  • 在一个合同或条中,不与其他人(或国家)结盟的人(或国家)。
    people (or countries) who are not aligned with other people (or countries) in a pact or treaty.
  • 当时中国的国民党政府同苏联签订条,承认了雅尔塔的安排。
    At that time, the Kuomintang government signed a pact with the Soviet Union recognizing the arrangements of the Yalta agreement.
  • 中国亲日派大资产阶级的政治代表汪精卫,看了这种情形,吓得发疯,跪倒在日本面前,订立了日汪卖国条,把中国出卖给日本帝国主义。
    Frightened out of his wits by this fact, Wang Ching-wei, the political representative of the pro-Japanese faction of the Chinese big bourgeoisie, grovels before Japan and concludes a traitorous pact, betraying China to Japanese imperialism.
  • 反对销毁短程及中程核导弹条的人,其实心目中有一个更重要的目标,即正由莫斯科与里根政府磋商为了将超级强国家核武器一律削减百分之五十的条
    Opponents of the treaty eliminating shorter- and mediumrange nuclear missiles really have a more important target in mind-the pact being negotiated by Moscow and the Reagan Administration to reduce superpower nuclear arsenals by 50 percent across the board.
  • 翰的狗跟在他身边慢慢地走。
    John's dog padded along beside him as he walked.
  • 其中大有6000亩改成了稻田。
    Of this, about6000 mu were turned in to rice paddy.
  • 人工湿地4000万公顷,包括水库面积200万公顷,稻田3800万公顷。
    There are about 40 million hectares of artificial wetlands, including about 2 million hectares of reservoirs and about 38 million hectares of rice paddy fields.
  • 不要与只给你呼机号码而不给你家庭电话号码的男人会。
    Don't date a man who will not give you his home number but instead offers his pager number.
  • 年底时,共有31个持牌营办商向100万名客户(大每6人便有一人)提供公共无线电传呼服务。
    At the end of 1997, 31 licensees provided public radio paging services to one million customers (or about one in six of the population).
  • 康斯太伯,翰1776-1837英国风景画家,他对分裂色彩的使用影响了后来的法国画家们。干草车(1821年)是他最著名的作品
    British landscape painter whose use of broken color influenced later French painters. The Hay Wain(1821) is his best-known work.
  • 他们把翰和玛丽配成舞伴。
    They paired John and Mary for the dance.
  • 翰和珍妮还是孩子时他们的父母就撮合他们。
    Their parents paired John and Jane off when they were children.
  • 纳皮尔,翰1550-1617苏格兰数学家,他发明了对数并推广了小数点在记数中的用法
    British general who conquered(1843) and governed(1843-1847) Sind in present-day Pakistan.
  • 翰的笔友在信中告诉他在东京上学的情况。
    John's pen pal writes him letters about school in Tokyo.
  • 你应该和翰交朋友,他可以给你帮助。
    You should pal up with John. He's the man to help you.
  • 如果好和女伴儿或者哥们儿与一位异性见面,最后却取消会仍然算是不合礼貌的。
    cancelling on your gal pals or boy buddies for a member of the opposite sexis still uncouth.
  • (古犹太人法庭)执行主席大公元前180年到公元429年叙利亚人的巴基斯坦的古犹太高等参议院和法庭的执行主席
    The head of the Sanhedrin in Syrian Palestine from about180 b.c. to a.d.429.
  • 本奇,拉尔夫·翰逊1904-1971美国外交家。1950年由于他在联合国巴勒斯坦委员会的工作而获诺贝尔和平奖
    American diplomat. He won the1950 Nobel Peace Prize for his work on the United Nations Palestine Commission.
  • 哥摩拉城索达姆旁边的巴勒斯坦古代城市,现在可能位于死海下面。据旧圣经记载,这座城市因其居民罪恶深重而毁于一场大火
    An ancient city of Palestine near Sodom, possibly covered by the waters of the Dead Sea. According to the Old Testament, the city was destroyed by fire because of its wickedness.
  • 迦南由巴勒斯坦或其位于旦河和地中海之间的部分组成的一个古代地区。按旧全书,这里被认为属于“应许之地”
    An ancient region made up of Palestine or the part of it between the Jordan River and the Mediterranean Sea. In the Old Testament, it was referred to as the Promised Land.
  • 旦、以色列和巴勒斯坦希望本周末齐聚死海海岸参加世界经济论坛的各国领导人能够对他们的计划提供支持:拯救死海--这个地球的最低点。
    Jordan, Israel and the Palestinians are hoping that world leaders gathered on the shores of the Dead Sea this weekend will back their efforts to help save the lowest body of water on Earth.
  • 美国南方的小树,有开隐白花的圆锥花序,结暗紫色果实。
    small tree of southern United States having panicles of dull white flowers followed by dark purple fruits.
  • 那位老兵当然就是你爷爷翰!在持续数十年的时间里,我总是与他相守!
    The veteran, of course, was Papa John, and through the years I've kept on meeting him.
  • 你现在的年龄是差2个月到20岁,50年前,当我和你爷爷翰结婚时,我正好是你现在的年龄。
    You're exactly the age I was--two months short of your twentieth birthday--when Papa John and I were married 50 years ago.
  • 当时我告诉你我和你爷爷这次外出乘"伊丽莎白女王2号"是因为它的名字;1947年我就是在乘坐"伊丽莎白女王"海轮赴欧洲途中与你爷爷翰首次相逢的,我俩一见倾心,4个月后在瑞士结婚了。
    I was telling you we 'd chosen the Queen Elizabeth 2 for this trip because it was on her namesake, the Queen Elizabeth, en route to Europe in 1947, that Papa John and I first met. "We fell in love and were married in Switzerland just four months later, "I said.
  • 梵蒂冈意大利罗马城内的一个独立教皇国,临台伯河。它于1929年由教皇庇护六世和意大利的维克托·伊曼纽尔三世签署拉特兰条后成立,它自行发行货币和邮票并且拥有自己的报纸和广播设施。人口736
    An independent papal state on the Tiber River within Rome, Italy. Created by the Lateran Treaty signed by Pope Pius XI and Victor Emmanuel III of Italy in1929, it issues its own currency and postage stamps and has its own newspaper and broadcasting facilities. Population,736.
  • 翰在台湾喜欢吃木瓜,因为他在英国从未吃过。
    John liked eating papaya in Taiwan as he had never eaten it in England.
  • 翰在干送报纸的工作,但他却想到加油站工作,他的父亲说还是有什么工作干什么工作好。
    John has a job as a paperboy, but he wants a job in a gas station. His father says that a bird in hand is worth two in the bush.
  • 翰的叔叔留给他200英镑,他眼下正做着黄粱美梦。
    His uncle left him £200 and John is living for the time in a fool’s paradise.
  • 翰寄给她一个包裹。
    John send a parcel to her.
  • 翰寄一个包裹给玛丽。
    John sent a parcel to Mary.
  • 《巴黎和约》(1856)
    Peace Treaty of Paris (1856)