  • 把有趣的细节都讲我听。
    Tell me all the juicy details.
  • 将细节都交给我们
    Leave all the details to us.
  • 阐明或解释;出细节。
    elaborate or expatiate upon; give details.
  • 他提出要借我一本侦探小说。
    He offered to lend me a detective story.
  • 为了扩大搜寻,特别是搜索失踪船只的残骸,一艘海军水道测量船采用了质子地磁仪,一种功率强大的金属探测器和侧扫描声纳。侧扫描声纳可以出三维读数。
    To extend the search, especially for the wreck of the missing boat, a naw hydrographic vessel employed a proton magnetometer -- a powerful metal detector -- and side-scan sonar, which gives three-dimensional readings.
  • 虚张声势通过假装有把握人印象、威慑或威胁
    To impress, deter, or intimidate by a false display of confidence.
  • 让我做你看,先把它浸湿,然后再加洗涤剂。
    Let me show you. First you soak it, then add some detergent.
  • 本书不打算名词所表达的概念穿凿入微地下精确的定义,只要所表达的概念足够明确,能满足实际需要就行了。
    It is no part of the design of this treatise to aim at metaphysical nicety of definition, where the ideas suggested by a term are already as determinate as practical purposes require.
  • 事物分出等级,事物分出等级。
    determine the grade of or assign a grade to.
  • 我决心付他100美元。
    I am determined to pay him100 dollars.
  • 我决心付他100美元。
    I'm determined to pay him 100 dollars.
  • 我决心付他100美元。
    I am determined to pay him 100 dollars.
  • 发现基因秘密的真正重要意义在于,开始引导我们去认识环境对我们行为、性格和健康究竟有何影响。此外,这一发现还对生物决定论予致命一击。
    The really critical implication of the discovery still lies with the door that geneticists have opened on the environmental influences of our behaviour, our personalities and our health, and for the critical blow it strikes the idea of biological determinism.
  • 在过去几个月里,滔滔洪水灾区人民的生命财产造成了巨大的损失,也灾区的工农业生产带来了严重的困难。
    The devastating floods over the past few months have caused tremendous losses in the lives and properties of the people in affected areas, and also great difficulties in local industrial and agricultural production.
  • 信息战争会胜利者带来巨大财富,使失败者蒙受沉重损失。
    Information Warfare offers tremendous financial gain to the winner and devastation to the loser.
  • 这些照片显影了吗?
    Have you developed the photo yet?
  • 他提供我最新的发展情况。
    He filled me in on the latest developments.
  • 过左和过右,均将予全国人民以极坏的影响。
    Any deviation, either to the "Left" or the Right, will create a very bad impression on the whole nation.
  • 把那个家伙应得的他。
    give the devil his due.
  • 这个年轻的法官最初的生涯是一个老律师当助手。
    The young judge began his career by deviling for an old lawver.
  • 这个法官最初一个能干的律师当助手。
    The judge began his working life as a young man by deviling for a clever lawyer.
  • 那我索性把这个鬼东西送他吧!
    I will take him the devilish thing!
  • 若在遗嘱中将完全保有的地产赠某人,就是不动产遗赠。
    Freehold land given in a will is a devise.
  • “只有傻瓜才认为把权力下放苏格兰会对它有好处。”“对不起,我不同意你的看法。”
    "Only a fool could think there was any advantage for Scotland in devolution." "I'm sorry but I don't agree."
  • 要将更多的权力交地方政府.
    More power is to be devolved to regional government.
  • 将工作交给别人
    devolve one's work on sb.
  • 他在出国期间他的工作被移交他的同事。
    His duties devolved upon his collegues while he were abroad.
  • "怀特先生生病期间,他的大部分工作移交了他的侄子。"
    "While Mr White was ill, most of his work devolved on his nephew."
  • 将(工作)交待某人,交由某人接替
    Devolve on to sb.
  • 将(工作)交待某人,交由某人接替
    Devolve upon to sb.
  • 在他生病期间,他的大部分工作将移交我。
    While he's ill, most of his work will devolve on me.
  • 总统无法行使其职责时,职责移交总统行使。
    When the President is unable to do his duties, they devolve on the Vice-President.