  • 她愁出病来了。
    She worried herself sick.
  • 蜘蛛长着凸的腹部。
    The spider has a bulgy abdomen.
  • 这孩子出麻疹了。
    The child is sickening for meadsles.
  • 1911年,辛亥革命推翻了中国最后的封建帝制--清王朝,1924年逊帝溥仪被逐宫禁。
    In 1911 the last feudal dynasty, the Qing, fell to the republican revolutionaries. The last emperor, Puyi, continued to live in the palace after his abdication until expelled in 1924.
  • 这孩子要麻疹的样子。
    The child is sickening for the measles.
  • 汽车把那个孩子撞了,发一声可怕的闷响.
    The car hit the child with a sickening thud.
  • 那辆汽车撞在树上发让人难受的撞击声。
    The car hit the tree with a sickening crash.
  • 最后我厌烦她的粗鲁,把她走了我的房子。
    At last I sickened of her rudeness and asked her to leave my house.
  • 要把那孩子隔离开,我看他像是在麻疹。
    Keep that child at a distance, it looks to me to be sickening for measles.
  • 他伸手,接我给他的镰刀。
    He reached out his hand for the sickle I offered him.
  • 患胆病的似由上述不适影响表现的;有病的
    Appearing as if affected by such a disorder; sickly.
  • 从坟墓中挖;挖掘
    To remove from a grave; disinter.
  • 疾病使她失去了国的机会。
    Sickness deprived her of a chance to go abroad.
  • 他脸上露严肃的神情。
    His face was grave.
  • 每一个问题都有两个方面,如果你根据一个方面作决定并依其办事,那么站在另一方面的人当然就会对你的行动反感。
    There are two sides to every question. If you take one side with decision and act on it with effect, those who take the other side will of course resent your action.
  • ——美国广播公司(abc)新闻网在题为《考克斯报告漏洞百》的文章中说,《考克斯报告》存在大量令人吃惊的事实错误。
    --The ABC News of the United States said in a story headlined Errors Mar Cox Report that there are many amazing de facto mistakes.
  • 考虑到学生们就是未来的店主,教官们会严惩那些在腮胡、镜架方面格的学生。
    Mindful that the students are future shop owners, the teachers hector slackers about their sideburns and eyeglass frames.
  • 嗯,我很想帮忙,但abc公司不口冰箱到美国。
    Well, I 'd like to help, but I am afraid ABC Company does not export refrigerators to the US.
  • 嗯,我很想帮忙,但abc公司不口冰箱到美国。
    Well, I'd like to help, but I am afraid ABC company do not export refrigerator to the U.S..
  • 以上可能是防止我们单方面口的一些办法。
    Above may present some solution prevent our one sided export.
  • 表演会一种流动的娱乐演。通常包括旋转木马,各种游戏,以及穿插表演
    A traveling amusement show usually including rides, games, and sideshows.
  • 好几个人站在场外,为正在演的各类杂耍招徕观众。
    Several men stood outside the ground, touting for the various sideshows.
  • 他擅长躲避对手,在封阻对方的投篮或拼抢篮板球时做惊人的跳跃动作。
    He has the ability to sidestep opponents and to make prodigious leaps, blocking shots and grabbing rebounds.
  • 当我走近那个人时,我转身侧步而行以离他和他呼来的空气远一点。
    As I drew closer to the man, I turned my back, walking to sidestep him--and any air he might be breathing.
  • 费尔普斯的信激起了社区其他人的不满。他们对所谓表现恶略、成绩落后导致学校教学水平下降的逻辑提了质疑,认为其根本思想是一种种族歧视。
    Some in the community, rejecting Phelps' correlation of bad behavior and learning, took offense to what they saw as a racial sideswipe.
  • 孩子们在人行道上划方格,做“造房子”的游戏。
    The children squared off the sidewalk to play hopscotch.
  • 铁门刮着人行道发的刺耳的噪音。
    the jarring noise of the iron gate scraping on the sidewalk.
  • 这块岩石伸来了;遮阳蓬伸几个脚在人行道上。
    This rock sticks out; The awning extends several feet over the sidewalk.
  • 海茨帕转过身,盯着这位似乎刚刚悄然现在便道上的蓝眼睛的陌生人。
    Hesper turned and stared at the blue-eyed stranger who seemed to have silently just appeared on the sidewalk.
  • 所有的缩写都要完整地写
    All abbreviations are to be written out.
  • 而帕西诺最终从一夜的豪饮和吸毒中清醒过来的时候,影片中又现了世贸中心的镜头,不过这次是侧面横拍的镜头。
    The twin towers are shown sidewise in one scene - a shot used to convey a post-binge Pacino waking up from a rough night of booze and pills.
  • 列车转辙进出侧线。
    The train was switched into the siding.