  • 雄戏剧或叙事作品中缺乏传统雄品格,如理想主义或勇气的主人公
    A main character in a dramatic or narrative work who is characterized by a lack of traditional heroic qualities, such as idealism or courage.
  • 据我所知, 文里并没有这样的成语。
    To my knowledge, there is no such idiom in English.
  • “hard up”是语惯用语。
    To be ‘hard up’ is an English idiom.
  • 他讲新格兰乡下的方言。
    He speaks in the idiom of the new england countryside.
  • “hardup”是语中的一个习语,意为缺钱。
    To be"hard up" is an English idiom meaning to lack money.
  • 为找到一个与该拉丁语习语意义对等的语习语,他绞尽脑汁苦苦思索。
    He delved deeply into his mind for an English equivalent to the Latin idiom.
  • 使国化,使语化使形式、习惯用语、风格或特点方面国化或语化或类似国或语化
    To make English or similar to English in form, idiom, style, or character.
  • 美式语特征有美式语特色的单词、短语或成语
    A word, phrase, or idiom characteristic of English as it is spoken in the United States.
  • 语语法国人特用的词、短语、或习语,如大不列颠人所讲的
    A word, a phrase, or an idiom characteristic of or peculiar to English as it is spoken in Great Britain.
  • 你英文说得很地道。
    You speak idiomatic English.
  • 注意,不留心讲话中的习惯表达方式,那你就学不好语。
    Watch out that you can't learn English well without caring for idiomatic ways of saying things.
  • 一年的学习教会我,如果不注意习惯用法就不能学好语。
    A year's study has taught me that we cannot learn English well without watching out for idiomatic ways of saying things.
  • 这汽车每加仑汽油能走40里.
    This car does 40 mpg, ie of petrol.
  • 圣加蒙河美国伊利诺斯中部一河流,流程约402公里(250里),流向西南和向西注入伊利诺斯河
    A river, about402 km(250 mi) long, of central Illinois flowing southwest and west to the Illinois River.
  • 有多少不谙文、只受过基本母语教育,尤其是中年以上的人,还是生活在“电子时代”以外的隙缝里?
    There are still large crowds who are English-illiterate and barely educated in their native languages, especially those already past middle age. They are still denied the benefits of electronic technologies.
  • 一支蜡烛的点光源在每尺表面的照度的单位。
    a unit of illuminance on a surface that is everywhere 1 foot from a point source of 1 candle.
  • 照明单位等于每平方米流明;(待查表)尺烛光。
    a unit of illumination equal to 1 lumen per square meter; 0.0929 foot candle.
  • 附有关于品德和坚持不懈的图例》于1859年在国出版。
    With Illustrations of Conduct and Perseverance was published in England in 1859.
  • 七位精一组七个杰出的人物
    A group of seven illustrious persons.
  • 罗伯特·皮尔爵士就是靠早期的训练和重复,培养了引人瞩目的能力,尽管只是中等之才,也使他成为为国参议院如此增光的辉煌人物。
    It was by early discipline and repetition that Sir Robert Peel cultivated those remarkable, though still mediocre powers, which rendered him so illustrious an ornament of the British Senate.
  • 二十世纪早期美国和国诗人发起的一场运动,作为对维多利亚感伤派的回应;运用自由诗体的普通话,有清晰、具体的形象。
    a movement by American and English poets early in the 20th century in reaction to Victorian sentimentality; used common speech in free verse with clear concrete imagery.
  • 甚至如国和美国这样人口众多的国家,也正在认真地考虑效法瑞典人。
    Even countries with large populations like Britain and the United States are seriously considering imitating the Swedes.
  • 国四乔治第一世时期的人或有类似风格的人
    A person of, or whose style is imitative of, the period of the first four Georges of Great Britain.
  • 从1840年到1949年的110年间,、法、日、美、俄等帝国主义列强先后对中国发动过大小数百次侵略战争,给中国人民的生命财产造成了不可估量的损失。
    During the 110 years from 1840 to 1949, the British, French, Japanese, US and Russian imperialist powers waged hundreds of wars on varying scales against China, causing immeasurable losses to the lives and property of the Chinese people.
  • 我认为,语作为一门外语的学习是可以大大改进的。
    I believe the study of English as a foreign language can be improved immeasurably.
  • 镑能否够你急需之用?
    Or your immediate needs?
  • 国的流行音乐对美国影响很大。
    The influence of British pop in America was immense.
  • 在这样情况下,整个国就会发展成为一个庞大的工业城市。
    All England would thus be developed into one immense manufacturing city.
  • 古典神话中以力量著称的雄;为求长生不死做了12件伟业。
    in Classical mythology a hero noted for his strength; performed 12 immense labors to gain immortality.
  • 我全神贯注地学习语。
    I immersed myself totally in my English study.
  • 二战以后的几年,对于移民的工人来说,国似乎是一个繁荣和友好的国家。
    Immediately after the Second World War, Britain looked like a prosperous and friendly country for an immigrant worker.
  • 哈里逊又促使立法规定外国移民所开商号悬挂语招牌。此举令亚裔商人异常愤怒,但深为长久居住此间的白人所喜。
    Harrison also has promoted legislation to require immigrant businesses to post signs in English, which infuriated Asian business people but played well among longtime white residents.