到了跳板,结果是不仅跳得很糟,而且头上划开了一个子,恐怕还可能受了重伤。
    In springboard competition, Louganis hit the diving board before he hit the water on a reverse 1-1/2 somersault dive, the result being not only a lousy dive, but a nasty gash on the head and fear of serious injury.
  • 听到意外的消息,我惊讶地吸了一气。
    I gasped with surprise at the unexpected news.
  • 我钻出水面急切地喘了气。
    I came out of the water and gasped for breath.
  • 游泳的人从水里钻出来喘气。
    The swimmer came out of the water and gasped for breath.
  • 我真想抽一口烟。
    I'm gasping for a smoke.
  • 8月里一个暖和的夜晚,"小淘气"没有按时回来,第二天早上才露面。他大喘气,脖子上都是血。
    One warm August night he didn't return at his normal time,and the next morning he showed up,gasping for air and bloody around the neck.
  • 有时一的酸水从肚子里翻上来,使你呕吐,但又吐不出半点东西;
    Sometimes, you feel nauseous, but you throw up nothing but the gastric juice.
  • 唇状部分腹足纲软体动物贝壳开处的内部边缘
    The inner margin of the opening of a gastropod shell.
  • 孔缘腹足纲的软体动物的贝壳的壳外缘
    The outer margin of the opening of a gastropod shell.
  • 脐和肚脐相似的小开或凹陷,如某些腹足纲软体动物壳的底部的洞,羽毛管的开中的一个,或种子的种脐
    A small opening or depression similar to a navel, as the hollow at the base of the shell of some gastropod mollusks, one of the openings in the shaft of a feather, or the hilum of a seed.
  • 大门有士兵在守卫。
    There are soldiers on guard at the gate.
  • 我们站在门看日落。
    We stood by the gateway watch the sunset.
  • 门卫被雇佣看守进或大门的人
    One who is employed to guard an entrance or gateway.
  • 事实上,没有什麽地方比香港更适合作为进入中国的自然闸
    Where indeed, but right here in Hong Kong, the natural gateway to China.
  • 经过这么多年之后,用在网站上的公共入界面(cgi)是否有未来?
    After all these years, is there any future on the Web for CGI-the Common Gateway Interface?
  • 另一方面,应用入对用户、应用程序以及它们运行的入主站来说是不透明的。
    On the downside, application gateways are not transparent to users, applications and the gateway host on which they run.
  • 两位天使晚上到了所多玛。罗得正坐在城门
    The two angels came to Sodom in the evening, and LOT WAS SITTING IN THE GATEWAY OF THE CITY.
  • 她把小孩出血的伤用纱布包扎起来了。
    She bound up the child's bleeding wound with gauze.
  • 医生用纱布包扎伤
    The doctor bound the wound with gauze.